Daily Motivation !

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by GrandPasNewMan, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone !

    Here is my challenge:

    Every day, the participants have to write down here, using one paragraph, a reason why we must stay in the path of NoFap ! The purpose is that:
    - The participant writing his reason gets the occasion to think about it and developpes an idea daily, which can help him to personnaly stick to it.
    - Every participant in the group benefits from his paragraph, and by reading reasons written by others, we can all get a boost in our motivation !
    - Every people on the forum, even non active participant to this thread, can come here and get motivation !

    I am creating this challenge because I think that thinking once per day about why we are in this path is very useful, or else we can stop taking it seriously which leads to a relapse. But one can lack motivation for a few days; then reading a short paragraph from someone else about a specific reason to stop P may help !

    This is the first challenge I create, so please give me feedback.

    I think the best format is a short paragraph, clearly stating a reason to go NoFap and developping it.

    Possible themes:
    - building a better-self.
    - facts about the porn industry.
    - personnal struggles in life because of P.
    - a hobby you like which benefits from you being away from P.
    (many other themes possible ! focused on personnal life or not)

    We will just try to write motivational paragraphs daily, and if someone just posted one including a certain theme, we will try to mention another one, to keep every one motivated without being redundant.

    Last thing: I think a specific format may be useful. So Let's say the paragraph should have a title (example: STOP P*RN TO GET YOUR ENERGY AND WILL-POWER BACK FOR SPORT PERFORMANCE !) and then we would try to developp it in a short paragraph, between 4 and 20 lines maybe.
  2. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    We all know how P puts us in a state of no willpower. It draines our motivation on the moment, but also on long term, when it is implemented in our life as a habit. You can consult any success story about NoFap and get proofs of this, and you can also notive it from your own streaks. During my best streaks, when P is away from my mind, I feel like the whole day is mine to accomplish a lot of tasks, and I go and do the job without being lazy. In these moments I can get a lot done and be proud of it. On the contrary, When I am in a period of regular P and M, I am lazy and can't get things done without convincing myself to take mutliple breaks, thinking a deserve a reward for an easy task, procrastinating... I want this out of my life ! Don't you ? We can accomplish so much !
    Loving Loveless likes this.
  3. Loving Loveless

    Loving Loveless Fapstronaut


    Not many of these around these days. I truly wish that others stop with one-sided advice like 'abstain', or 'stay away from'. Instead provide reason to and what to do. Tips and tricks go a long way. Also, consider the someone posting may not intend for your specific interpretation to occur. Those who struggle, especially after a relapse, tend to just want to express, even though it can be INTERPRETED as negative. Have compassion for these persons, as we do not know their situation, and we might be in their shoes one day.
    Lovelife247 and FormerOnanNewMan like this.
  4. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    No-matter one's faith or views of PMO, its sheer nature easily draws one's mind and energy toward itself. This can make it very hard to think clearly about the things that really matter to you. Granted, some might consider that they are strong and able to endure PMO usage. And yet, according to a diversity of pornography usage studies, most do not seem able to resist. Is it worth entering into what one thinks to be a puddle only to wind up drowning in a sea of unwanted thoughts?
    FormerOnanNewMan likes this.
  5. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    Some may know the saying: if it is free, you are the product. This means that if an industry offers you something for free, it is because you, the consumer, is actually what they sell to someone else, for example the other company which has ads on the website. So you are the product. When you consume P, you may think you are in command, you may think that you decide to give yourself some pleasure; but actually, a whole system benefits from it and made everything they can to make you think you decided to do so. Your illusion of free-will doesn't change the fact that you are just a product, acting exactly like they need you too. We need to gain our lives back. Make your life the narrative of your decisions and your actions, not an empty and alienated product-like life, usedby someone else for their benefit !
    Leader of ME and AModernMiroku like this.
  6. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    Even if for different reasons and for different durations, the removal of PMO (for those here, anyway) is a definitive choice that one has made. Can one not maintain goals amidst difficulty, darkness, and the strain of desire? What is a man if he cannot keep his word?
    FormerOnanNewMan likes this.
  7. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut

    PMO IS A FALSE PROMISE (think of something like from the film The Matrix)

