Choosing isn't weak

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by JohnnyNoFap, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. JohnnyNoFap

    JohnnyNoFap Fapstronaut

    Hey people,

    In another post I talked about the affect of PMO on one's relationship. I'm in relationship myself, as I wrote earlier and I'm facing the difficulties of PMO, but also abstaining from sexuality. Now, I don't ask anyone to agree with me, but I myself am striving after a pure relationship in which sex is to be 'done' in marriage alone. PMO has changed my mindset and almost lead me into objectifying the woman I love, so from now on no more sleeping together, not to much 'hot action', just trying to save what's left. I believe that waiting can lead to something way more beautiful later on. I also do believe, as I mentioned in The Great Wall, yet Thin Line between Porn and Sexuality - Perspective PMO can really get hold of our relationships. And here's my statement about it: I choose to abstain from certain stuff, even with my girl. It's tough, but the goal is for a greater good. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just trying to make a point here and hope to see some people are with me. We don't wanna get hurt in the end, right? That's why I think my choice to say 'no' isn't weak.

  2. That's great man, I'm doing the same thing. Ditching PMO and abstain from sexual stuff with my girlfriend, until we get married. You're not alone in this fight!
  3. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    Great goals, and very brave of you to come out and voice an unpopular opinion.
    In the end, it's of course, your choice, but I would suggest taking it a step further and eliminating all the 'hot action.'
    JohnnyNoFap likes this.
  4. Yeah I wonder what he mean by that as well. For comparison we allowed to kiss each other, and hug, but clothes stay on, no touching of the intimate parts either.
    I know a couple who let themselves too much, namely rubbing..or...whatever and now they struggle to keep themselves from having more. But I also know another couple, who not even held hands until they got married. That seems a bit harsh to me, but they thought that it was necessary.
  5. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    For me, hugging would be okay, kissing would be okay, but not making out/kissing for more than a second or two. If it's just a quick show of affection that doesn't leave you wanting more, I think it's okay. I understand the no hand holding as a guard against going further, but I think it's a little overboard too, but maybe some people need to do that.
  6. We had our first kiss when we were 5 months together, and we did make out a bit later, but then we decided that it was too much, so only lip kiss is allowed. Furthermore I was in the middle of the 90 days and I got some blue balls because of the arousal. Anyway, after more than a month we made out again, breaking our own rule, but we could comfortably resist going further, so we are now allowing that too. It's working okay, but it might not work for everybody. Also we are not teenagers, so we kinda know what we are doing.
  7. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I think that making out would be a problem, regardless of age. It puts too much focus on the activity, that is to a degree, sexual/foreplay. I know I will avoid it until I'm married and we're using it as foreplay.
    I'm just sharing the view I hold, and giving you some food for thought, not trying to tell you how you must live your life. (not that I would object if I helped change your mind ;))
  8. Yeah I get what you mean, it's certainly a valid point of view. But I was feeling that we were lacking physical intimacy and passion, and that it hindered our relationship. We weren't really acting like a couple in love, and that didn't exactly felt right. Like..I don't know...if would be a couple who already extinguished the flame between them. I didn't want to suppress that fire between us, only keep it alive, and I was feeling that it dropped too much. On the other hand, I'm really careful not to "fan the flame" too much, if you know what I mean. I don't want it to be uncontrollable, but I also don't want it to die out.
    But I'll certainly consider what you advised, because I see wisdom in it. Thanks.
  9. JohnnyNoFap

    JohnnyNoFap Fapstronaut

    Yeah I found that, not doing stuff is WAY harder than it looks, especially when you already crossed that line MANY times. I REALLY appreciate the comments and reactions from you guys! It's good to know I'm not the only one fighting with/for her/marriage.
