Bro On A Mission

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by hardcoredrrk, May 19, 2014.

  1. hardcoredrrk

    hardcoredrrk New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I just joined nofap and the nofap reddit as well. I've been in the ditches of pr0n and masturbation since I was 16. I'm now 24 and married. I've had a relationship with the Lord ever since I can remember. As you can imagine, having a wife and God in the equation alongside these issues has caused tons of turmoil. To maintain the trust we have for one another, I've told her of my struggles and tell her whenever I fail....and I've failed many times.

    The trend over the past 6 months or so has been failing once every month or so. And when I fail, I fail doing it 8 times in a single day to "get it out of my system" (how my mind explains it to myself). I'm ashamed of it, and dread telling my wife about it more than anything whenever it happens. I will have to do that very thing today.. It's a barrier in my relationship with the Lord as well. How can you fully give yourself to God yet have such sin in your life?

    It's been the toughest war of my life. But it ends now! (ever heard that one before? but IT IS for real this time! :cool: I know I can do it, and will succeed after 8 long years!) I appreciate any support you all can provide and I will post about my journey. Time to ready the shield and sword...this ain't gonna be easy. 90 DAYS OR DEATH!!!!
  2. chrisdep

    chrisdep Fapstronaut

    It's a day by day journey, where the battle is won one day at a time.In God's strength you will achieve the victory. Take a listen to the messages below which will direct you to a good website. Connect with a couple accountability partners who you are close with and who will keep you honest. Better to have them close to you, but online ones are a good alternative. Will be praying for you brother!
  3. hardcoredrrk

    hardcoredrrk New Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for the reply and encouragement chrisdep! I have one accountability partner, who is dealing with our issue as well. The frequency of our calls has decreased recently, so I plan on upping that frequency again and calling when I need help. I'll continue lifting weights and going on walks where I'll talk to God. Being outside has always helped with the tunnel vision caused by porn and lust. Congrats on your 164 days of freedom! I hope to say the same 164 days from now.
  4. Stand

    Stand Fapstronaut

    Glad to have you onboard Derek. I have told quite a few other users about this but many people on here have a purity ring, something which reminds them why they are doing it and can sway the away when they get close. You have a ring that serves two purposes. It shows that you are committed to your wife and that when you took your vows you said you would not hurt her, well porn is doing that. The second purpose is that this can just be a reminder of NoFap and what you are doing here. It's gonna be a long journey but keep with it. At least you have the release of sex with your wife, I don't... (girlfriend).

    Ps. I have just started so we are on the same kind of journey. Peace.

  5. scrat_on_speed

    scrat_on_speed Fapstronaut

    Love that. Great mindset. P & M are a cancer to Christian men. I'm convinced the devil delights in seeing us falter more than non-believers. Time to deny him the satisfaction. We go to war, brother.

    And I agree with Stand - the purity ring is great. I've had mine since I was 16, but I've really only realized its relevance in the last six months.
  6. chrisdep

    chrisdep Fapstronaut

    Derek: When I began to realize that most if not all of my PMOing was because I was trying to escape an issue and numb the pain in my life rather than taking it to God and dealing with it, I was able to redirect my sexual desires to my wife exclusively for our mutual satisfaction. This doesn't mean of course that I am no longer tempted to PMO or that it's a walk in the park. We live every day with some aspect of spiritual warfare that affects not only our souls but our bodies and it's a real fight that takes place on many levels - spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. 1 Corinthians 6:18 reminds us "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." (Worth reading the whole chapter for a fuller context of the issue.)

    Once I committed with God's help not to PMO, the sexual intimacy with my wife is much stronger and I am more willing to approach her when I'm sexually charged and she's more willing to engage sexually with me. I think a lot of our issues as Christian men in particular center around a lack of understanding of our true identity. Once we appreciate what God has done for us through Christ and that we are joint heirs with him in all things, then we can embrace our lives with the understanding that we don't have to prove anything to anyone as we are accepted in Christ not only for time but for all eternity. Press on brother, praying for you!