    Though bad sexual behaviors can often be found in real time and space (e.g., sketchy clubs, bars, communities, &c.), the PMO I discuss in this post is that which is found online. This digital PMO is a lie; it is watching or looking at others that, in a certain sense, do not exist but rather are mere recordings and images. When one is tempted to this kind of PMO, I think it is good to try to stop and think about what one is doing (even though this is difficult to do in the moment). Do you really want to take sensual pleasure in that which is a copy and not the reality? The intimacy that is desired will not be satisfied by this unnatural kind of lust. We deserve the reality.
  8. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    We are creatures of habit. The use of PMO is most often an addiction, and is therefore a kind of (bad) habit. Because of this habitual nature, it is far easier to fall back into it. This said, for those who have entered into a cycle of PMO use, they can also call to mind the habitual after-effects of using PMO. Generally, one feels shame and disgust for a number of reasons. The body might have reactions as well. Many of us who relapse will carry a sadness, depression, despair, and/or loneliness for hours (or longer) after the brief pleasure has faded.

    In short, before even beginning to use PMO, I advise asking one's self questions first. Today's self-reflection begs the participant to ask about the consequences of using PMO and to remember not only the brief pleasure (usually the only thing that is remembered) but also the terrible after effects that linger. Though this is a training through a negative motivator, even this can be employed to avoid PMO (because though man seeks pleasure, man also seeks to avoid pain).
  9. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    Some might claim that one needs PMO. This should be obviously false. One does not need many things in order to live. To add to the point, if one finds that one is making that claim ("I need PMO"), one is likely addicted to PMO. In any case, PMO is not necessary...and if you think it is necessary, there is all the more reason to stop.
  10. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    You probably know the feeling of being in a streak, feeling better and better, feeling that you are slowly curing yourself. The PMO will make you start back at the beginning of this, and you will waste all your efforts. You want to destroy a week, a month, even years of daily efforts, by coming back to what you swear to ban from your life ? You would be back at the beginning of your old journey, with some knowledge, experience, maybe useful habits, but you would be back at day 0, a PMO addict with fresh memory of your last relapse, and hard days coming, the days of someone who just got a taste of his drug and now must go back to getting rid of it. Because you know that after this relapse, after letting go, after consuming it willingly, you will have a clear mind again, and you will want to get rid of it again. Do not relapse, do not go back to P, because you know that the moment just after, you would regret it, but it would be too late.
    Leader of ME and AModernMiroku like this.
  11. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    A good advise I often read on this forum. You don't want to make your life about fighting something, you don't want all your day being about escaping something and feeling its presence. You need to concentrate on what you want to do, not just what you don't want. No PMO is a way, a mean, a tool, not the end, not the goal itself. Think about what you want to achieve and see your journey on NoFap as a way to get there, don't be focused on the fight itself, but the peace it will allow to come.
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  12. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    Chastity (to be vague: a form of discipline regarding a kind of sexual and sensual temperance--not to be confused with celibacy, which is absolute chastity, or rather, no sexual actions at all) has been long hailed by diverse cultures and religions. Perhaps you have a faith background that condemns the usage of PMO? Perhaps you are interested in the wisdom of other societies--especially those whose wisdom laid the foundation for our own society? Perhaps you are truly open-minded and wish to explore the reason why so many ancients across so many cultures acted as they did in regard to chastity?

    All of the questions point to an idea: If you have a religion or a philosophy that you take seriously, and it condemns PMO, you might wish to end your PMO usage to avoid hypocrisy.
  13. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    Eroticism is a part of every human culture, and it has its place in life, but as an intimate and genuine act. P offers a standardize product, made for consumption, nearly publicly promoted. You know this is wrong, and you know that the feeling of intimacy it provides is false. P is destroying our capacity to know authentic intimacy in all its various forms, explicitly sexual or not. So it may seem paradoxal but you can litteraly fight your P-use for the sake of eroticism.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  14. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    PMO surely involves pleasures and goods; otherwise, no one would even bother with it. Of course, these pleasures and goods are warped and disordered (or to put it in another way: not given over to their proper use). For many, PMO becomes a drug--not merely in the sense of its effects on the brain but even in its application. It is a dangerous self-medication with terrible side-effects.

    To the point, PMO takes on an escapist logic and avoids deeper things. It avoids the growth and creativity that loneliness and boredom can bring. It avoids asking the questions as to why one is addicted to PMO and its related issues. It avoids the healing that self-knowledge and suffering carry. It avoids the depths and keeps man at the surface.
  15. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    PMO often wastes tons of time. On a particular fall for a NoFapper, one might be hesitant to commit to PMO. As such, one might make false promises and very slowly give in. One might enter P deciding not to enter into MO...and yet, after hours and hours of P, one is overcome by MO as well. At the end of it all, so much time was lost. If the depression of the situation is particularly bad, one might binge and simply consume more and more PMO and waste more and more time.

