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Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MichaelGuadalupe, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    I just found myself doing a YouTube search for x-rated content. Fortunately no nudity/porn appeared. I’m restless, bored and having difficulty focusing on the work I have to do.

    Instead of continuing down that path I decided to make this post. Anything to remain sober. I’m on a 30-something day streak right now. My fiancée knows and is supportive. I’m trying to get my mind and soul right. One day, one hour, one minute, one moment at a time.

    Alright, back to work.

    Arkady Shevardnadze and learning like this.
  2. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Why were you on YouTube searching for x-rated content? There is no x-rated content on YouTube. The best YouTube has is maybe R-rated. I stay off YouTube. Too much of what is on there is triggering. According to your counter, you are on 36 days of no PMO. If you are trying to reboot, you cannot be searching for porn period. I'm glad you got off of YouTube and decided to post here instead. That is what I do when I get unmanageable urges. Fortunately, they don't come very often. I have a question: are you working from home? Is that the type of work you are doing? If so, try to stay focused on your work. If you get restless and bored, it's time to take a break. Go watch TV, read a book, do some quick exercise, something to distract you and that is good for you. Then you won't spend valuable time searching for porn. Also, put a porn blocker on your computer and phone. Delete any and all porn-related bookmarks off your computer and phone. Do these things and the chances of relapse go way down. Good luck.
  3. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Why were you on YouTube searching for x-rated content? There is no x-rated content on YouTube. The best YouTube has is maybe R-rated. I stay off YouTube. Too much of what is on there is triggering. According to your counter, you are on 36 days of no PMO. If you are trying to reboot, you cannot be searching for porn period. I'm glad you got off of YouTube and decided to post here instead. That is what I do when I get unmanageable urges. Fortunately, they don't come very often. I have a question: are you working from home? Is that the type of work you are doing? If so, try to stay focused on your work. If you get restless and bored, it's time to take a break. Go watch TV, read a book, do some quick exercise, something to distract you and that is good for you. Then you won't spend valuable time searching for porn. Also, put a porn blocker on your computer and phone. Delete any and all porn-related bookmarks off your computer and phone. Do these things and the chances of relapse go way down. Good luck.
  4. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    I was doing a search for x-rated material on YouTube because I knew it wouldn't have any. I used x-rated words (avoiding words here as not to be a trigger for anyone). I play this game with myself where I walk close to the edge without jumping off. Not a good look.

    I don't work at home most of the time. I happen to be enjoying paid time off so doing a little work from home.

    I've used porn blockers in the past but it interferes with searches and articles I need for my work although I'm not sure why (I'm in the healthcare field).

    Will take your advice on having back up activities and really leaning into them.

    I lift weights and like to kick it with my fiance.
  5. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE="MichaelGuadalupe, post: 2825845, member: 419520"

    I was doing a search for x-rated material on YouTube because I knew it wouldn't have any. I used x-rated words (avoiding words here as not to be a trigger for anyone). I play this game with myself where I walk close to the edge without jumping off. Not a good look. [/QUOTE]

    YouTube may not have any x-rated material but it has plenty of risque music videos. Miley Cyrus spends most of the time barely dressed in her videos and I've heard she was nude but strategically placed on the wrecking ball so you don't see much. I think people like you and me should stay off YouTube (especially if you spend time doing searches using x-rated words). These days, more and more the words in music are more explicit. That means those words you search for WILL show up in the lyrics and probably in the title for the video. I stay off YouTube unless someone gives me a direct link to a video that is more wholesome.

    Unfortunately, that means you have more time to watch porn. Don't let yourself be coaxed by boredom to watch porn. There are a lot of porn blocker programs and browser extensions. Find one that works for you. I tried many before I found one that works for me. I use a browser extension for my Google Chrome. Enjoy your paid time off but don't get enticed to look at porn.

    Probably because your work uses medically explicit words for body parts. Just a guess. Anyway, have you tried ALL porn blockers. Keep looking. I assume you work on a computer, not a phone. There are porn blockers that simply block porn sites by name. Also, you can use one browser for work and another for personal use. Put a porn blocker extension for your browser on the personal browser. Use the other one for searches only relating to your work and nothing else. This will allow you to keep your work and your personal time separate.

    Ah, you're like me. I have been in a relationship with a wonderful woman. I have been a porn addict for more than 30 years so I didn't stop when we moved in together. She discovered my addiction pretty easily. She and I talked about it but I wasn't in a place to accept what she was saying because I had never heard of porn addiction. I waited another year and a half and i thought about it again. I got curious and starting researching. I found a few sites that talk about the addiction and rebooting to get my head back together. I was fapping every night, just once a night while watching porn. My addiction got worse nine years ago when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had the surgery to remove the prostate AND the cancer within. After I recovered more than two weeks later, I began to get scared that my sex life was over. So I went back to fapping to porn and I wouldn't stop because, in my head, if I stopped, I wouldn't be able to rise to the occasion. About a little more than a week ago after my research, I realized I was an addict. I did all the prep work I detailed above and then started my journey. So I have had added challenges that I did not anticipate. Finally, I'm 59 and my better half turns 60 later this month. She has been going through menopause for nearly 10 years and now she's post-menopause. Add that to depression and agoraphobia and she has totally lost her libido. I haven't. For me, the spirit is willing but the body won't respond. I am rebooting then assessing where I want to go from here. Sorry for the novel but I wanted to share my story. If I can resist porn and fapping, so can you. I will support your journey. I know it won't be the same as mine but you CAN do it!