danger relapse patterns during unemployment

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by mdz, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut


    After 2 months of PMO free, i start to feel the relapse and cravings kick in again.

    Thing is that my job was outsourced to India, so being without job is not an ideal thing when doing NoFap Challenge. (my unemployment started before i decided to do Nofap).

    Does anyone experience that its easier to get job or make career, after several months of Nofap?

    I hope my frontal lobe will grow again and dopamine system heal, so it should only be better.

  2. William

    William Fapstronaut

    I think any kind of stress in our lives, including unemployment, can create the danger of relapse. Thanks for posting, by the way. Reading posts and replying are part of my recovery. Although I unconsciously became addicted, I, still, consciously used P to get a fix to reduce stress along the way. By this I mean I did not only PMO because I was addicted, but, before recovery, used it to momentarily forget about the world, the way, I am told, some people use a cigarette. I do think you will function better across the board after several months of nofap because about then your brain will become rebalanced and you will not need the fix. Good luck on your journey.
  3. TenderTalons

    TenderTalons Fapstronaut

    When I was unemployed, I found what worked best for me was turning my job searching INTO my job. I'd search and apply with a 15 minute break every two hours, and a half-hour break for lunch. It sounds silly, but giving myself that kind of structure helped keep me focused on the task at hand. If for any reason you get an urge, just come back here and talk to us instead.
  4. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut


    Yes, thanks William.

    Here are some situations that for me increases danger for relapse:

    1. Having too many shorter tasks to do in a day: For example: vacuum cleaning my apartment, shopping, writing CV, exercise meeting friends etc, on a saturday. Even too many nice hobbies can stress you.

    Having fewer but more time consuming tasks and duties makes it actually harder to relapse (for example painting my ceiling a whole day, or fixing my broken car). Hiking in forest.
    There is probably some psychology here, that humans don't like to have too many short tasks.

    2. Feeling energized, especially if you feel that "libido sexual energy", is like a very sharp sword. If used right its very good for you, but you can easily cut yourself if you are not used to that "weapon".
    Since i have been on PMO for decades, its like giving a Ferrari to a youngster who just got a drivers license.

    3. Being unemployed, or having trouble with boss. (which is a typical stressor)
  5. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Thanks Tender Talons!

    Yes you got a good point there. Since i am interested in graphic design, i now train my layout and design skills in making a good looking CV that is also easy to read. It has become like a challenge and a hobby at the same time.

  6. rebels8

    rebels8 Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry that you lost your job. You're an unfortunate casualty of our globalized economy and the ongoing jobless global economic recovery. What country do you live in by the way?

    I would say that the three things to remember when trying to overcome addiction to fapping and porn are self-control, self-control, and self-control. Yes, it's all about the self-control.