Can we talk about Caffeine? Has anyone else escaped this addiction?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Performance, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Performance

    Performance Fapstronaut

    I'm convinced caffeine overstimulates me and reduces my impulse control.

    I had this idea, that, I could quit caffeine in order to make nofap easier. Because in the initial stages of caffeine withdrawal, I sure as hell can't be bothered wanking. By the time the withdrawal wears off, I would have 2-3 weeks of nofap momentum which would make it more motivating for me to continue with it.

    The early stages of caffeine withdrawal are bloody painful though. I hope it's going to be worth it.

    Guys, I need to know, what's life like after caffeine? How long does it take to return to normal?
  2. monvoyage

    monvoyage Fapstronaut

    Amazing. Equal energy levels throughout the day without any significant lows (reducing sugar intake helps even more). That's all I'm gonna tell you now, it's absolutely incredebly worth it. I can't really remember how long it took to get to normal, but i guess about a week, two tops.

    But hey, we just had a topic about coffeine, may you find some inspiration there as well:
  3. The Equalizer

    The Equalizer Fapstronaut

    I'm currently trying to escape it. I've done it before and I know it's totally worth it. It really is very hard to escape, especially if you are trying to stop PMO. But it can be done. You just need to make it like a week or two and you should be in the clear.
  4. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    2-3 weeks of withdrawals? Ouch. If you can be strict with yourself, try stepping down from caffeine. Give yourself a few weeks on very small amounts, and then go to nothing. The pain will be so much easier to deal with.
  5. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    As I have "advertised" here in some older posts I have given up coffee at the beginning of July. The withdrawal was extremely bad for two or so weeks. Life without coffee gets better for some people only slowly, it varies greatly. Some people get to normal like Monvoyage, others report that it took them up to one year. I am in my fourth month - the benefits I see is better sleep and much more balanced work/rest cycle. I also think that I would not make hard mode sexual abstinence for 33 and now 44 days without prior giving up coffee. So thumbs up and good luck, Performance and Equalizer!
  6. yojesse

    yojesse Fapstronaut

    Caffein isn't some comparable to PMO or alcohol, nicotine etc. for me caffein does nothing than making me pee a lot
  7. electriclady

    electriclady Fapstronaut

    I had some anxiety issues that went away after quitting coffee. My blood pressure is also better.
  8. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    I did quit caffeine for a month. Expect to have a headache the first three days. One thing I noticed was that I was calmer, more rested. I could go to sleep any time I wanted. Of course, if I were to quit now I'd probably notice more changes, since I was still hooked on PMO. Now that I drink caffeine again, I could swear that the hook is in even deeper.
  9. HandzOff

    HandzOff Fapstronaut

    I remember trying to give up coffee... after a few days I started getting these mild but very annoying headaches. I remember being in the middle of one such headache on about day 5 when I walked by a Dunkin Donuts and saw a big picture of a cup of coffee... and the next thing I knew I had bought a cup at the counter. The first sip literally sent a shiver down my spine.

    That said, my current supply of coffee runs out tomorrow and I'm going to try giving it the boot by just not buying any more. It's just a want, not a need, after all.
  10. vizsla

    vizsla Fapstronaut

    i used to drink 5-7 cups of coffee a day,
    my buddy was a 6-8 pepsi max adn diet pepsi a day kinda guy

    we both went on a juice fast
    (free movie can be seen in whole, on hulu)

    i quit the coffee cold turkey, and had no headache no issue, and felt great, with 10x more energy
    he weaned his sodas down to 2 a day for 2 days, and then quit,
    he felt bad the first 3-4 days, then great,

    i lost 21 lbs in 14 days, he lost abuot 16 lbs in 14 days.

    have had a cup or two of jo here and there,
    didn't revive any addiction,
    i have since re-quit
    (so much easier and cheaper to just drink water, which i prefer, anyways)
  11. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    When I did my 30-day NoFap challenge (reached 40+ days and relapsed) I was ONLY drinking water. So no coffee, no soda, just water. It's possible!

    Best of luck, God bless!

    - VM