Business Travel Reboot Skills

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NoToePick, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. NoToePick

    NoToePick Fapstronaut

    Looking for help with business travel. Spend many nights each month in hotels. Most of my prior resets or relapses have occurred complements of Marriott. What are some successful methods for maintaining PMO-mode when spending nights alone in a hotel?
  2. PathfinderB

    PathfinderB Fapstronaut

    I think you're doing the right thing by just coming to the website. I totally get how being by yourself in a hotel room is conducive to relapsing.

    Is there a bar in or nearby the hotel you can hang out at, to just get out of the room? Maybe strike up a conversation with another bar patron. Don't get too sloppy, obviously, or it could lead to some really bad decisions. Or anything else worth checking out around the hotel, like a park to walk on jog in? Or maybe there's a gym at the hotel?

    Basically, try not to spend so much time alone in the room, where temptation can get to you and you're not around anyone else to keep you accountable.

    And remember why you're doing this. Whether it's for you or someone you care about, don't lose sight of why you started this journey in the first place. And keep coming back here when the going gets tough.

    Stay strong!
  3. NoToePick

    NoToePick Fapstronaut

    Hey PathfinderB, I'm thinking I need to plan in advance to avoid being in the room. Once I walk into the room without a plan, I'm sunk.

    I'll plan every night for my upcoming trip and see if that can keep me on track. Thanks for the input.