Chinese medicine masters and enthusiasts WELCOME

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Hey, does anyone know how to rebalance the 3 treasures? Replenish and to rebalance and to maybe push my limitations on jing, qi and shen? I’m a little more interested in replenishing shen if anyone have information on that.

    Anyone information on Chinese medicine in general would be nice and greatly appreciated. Any tips or old secrets? Exercises to do? Foods to eat? Supplements to take? Things to do? Teas, tonics and herbs!! Please come and share, come enjoy, stay awhile!!
  2. FeelingFine

    FeelingFine Fapstronaut

    Start with the six healing sounds (heart, lung, kidney, liver, spleen, triple burner), the microcosmic orbit, and then bone/tendon breathing.

    For increasing jing, I found the kidney sound is a great foundation as it helps control stress and divert energy from cortisol to testosterone production. (NB: I cannot back this up with peer reviewed studies; just personal experience and independent analysis). If you don't have time to run through all of the sounds in a session, alternating between the kidney and lung sound works. Chi is essentially air pressure when sensed in the body, so work the healing sounds to increase your blood oxygen saturation. More chi, more health, more jing, amplified chi and health.

    From the physical aspect, make your neck, back (upper, middle, lower)hands/feet (see them as the same, one unit connecting everything else), and gut/hips/thighs. If you don't have access to weights (or don't have the skill), isometrics and self massage will help a lot of combined with sprints and calisthenics. Train like a wrestler, judoka, or a karateka and your bases will be covered.

    Minimize fantasizing about sex. I found that can drain my memory and powers of concentration.
  3. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Have you looked into qigong and internal alchemy (neidan) practices at all? I don't know if NoFap is the best source for this kind of information. That sentence alone gives you key words to search for online.

    It probably depends on what level, it's been a while but I think depending on whether you're talking about prenatal or postnatal jing or chi it may not even be replenishable. (probably prenatal) Also my understanding is the healing sounds work on the level of emotional detoxification. In general sound is for purging, not tonifying anything - since you asked about replenishment.

    The way to learn this is not to ask random people tips, you'll want a systematic understanding and a practice. If you don't know anyone in the area or there aren't any you can look up pertinent information from recognized authorities. I think I mentioned Yang Jwing-Ming before. The Root of Chinese Qigong is a book you might look into. Like NoFap you have to be patient, but unlike NF you need to do a practice consistently instead of just not fapping.
  4. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Also tonifying herbs shouldn't be a matter of "more is better." If you go to a Chinese medicine practitioner they either recommend a premade formula with multiple ingredients or put together a balanced formula based on your constitution and condition, it is energetically coherent and they understand the properties to counterbalance it with different ingredients. If you only think in terms of tonifying in the long run you may very well throw yourself out of balance.