Compulsive M Before Bed / Sleep & Dream Quality

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by 2023, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. 2023

    2023 Fapstronaut

    Anyone else have urges right before bed? I have a theory that MO right before sleeping knocks me right out and helps me fall asleep (whether my actual sleep quality is affected I am not sure). Also, I seem to not remember any dreams on nights where I M and then fall asleep. Compared to nights where I abstain and can remember dreams more clearly. Would like advice on how to break this habit and fall asleep naturally.
  2. Dangeresque2

    Dangeresque2 Fapstronaut

    I pretty much have the opposite problem. I usually have urges when I wake up in the morning. I also find that after 3 days or so of no PMO, I begin to dream a lot and much more vividly. I'm currently at 80 days on this streak, and I love being able to experience dreams again since starting NoFap.

    When it comes to sleep though, here's what I found helps:
    1. Go to bed at the same time every night (wake up at the same time every morning)
    2. No screens right before bed (I personally also use blue light glasses after 6pm)
    3. Have a routine. Mine is reading for an hour or so then changing into pajamas and brushing my teeth.
    4. Practicing mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness helps prevent my mind from racing and keeping me up at night.
    I hope that some of these are realistic and help you out.
    Augustine_, 2023 and M_H like this.
  3. 2023

    2023 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the reply. I have had urges in the AM as well and often fall victim to the early AM M to "clear my mind for the day" and the PM before bed to easily fall asleep. At least that is how I justify it to myself, in reality its just that lying in bed is a dangerous environment as I so easily associate the habit with this setting. The steps you provided are helpful and I will look to motivate myself to have a routine.

    Even brushing my teeth before bed has become less common since I am often focused on getting myself off instead, and falling asleep immediately after. My 2023 goals are to workout 3-4 times a week, meditate daily, and eat right. None of these will be achieved unless I face this addiction head on.
  4. I agree with the points @Dangeresque2 made. Switch your phone off or set it on silent and leave it in a different room if you can. Fapping only paralyses the brain hence we may wake up feeling spaced out and lost. I like the idea of reading an actual book before bed and once you feel sleepy, you just nod off. Note taken. All the best with your goals. I am sure those activities will help you mentally and physically while continuing your NoFap mission.
    2023 likes this.