Cured by love? lol

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by an0n8200, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. an0n8200

    an0n8200 Fapstronaut

    This is going to sound extremely cheesy, but I'm just interested to know if anyone else has had this.

    So I've had a pretty bad porn addiction for a long time now. I've been doing nofap since last summer and have had some decent streaks (longest is 31 days). Every streak I've had has been a struggle. Each day without porn would take a lot of willpower.

    I've recently started talking to this girl and we have a really great connection. We have the same sense of humour and being around her is really fun. Since I started getting to know her, I haven't had any desire to watch porn. When I see other attractive girls, I'm not sexualising them in my head. I even went on a porn site to test my suspicion (probably a very bad idea) and yep - nothing on there interested me.

    I finally feel free. This will hopefully be my last post for a while.
  2. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Totally makes sense! Replacing the bad habits with a real partner you actually love and care! The whole point of Nofap is to rewire yourself and your brain to the real thing!
    I'm really happy for you! Good luck and keep up the good work!
    an0n8200 likes this.
  3. AntiqueRevolverGuy

    AntiqueRevolverGuy Fapstronaut

    Yes, the desire for women in your life is now satisfied.
    I've certainly experienced this myself, not with porn but other things. Everything in my life was satisfied.
    The more you transmute this sexual energy towards your girl, and use your love for her to better yourself, the better.
    However don't take this for granted. 'Never say never' if you will. As soon as the relationship starts to get rocky, you might find yourself going back to your old habits. And then at that point, the addiction becomes a part of you again whilst you're in a relationship with her. It'll cause things to spiral out of control.
    an0n8200 likes this.
  4. Neurostudent

    Neurostudent Fapstronaut

    I don't mean to knock you down, but you're getting too cocky. The experience of love you have for this woman is currently more powerful than you addiction to pornography. This is because you're in the infatuation period. This will end. It absolutely will. Eventually the passion will begin to fall. Maybe you'll have a fight. Maybe you haven't seen her in a couple days and you have a really bad day. That's when the addiction will strike. That's when you'll start making excuses. Maybe just a peek. Maybe just this once. I'll see her in a couple days. I've been going long enough so when I see her it won't have affected me. It'll be okay. Okay sure. I'll do it. Now the addiction returns. Now it's more powerful than your love for her because in a moment of weakness you CHOSE to let it be more powerful than your love for her.

    And what about if you guys breakup? What happens then? Will your love for her help you? Or will your feelings of lose be only appeased by your addiction?

    Constant vigilance. Constant vigilance. Mad-Eye Moody had a fucking point man. Always journal. Always meditate. Always go to the gym. Whatever they are, always keep your positive habits up. They are what keep you going. Not your love for her. You. You are what cures you. Your personal habits are always more important than she is. Let your love for her motivate you to keep going, but never become complacent. Keep your own personal habits up as they are what keep you grounded and keep you pushing forward. Maybe she'll always be there. Maybe she won't. You are the only constant.
  5. LeeUK

    LeeUK Fapstronaut

    Couldn't have said it better.

    I thought a girl would 'cure' me and it didn't. It only masked the problems for a while and when things got tough, it reared it's ugly head again. Such an easy trap to get caught it, your brain can be your worst enemy during a reboot.

    You aren't cured, yet. But keep going and stay away from PMO at all costs. Just don't put this one girl on a pedestal like she has changed your life or something.
    Neurostudent, an0n8200 and Supination like this.
  6. Overapple

    Overapple Fapstronaut

    I was able to stop for a little over a week when I started dating my GF but fell back into it. Careful friend, don’t be tempted.
    an0n8200 likes this.
  7. an0n8200

    an0n8200 Fapstronaut

    Appreciate the replies guys. When the rough patches come I’ll do my best to keep going
    Neurostudent likes this.
  8. Neurostudent

    Neurostudent Fapstronaut

    And you will succeed. Congratulations on meeting this girl. I wish you both the best.
    an0n8200 likes this.