Can superpowers cause hostility from strangers?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Empath Mu, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. Empath Mu

    Empath Mu Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I had some weird experiences yesterday with what seemed to be people really going out of there way to be rude to me as I went about the city. In particular there were some workmen near my home who sounded like they had emphysema, the amount of exaggerated coughing they did. As well making several snide remarks.

    I have social anxiety so maybe I contributed to this somehow with my body language. I am on quite a high streak, Day 30 tomorrow if I can keep it together. I have been following a list of DBZ images which list the NoFap stages as characters from that anime. Day 30 is the beginning of the Super Saiyan screenshots. I have also heard that after Day 30 the cravings reduce.

    The reason I am posting this is that I was on a high streak once before in the Day 20 - 30 range and had some random driver shout at me "Wasn't that a stupid thing to do?!" after I crossed the road. I may have misjudged the Walk signal from the pedestrian crossing but still, she was really aggressive. I just said sorry. Later that day I was going through a car park which I have done many times before without incident, and some random woman in a car wound down her window and shouted "Do you even have a brain in your head?!" Both times, these people's reactions to me seemed over the top.

    I don't want to appear narcisisitic but is it possible that having having a Faostronaut Presence going on confuses some people who then react with hatred, similar perhaps the way a white guy might see a black guy, not know how to react, and then do something hostile because he has gone into attack escape mode? I have had some crap off a girl at univeristy once who dressed in very "loveable" attire and went out of her way to be all lovey dovey with her friends when I was around. In the list of dissertation topics on my course, which is anonymous, someone is doing a paper on sex appeal in contemporary advertising. it possible that some people are repelled by our superpowers?
    Fork2323 likes this.
  2. QUAH162

    QUAH162 Fapstronaut

    They sense that you are improving yourself which they do not like because their egos get frustrated when someone is making better progress and may feel competition. Since you stated that you have social anxiety they see it as an opportunity to pick on you because they are jealous that you are getting somewhere. My advice is that you go on and run the free social anxiety program and perhaps build some muscle that way people will want to be friends wih you to find out your 'secret' instead of fucking with you to make them feel better about themselves.
  3. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    May be now you are more aware of people around you reacting to you than before when you were numb by pmo addiction and didn't care how people reacted to you.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I think that's a very valid point.

    But it's also odd that the circumstances you've described involve people calling you out for what sounds like mindlessness: crossing a street at the wrong time, not paying attention to what's going on around you, etc. If anything, a reboot should improve your attention, not vice versa. I'm not saying you're in the wrong ... I'm just saying that your experience sounds abnormal (which is okay!).

    The important thing is that you're on the verge of 30 days, which fucking kicks ass. Way to go, man! Screw the haters.
  5. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    When your spiritual auric field gets bigger and amplified from no release, it can ruffle the feathers and upset others around you.. i have had the same thing, i can be just standing there thinking , but someone will snap at me and accusing me of judging them and get all offended at me and yell at me3.
    jest likes this.
  6. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    I think this might be it, I've noticed significant changes on how people treat me as of late. Some people are nicer overall and others act in a very rude fashion.
    I guess it's the new vibes we are emanating, some people might sense it subcounsciously, no idea.
  7. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Its not anything you are doing to them.. its their own junk being amplified by being around you. If you have strong amplifing energy it will amplify their energy too and that can cause them to over react.. but also what can happen is if they are sending out bad vibes they can bounce off you and hit them back stronger and then they think you are attacking them.. lol.. its their own junk boomeranging back into their own face they are sending out..
    This is a common issue with a heavy meditator whose spouse does not.. they get all upset over stuff and dont even know why..

    The solution is when this starts to happen say to yourself "Isolate" telling your strong energy field to isolate itself from the person being affected.
    Abodi786 and jest like this.
  8. HeadAche

    HeadAche Guest

    That description is spot on. I was wondering why the fuck people kept jumping over anything I was saying/doing and doing anything just to be nasty to me. This sucks man, I had some really fucked up experiences the last week or so.
    Thank you for the input, it makes me feel better.
  9. Abodi786

    Abodi786 New Fapstronaut

    That realy happened to me man
    Fork2323 likes this.