Can't Believe How Similar Our Experiences Are...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by dd500, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. dd500

    dd500 Fapstronaut

    I joined this forum after realizing that other guys experience the same side effects of PMO as I do. I've been up and down with this problem my nearly my entire life. Now that I'm 35, I think it's time to conquer it. I believe that sharing my experiences will help others because I know that reading other's experiences helped me.

    I work out a lot and eat a very healthy diet. So I used to think that it was healthy and downright necessary. What I found though, is that extended sessions of PMO would program my brain for a pace that my body could not sustain. After a binge of excess PMO, I'd lose my strength, motivation, muscle mass, erection quality, confidence and yet my sex drive in my mind would be EXTREMELY high. How could I want another solo session after being so completely exhausted? Sore back, ringing ears, weak muscles, excess belly fat, weak erections. Because I've worked out for so long, I know my body and it's limits well. And I can tell you with 100 percent anecdotal evidence, that excess masturbation truly deflates your body and your mind.

    So why do I do it? When I'm in that programmed mode after watching hours and hours of many different women, I swear I can see it when I blink. When I sleep. My brain stores it like a supercomputer and it changes the way my brain works. I can not keep up with the drive that it inspires. And yet I get that quick flash or feeling and I find myself too weak to avoid it. I have cleaned up my brain before and reprogrammed it to function naturally and I can tell you its amazing. The short high from PMO is not nearly as great as the rock solid body and confidence that comes from self discipline.

    So here I am on this site, telling my story and hoping to finally put the final nail in the PMO coffin. I was in the military and went a full year without an ejaculation. It was easy of course because I stayed busy. But I can tell you firsthand that I never felt better or stronger... Then when I got alone and back to old habits, the vitality faded. It's crazy that they can't link more solid science to this. But the stories of others have definitely made be a believer.
    D . J . and Sven Pellegrain like this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you are here. I hope you keep coming back!
  3. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap! You are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.

    Science and medicine are slow to get on the same page with this as so many of us are already on. Slowly articles are being written confirming what we already know.