Day 18: ups and downs

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by kg7241, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. kg7241

    kg7241 Fapstronaut

    I first started strong last time I relapse because now I have no internet at all so it's kinda impossible for me to relapse but anyway when I started I loved life everything felt good I felt excited because it felt like it was going to be an end to my pmo addiction and my HOCD was slowly fading but it was still there and but ever since my 14th day I felt like complete crap my anxiety was killing me it's like I'm scared of everything literally everything! When I go out in the dark I freak out like a little kid or if I see something scary on tv I get super scared like a little kid idk everything scares me and my HOCD is still there but isn't bothering as much because of my fears of everything and today I had really strong suicidal thoughts because I realized that I can no longer enjoy life... I can't even enjoy a beautiful view of outside without having disgusting creepy thoughts... all I want to know is if this is normal in the recovery because my mind is going out of control with my anxieties and HOCD... will I recover by the end of my 90 days? Please help