    On the other side of the coin: if you have time for PMO, you have free time. Let your free time actually involve your free will! Enjoy an article or part of a book. Listen to music. Go for a walk. Fit in a quick workout (there are 10-20 minute workouts--even weightless at-home workouts...). Pray. There is so much that can be done!
  16. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    For a lot of people the P use has a place in one's life as the go-to drug to relieve pain, weither physical or emotional. When it is a habit, you don't even think about it anymore, you just apply what you consider an effective solution. Stopping this pattern "cause (stress) -> effect (P)" allows you to actually react to the cause, learn what is going on in your mind. If you read "success stories" from the dedicated section of NoFap, you will see how many people write that they got to learn themselves. You can developp the capacity to, when stress, problems, bad things happen in your life, or when an urge comes, stop, breath, focus on observing your thoughts like from the outside. Instead of an empty and mechanical "cause -> effect" pattern, you will be able to insert control and thinking in the middle, with more and more success and depth. You will be able to understand your thoughts and emotions and learn about yourself. You will eventually become able to treat yourself better than you would do in the past. This is a never-ending journey, because one can still learn about himself and how his mind works, for all his life.
    AModernMiroku and Leader of ME like this.
  17. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    Abstaining from PMO has numerous benefits. Some are physical. Some are emotional. Some are deeply psychological. Some claim to gain "super powers."

    While some of the benefits reported are likely unfounded ("bro-science"), a lot more of the benefits seem to be proven on some level. Read some of the accounts on this site. So many claim to have gained similar benefits from their own no PMO plan. Though even these reports are not from some scientific journal with stacks of peer reviews (aside: some of which are dubious, anyway), personal stories do bear weight in and of themselves--especially when many personal stories report the same thing over and over again.

    Besides this, even the unlikely "super powers" have potential to give the NoFapper benefits. The placebo effect is real---who knows if it has its place even here?

    In short: avoiding PMO can give you a multiplicity of benefits. Why not try at least a 90 day period out and see for yourself?
    FormerOnanNewMan likes this.
  18. GrandPasNewMan

    GrandPasNewMan Fapstronaut


    Think about your life as a story that could be told to anyone. You are the hero of it, the main character. What do you want this story to be about ? You want to be the best you can be, to offer a good story to yourself when you will look at the past. A wanker makes no good hero for a story. You must have a life that you can be proud of, right now, and that you will be proud of in the future. You want to offer an inspiring story, so start writing it with your acts !
    AModernMiroku likes this.
  19. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    Do you have aspirations to date, marry, teach, assume a high office, or even take on a religious/spiritual vocation? All of these duties absolutely require self-mastery and generally no PMO.

    In marriages and dating relationships, PMO is destructive and contrary to vows, human dignity, love, &c. If a man has children, the man should be able to follow the moral law he himself places upon his children.
    In teaching, high offices, and religious/spiritual positions, the same thing applies. To have true authority and influence in any station of life, one must lead by example. A leader who fails to follow his own rules of life is a failure, and his subjects usually know this amongst themselves.

    I recall that one of my friends (now an officer at West Point with high rank in class, &c.) gave up masturbation as a youth because the officer manual he was reading said simply that officers do not do this sort of thing (I am sure it said more than that). Even the military sees the value of self-control in its highest ranking officers.

    In short, if you ever aspire to any sort of authority--even simple, household authority--you owe it to yourself to end the vicious PMO cycle. Lead by example.
    FormerOnanNewMan likes this.
  20. AModernMiroku

    AModernMiroku Fapstronaut


    As NoFappers tend to say, PMO once started with simple things and lead to places that they never had expected to go. PMO always asks for more; it leads to a dependence which seeks ever greater satisfaction via novelty. And so, PMO re-wires the brain to seek the abnormal. PMO is a kind of gateway drug to more and more deviant, illicit actions. Some items that once seemed unsavory then become a part of an out of control addiction.

    PMO is a road that leads down many worse roads. My advice to you is to never even begin to start down this road at all.
    FormerOnanNewMan likes this.