Darn Good Day

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by EyesToSeeEarsToHear, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. EyesToSeeEarsToHear

    EyesToSeeEarsToHear Fapstronaut

    I did everything right for once. The Sgts were very pleased with my performance today.

    We all drove humvees with gear attached for 6hrs in convoy. I had an old one with ripped tarps. First time they let me drive with them and no issues I'm thankful.

    Then 1SG set me up w/ a big dog to handle paperwork I've had issues with for weeks. I'm basically getting a paid day off tomorrow.

    I feel certain not fapping combined with following other personal commitments had a lot to do with how smoothly work went for me today. A great day.
    Asgardian36 and Knighthawk like this.
  2. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    Bro I am not sure which country, but I think you're in the Army. Which is F awesome. I have huge respect for people in the military.

    Can you give a brief account of a daily routine of a military person in your country? Unless its confidential. Thank you!
  3. EyesToSeeEarsToHear

    EyesToSeeEarsToHear Fapstronaut

    Thanks man but I'm really not a big deal lol. I'm a low ranking reservist for now. Us Army Reserves. I just happen to work Monday through Friday at my Unit.

    Until this Sunday that is. I'll be training for 2 months at another location but then I'll be headed right back to my current location Mon-Fri.

    Once Reservists leave Basic Training and AIT our schedules differ completely depending on our job descriptions. I'll describe the training environment because if you plan to join that's what you'll get really familiar with.

    Wake-up during Basic and AIT was usually between around 0500 and 0600 (5am & 6am). First thing is usually morning formation in PTs (physical training uniform). From there usually PT (physical training) then after that marching to morning chow in formation during AIT but showering right after PT and changing to duty uniforms for marching to breakfast in Basic.

    Marching's usually pretty fun once you hit the phase where everyone calls cadences while marching. They usually didn't allow it until like 3 weeks in during Basic.

    After breakfast and showers Platoon Sgts take charge of their platoons and brief their platoons about what the rest of the day will look like. From there you basically await further instructions that usually entail learning and drilling a certain skill that you'll be tested or quizzed on fairly quickly after learning it. Usually not a super complicated skill but it's important to pay attention while Platoon Sgt is briefing so you don't piss them off and earn a "collective punishment" for the platoon.

    I have a time wasting habit of over explaining simple things over the net and I feel I'm doing that now.

    If you really want to join a military branch I have two suggestions.

    1. Look and search hard for all the sign on bonuses, student loan repayment programs, and job training opportunities you can find months before you actually enroll. After you enroll most of these programs are literally impossible to join in on for probably very foolish reasons.

    2. Seriously compare the Air Force to every other branch. I would highly recommend going Air Force over every other branch. Even though they have a reputation for being kind of weak and "lame" and all that I think the Air Force culture is a bit more refined and they're known to take educating and ranking up their soldiers more seriously than other branches. Especially more so than the Army. At least in this time in history.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  4. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    hi ETSETH,

    Thank you for taking time to explain the stuff. I really appreciate it. I am not a US citizen. I'm an international student and I'm not eligible for enrolling. Anyways Its great to know what you do on a daily basis. I find that very fascinating. I've watched Green Zone like 6 times. I love military movies. Watched Body of Lies and Black Hawk Down too but I love watching Green Zone again and again lol!

    I find the discipline very much interesting. And the language (Military Jargon.) If I go back to India. if there's an emergency, I'll definitely enroll in the Indian Army. We could be at war with Pakistan or China imho. But that's just me lol!

    Are there any military training programs that civilians can participate?
    EyesToSeeEarsToHear likes this.
  5. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    I saw 13 hours movie yesterday! Boy was it F awesome! I loved it. But in the end. I felt bad for the people who lost their lives. I'm not talking about the people who kill in the name of religion. I can only imagine the toll it has on the elite soldiers. Dying in the battle field is a noble and honorable death.