Cincinnati zoo kills gorilla to protect small enclosure

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Lazarus Shuttlesworth, May 31, 2016.

  1. Sooo a little boy falls into a gorilla cage, the gorilla gets shot and people are mad at the boy's mother for not watching him.
    If my baby is in the cage with a gorilla and is at risk of being harmed, I'll be damned if you are gonna just sit back and hope that the gorilla does the right thing.
    Rather then celebrating the fact that the zoo keepers saved a child life. People are mad that they shot the gorilla who could've killed this child with one hand. GTFOH
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  2. The Progressive One

    The Progressive One Fapstronaut

    No. They're mad at the negligent parents for letting the kid fall into the pit in the first place. An innocent animal had to die because people in this country are stupid and irresponsible.
    nomo, vulture175, JesusGreen and 4 others like this.
  3. Are you a sorcerer or something bro? Taoist Immortal perhaps? Or just a really old man? About time you stopped fapping at your age :p
  4. I'm not a parent but the real issue here is that their fencing doesn't keep out children. Even the best of parents don't have an eye on their child literally 24/7. The zoo is just as much at fault if the cage is so easily accessible that a boy can wander off and fall into the enclosure.
    Deleted Account and black_coyote like this.
  5. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    I'd like to see some pictures of the enclosure. Did he really not climb over a fence or something?
  6. At that point yes it makes sense that they shot the gorilla - although more for reasons of being able to protect the zoo than the kid - it's likely they could have evacuated the kid safely, as the gorilla didn't seem to intend to hurt the child, but even the tiniest chance of the kid getting hurt could be enough to cause a scandal that'd have the whole zoo shut down - and even a 1/10000 chance of that happening is too much for an organisation like that to risk. It sucks and isn't a fair decision, but I think in a situation where they're under pressure like that, the choice between end the animal's life vs even a 1% chance of a child's life ending is always going to be pretty clear cut.

    So although I think it's a waste of life - it's not the zoo staff that shot the animal that I'm the most mad at. It's the people who planned the enclosure and didn't make it more secure - and worst of all, the parents of that kid.

    It should be a rule or something that if you're that negligent at childcare that your kid gets into a dangerous animal's enclosure - the zoo staff chuck you in to the enclosure to fend for yourself and attempt to get your kid back yourself. Maybe if it was the parents who faced death by tiger or gorilla or whatever - they'd actually be a bit more cautious in watching their children. Y'know? ;)
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  7. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    The parents or mother who you are defending are negligent. If the kid had time to wander into a gorilla cage, he could have also wandered away with a stranger, or found himself in other kinds of danger. It's BS that we always have to blame someone else for our stupid behavior. That fence kept 100,000's of kids safely away from the gorilla's until this parent came along and let her kid run unsupervised in a public place. She's an idiot.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    ShotDunyun and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  8. Rahultrup

    Rahultrup Fapstronaut

    Okay the point is a gorilla lost his due to those parents who couldn't take care of their child.... Atleast the mother should be banned from all the zoos
  9. aman chawla

    aman chawla Fapstronaut

    Everyone is right at there place. Parents did a mistake. But it was all in god's will. Child fall into the cage. And after that if you will not shoot the gorrila child's life will get in danger maybe child gets killed by gorilla and if you will protect the child you have to kill the gorilla. In both cases someone has to die. What happened it was all in the god's will. God always do right because god is always right.
    Rahultrup likes this.
  10. Even tho I personally don't see kid's life as more valuable than gorilla's life it makes sense to pick our own species in a hard situation like this. Especially when it's kid, cos in case he would die it would crate a lot of noise, possible law suits and other problems. I wonder would they have shot gorilla if instead of little kid a middle aged adult man would have fallen in? Probably not. So in this case it is more of a political decision than anything else. A logical one tho. Bad coincidence of circumstance, that's all. Unfortunate.
  11. Zoos need to be shut down. You want to see a animal? Go read a book or watch a documentary.
    ShotDunyun and Deleted Account like this.
  12. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Huh? How is it all in god's will? Is, according to you, everything in god's will? How does it make sense to try to lead a good life anymore, then? If murder and theft is all in god's will...
  13. aman chawla

    aman chawla Fapstronaut

    We can't understand god's will. If anyone understands god's will he doesn't speak in ego. God is great god is everywhere in everything in you in me. I was saying it was in god's we can't change that already had happened so move on don't think too much live happy:).
  14. Rapparee

    Rapparee Guest

    This is my thinking, most of them are not good places anyway. I think it be a level playing field in the natural environment, in actual fact the gorillas like most animals in the wild don't bother people unless they're being stupid. I think the parents should be put in a cage for being so stupid, poked at, laughed at and generally humiliated, see how they like it? Maybe it might teach them to be more responsible in the future and appreciate life.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Alex10s

    Alex10s Fapstronaut

    Sad for the animal but dont blame parents... He is a kid.. I mean he could just run and fell and not even notice it..
    This could happen to the best parents of the world ..