completely addicted!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by chrisj, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys,
    New to NoFap, thought I would give it a go as I have come to realise how my porn addiction has started impact my relationship, my free time and also work.

    I started viewing porn as harmless pictures when I was younger and I am now a 26 year old that has to watch hardcore porn every day - to the point where I take my self away from my friends to make time for it, not going to gym and making time so I can watch it. It has got out of hand I have actually removed all porn now off my computer! I feel a little better but I know I have these craving to watch again.

    It sounds so pathetic that I feel like I have to watch, like I have to get off to porn when I have an amazing partner in my life. So this is why I joined, I think I need some support and also to see if others have the same issue. I know if I can quit smoking I can quit porn.

    Does anyone else find it hard, any tips? It has been 5 days now since I last watched it! which believe me is an accomplishment!!

    thanks guys!
  2. Friday

    Friday Fapstronaut

    Hi, I am new too this two. Decided to stop looking at P 4 days ago. I still get urgings, and sometimes really want to look at it. However I know now it doesn't help in the long run. Not really got much advice but let you know that I am in the same boat!
  3. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    Good on you for stopping it as well, the urges are always there the minute you turn the computer on so know how you feel man, 4 days is good! Don't stop! I think it will be really worth the effort when you have all this extra time on your hands!
  4. Rookie_Wookie

    Rookie_Wookie Fapstronaut

  5. Shakti

    Shakti Fapstronaut

    You have a GF - that's very important. Everytime you feel the urge try to think about her, how much better boyfriend you'll become without PMO.

    Get out of house a lot, meet GF, meet friends, sign up to a gym. Without PMO you should have more free time to focus on your hobby, work, on things that you care about.

    Try not to think that you just quit PMO - take it as getting a new approach to life, making a permantent change that will make you a better person.

    Good luck :)
  6. fapoholic23

    fapoholic23 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, it's not pathetic, it's an addiction :)

    Scientifically speaking, when we watch porn and masturbate, dopamine is released in the brain and over time, we need more and more stimuli to get the high we first got from watching porn/masturbating. There are some great threads on here with links to explain it. Alternatively, visit yourbrainonporn for more information.

    Best of luck on your journey brother

  7. Orion78762

    Orion78762 Fapstronaut

    All I can say is: have you talked to your partner? Maybe you can ask her for help.
  8. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the responses and support guys. I haven't spoken to her about this and I don't think I will, I want to try and stop on my own terms. Already coming up to a week with no porn I'm starting to see her in a whole new way and not masturbating every day has helped a lot , the only release I get is from her and with no porn or masturbation this has helped with intimacy and also In the pleasure department so I'm going to keep going and make it 90 days! I know how easy it is to fall back into the porn trap but I have not ever been more determined to quit it for good!
  9. MoonUser

    MoonUser Fapstronaut

    Take it a day at a time. Live in the present. Stop worry by being grateful. Godspeed!
  10. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut

    I'm only a few days in and my girlfriend has noticed something "different" She has commented on it in multiple ways. Such as "why are you so lovey?" "why are you so cute the last couple days?" "why do you have so much energy?"

    It's already having an impact on my life quitting PMO. This morning was a real struggle when I went home I crawled into bed with her and I really felt a massive urge to go PMO but I overcame that for her. I laid down and just went to bed.

    Good luck with your journey! Just know that it is all worth it!
  11. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    That's good to hear buddy! It's worth resisting and the improvements are very noticeable, your relationship will improve big time by just stopping these two things. I know your struggle man, it's tough but keep going! I know I've only stopped and even though it's hard, the improvements far outweigh the 30 minutes sitting in front of a computer when you can be spending that time with her.
  12. rationalist

    rationalist New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, new to this site and forum. I never thought watching porn could be a problem until lately. True as some people say, every time your threshold increases. Dont get the same high with same stuff.

    I haven't been addicted to anything before. Won't get used to this one. Have taken the first step by coming here. Will take the rest by showing how much control i have. Believe me, this is the first time i am trying anything like this. Wish me luck guys.
  13. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    Hey man it's good that you came here, we are all here to support you! It's tough and will be a challenge but it will be worth it! Hope you pull through! It's a great place for support.
  14. madmax1

    madmax1 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this advice. So easy to forget.

    1st 3 to 4 weeks are the hardest. The urges can be very difficult to deal with. Things then get easier but everynow and then a blast of temptation comes. I had the latter yesterday but pulled through. The need for dopamine rushes is still there for me obviously.
  15. Ex-timewaster

    Ex-timewaster Fapstronaut

    Only began challenge myself. Non-porn triggers (e.g. swimsuit and lingerie models in catalogues) are always downfall for me - go long periods, year or more, and urge to view comes back and I stumble into computer porn abyss, with attendant wasted time, distraction from meaningful pursuits and relationships, and depression from failure to stay away from activity that I know is harmful. I know where you're at. Stay focused on why you want to quit. Identify and avoid what triggers relapses in your situation.
  16. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    So last night I went out with some friends and ended up at some friends house afterwards, the problem is when you have a bunch of guys together, somehow the topic will always turn to porn. It was pretty bloody hard to not want to excuse myself to go watch some after hearing them all joke about what they watch. But I am glad to say it is the morning now and I have not watched one bit of it. that was the most challenging moment so far but I am sure there will be more to come! but on a plus, I have made 7 days PMO free!

    Thanks Ex-timwaster for your advise, good luck with your goals too!
  17. chrisj

    chrisj Fapstronaut

    Well, last night I couldn't help it, the urges got to me and I broke at 10 days :( so disappointed. A positive though, I didn't look at P it was just MO. While this is a really disappointing I am resetting my counter but may add another one for P as I am finding that is actually easier to give up this.

    Is anyone else having that same problem? I would have thought giving up P would be so much harder but it isn't!

    I really would like to give up both but it's pretty hard! Not that I thought a habit that had been with me for years is going to be easy.

    Ps. Sorry for shit spelling, typing on a phone is bloody annoying!