C. J. Van Vliet Books - Really helpful

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Fap no more!, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Fap no more!

    Fap no more! Fapstronaut

    Hi fapstronauts!

    I just wanted to share with you all some great books that have helped me a lot in my war against PMO.

    C.J. Van Vliet is the author of two GREAT books that have had a great influence on me:

    1. The Coiled Serpent - A Philosophy Of Conservation And Transmutation Of Reproductive Energy
    2. Conquest of the Serpent - A Way to Solve the Sex Problem

    Please, If you have the oportunity, find the books and read them.

    I've searched for the epub version or a decent PDF to share with you, but It's hard to find. Here I give you the second book (Conquest of the serpent) on HTML version.

    Hope it will be of great help for all of you!

    Sorry for my bad english :p

    Be Strong!!!

    Fap No More!!!!!
  2. Josphat

    Josphat Fapstronaut

    Wow, what a revolutionary author. Thank you for sharing the books.