Can't stop access to Internet, can't start NoFap

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by helpinghand4all, Sep 9, 2018.

  1. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    I continued on my nofap journey for 5 days till today. I'm not blaming internet but I'm blaming myself. I started nofap after recognising how adversely fapping affected me. I had a strong will and restrained from the internet most of the time because wasting my time on YouTube made my mind linger towards porn, and also the triggers that are there on internet. I surfed a lot today and a trigger was there in one of the YouTube videos, which made me search for tits after which I couldn't resist. My question is how can I restrain from internet in these times when it's crucial for everyday life and if I don't I'll end up fapping a lot and wasting all my time which should be used on working?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2018
    Contentful T likes this.
  2. scarecrow1

    scarecrow1 Fapstronaut

    See my thread. It will answer your question
    Contentful T and helpinghand4all like this.
  3. MasterRoshi

    MasterRoshi Fapstronaut

    For myself the key wasn’t to resist the Internet, but rather do stuff daily to get rid of the addiction.

    I take my smartphone into the bathroom with me, I see nudity in tv shows, I take my phone into bed with me, and it’s not a trigger because I have lost the compulsion to PMO. I did this through lots of daily work and it’s been a really tough road, but I’m grateful to not have the obsession and compulsion of PMO.

    Fighting it doesn’t seem to work. I attempted fighting this addiction for 10 years and the most I got was 32 days and was crazy obsessed the whole time! This time I am at peace and it’s a way different experience.

    This happened through a lot of therapeutic work. Some might be able to just give it up and stay sober, but I couldn’t. I am truly addicted. It seems like what I do to stay sober is much more dificult than putting a porn blocker on my devices or locking them in a closet at night etc... but it’s much more sustainable in the long run and it’s incredibly nice to not have cravings every second of the day.

    hope this helps!!
  4. Well said.
    helpinghand4all and MasterRoshi like this.
  5. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    After countless relapse, I found myself so dismal and hopeless, used to fap all day and be angry and feeling guilty after doing it. I was so hopeless that I didn't go to my classes, didn't do homework, didn't care to do anything except tapping and feeling pity and guilty, that I was going to become a broke person and my family will leave me, and my home will be garbage dump, but just that day when I was feeling guilty, I realised how much I liked music and how much pleasure did listening to music gave me (I had stopped listening to music altogether) , it made me ambitious and happy. And it was so addictive and soothing when I had my iPod with me when I was 13, but it stopped working a couple of years ago and I thought of buying another just because of the pleasure it could give me, I couldn't really afford one easily, but nonetheless I compromised my daily expenses for it, and it was just like all the things I had in my mind for stopping fapping, just after fapping, though none of them worked. But this time, it was the best feeling to hear great quality music and I got myself addicted to it so much that I couldn't even imagine a single girl any time of the day (except my crush) and it's been 14 days ( a lot for me) with nofap, I realised now that the best way (the only way) to stop an addiction is to start another one, and today I realised music stimulates same amount of dopamine as cocaine. Thank you all for helping me out I'm on the right track now.
    Contentful T likes this.
  6. Skywalker101

    Skywalker101 Fapstronaut

    I have installed two P-blockers- Eset TS and K9. I used Proton mail with a random username and password to register both. I have no data of both. With K9, i have also blocked sites for liveOS. I am also using OpenDNS family shield which has seemingly stopped working. If you also lose control frequently because of strong urges, you may try these. These are by no means proper solutions but they have helped me to some extent.
    Contentful T likes this.
  7. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Sometimes one needs to put a fortress up to gather the strength to face this beast properly.

    NO shame using blockers.
  8. Contentful T

    Contentful T Fapstronaut

    Dude, ur awesome.
    helpinghand4all likes this.
  9. scarecrow1

    scarecrow1 Fapstronaut

    No way. Listening to music is all very well but it’s not going to cut it long term.

    The blockers you can get around. Hell there is even adult content on YouTube.

    Getting rid of the internet at home is the only method you could use to get really good results.
    helpinghand4all likes this.