Conspiracy Theory

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by larrylarrylarry, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    No it's not a Conspiracy, sorry for the sensationalist title, but it sounds like one.

    Exhibit 1: A lot of guys, young and old, watch Porn, a lot of Porn.
    Exhibit 2: Porn is addictive. A lot of guys young and old are addicted to Porn, unbeknown to them / denial. I was one of them, I used to say: "That's not me"
    Exhibit 3: Big Pharma is making Billions of dollars selling those Magic Pills, you know the C-vitamin, the V-vitamin, the L-vitamin. My experience is that they work for a while, when I started using it, 5mg of C-vitamin was rocket fuel for 2-days; 2 weeks ago I took a stack of 20mg of C-vitamin AND 25mg of V-vitamin and did nothing, I was naked in bed with a new woman and I could not get it up.
    Exhibit 4: Despite enough scientific studies in PIED and a lot of empirical evidences, the established scientific community goes out of its way to discredit and ridicule PIED.
    My Theory: PIED is real, and rebooting is a real solution to PIED. I believe that the vast majority of ED is actually PIED or highly influenced by P & Fapping to P; but Big Pharma industry is doing all they can to protect their multi-billion dollars industry of magic pills.

    Kudos to the pioneers of NoFap.
    Kudos to the people who made the NoFap community possible.
    Kudos to everyone in here who is using their critical thinking skills and researched their issues, overcame denial, and have the humility to see that we ourselves were the problem, and we are also the solution.

    Thank you NoFap, fuck you Big Pharma and your cronies.

    I have no harsh feelings towards P, it's protected under the 1st Amendment and freedom of speech. Personally I have cut it off from my life, once and forever.
    nitsuj0786 likes this.
  2. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Way to go :)

    I thought the same. PIED is such a common problem but it seems noone takes it seriously although it's in our faces. Luckily we have each other and can share our experiences and have succesful rebooters to guide us. We are on our own. The health industry doesn't love us and our families, just our money.

    I have also been thinking about the myth that ED comes with old age. Maybe some older guys are simply sexually exhausted because they never had a break from orgasms. Maybe older guys can reboot too and function like younger guys agian if they abstained for a few months.
  3. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut

    Hmm you might be on to something :p
  4. Antti Rytkönen

    Antti Rytkönen Fapstronaut

    larrylarrylarry, there's 100% truth in what you say.
    I'm not a religious guy, but I said to myself that once I get cured from this addiction I will become an ambassador of a P free life. Actually, I'm already one while being still addicted. You can check my journal to understand that P has already destoyed my relationships and probably my brain too. Especially we have to prevent what happened to me personally, getting exposed to P in a very young age. No, P is not just an innocent thing. It's one the most serious shit we face nowadays in our society. And now walking on the streets of my town I always ask myself could that guy be addicted as well? And I think that there's hell a lot of addicted guys who are involved in a disgraceful spiral of PMO. I promise I will become one of the strongest opposers of P that have ever existed on this planet. No more destruction to our brains and relationships.
    overclocked and larrylarrylarry like this.
  5. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    ED was virtually unheard of in men under 35 before high speed internet porn. Truth.
    Today every day young men make new accounts here because ED reared it's ugly head.
    I do have issue with porn. I didn't use to but after porn directly effected my life and I began researching it, it opened my eyes. It destroys lives and ruins marriages. It promotes sex with minors also. That 25 year old girl who looks 16 and presents herself as 16 while men fap away fantasizing about having sex with a minor. Truth.
    overclocked and ons.obb_swaha like this.
  6. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    Antti, thank you. You know and I know and everyone else knows that it's not a conspiracy theory per se, nobody conspired to create what we have but.... it's like when someone walks down the street and sees a crisp $10 dollar bill on the ground, with nobody in sight.
    Sure you can leave it there . . for the next person to walk by.... it's tempting to pick it up and pocket it.
    I've done it.
    And I think I am an honest person. Not a god fearing person since like you I am not religious.

    Big Pharma companies have found themselves on a winning streak at a casino-like table.
    They are not going to do anything to kill their cash cow, and they are going to do anything in their power to protect those cash cows. Who wouldn't?

    I also believe in the First Amendment and freedom of speech, so I have a philosophical aversion to banning porn.

    That leaves you and I and everyone else in this forum puzzling on what to do.
    Well, fist and foremost do the NoFap thing. I am at day 1o myself of P-free and I feel great. And then... I am not the type to go door to door knocking "Want to talk about Porn and Fapping?"

    LOL, that would be funny. Maybe a comedy show, but not in real life, not for me.

    But I am going to be vocal online, writing about my experience, my thinking, what brought me here, the struggles etc. The internet never forget, and the more we all write about it, in here, on Reddit, or on a personal blog (this is mine) the better it is, it creates online awareness to some poor guy who googles "Why is my dick not working anymore?" or something similar.

    That's what we can do, and that's something, traditional media has run some stories about NoFap, the more awareness the more the traditional media would cover this issue.
    Who knows, maybe one day one of the big celebrities will pick up this cause because he was also addicted to fapping and got PIED: Bradd Pitt? Geroge Clooney? Matt Damon? Chances are that one of the big names is one of us.

    Let's all keep up the NoFap, and spread the word as much as we can.

    See also my other post: Porn Addiction / PIED: what we can all do to help