Breaking News: Women are good!

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Mar 12, 2018.

  1. I just wanted to create this thread since I felt it needed to be made. There’s been a lot of odd bullshit on this site lately so I figured we could balance it out with some positive vibes.

    I have an AP that’s a woman and she’s been the best AP I’ve had. One of my best friends is a woman and we’re both excited to go see a concert this Sunday. I have lots of friends who are women and all of them are great people.

    Now some of you irrational types might be asking “what’s the catch?” to which I will respond with: “there is no catch. We enjoy each other’s company.” It truly is that simple.

    Now go forth and spread common sense!
  2. I don't have a problem if somebody has an opinion if it's from something personal, but for some to be so misogynistic it makes me sad and angry at the same time being lumped in like that just for being female. I've been abused in different ways as a woman but I don't hold it against 'man' itself and rather those individuals.

    I just don't get people.
  3. The staff takes down misogynistic threads as we find them. I think porn addiction naturally might lend to a warping of the minds on women in general, but that's no excuse for threads devoted to bashing women and NoFap is no place for it.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I don’t get the point of gender wars, age wars, sexual orientation wars or racial wars, etc. why not just make conclusions about someone based on their actions rather than characteristics they cannot control?
  5. I hold the belief that the majority of the people act this way in order to justify their own insecurities and poor life choices. It allows the person to shift the responsibility from their own actions and to pin the blame on someone else, or even entire groups of people.
  6. It's the same concept as trolls, it's usually down to an insecurity of some kind or a personal trauma. Folks either make the choice of lashing out at others to make themselves feel better (which they will never be satisfied or happy) or get on with their life somehow with being a pos, which honestly isn't that hard.

    It's hard for some people to accept reality I guess and so they shut down or something.
  7. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Society is ugly.

    There I said it.
  8. A death blow to my kumbaya philosophy. Thank you.
  9. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Where’s the thread saying men are wonderful and special too? :p
  10. Waiting for you to create it, of course.
  11. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Nah.. men are scum! ....just kidding :p
  12. Well played, Jewels.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    T R I G G E R E D!
  14. @Chris this thread put a big, instant smile on my face :p I agree! Women are indeed great. My AP is a lady as well, and she's super awesome and smart and funny and caring and logical and knows exactly what to say and when to say it and how to support me at my own pace.

    I've recently made a few new lady friends through my church, and they're all so great, and so unique and different from each other in their own way. One of them in particular is such a cool chick, I adore her. We vibe so well together. She's kind nerdy, like me, and an environmentalist and just a super cool, down to earth, authentic kinda gal. I dig it.

    And of course my mom and sister are two of my best friends, along with my bestie that I've known since like 7th great. She's adorable and funny and dorky and gets my sense of humor better than almost anyone on the planet.

    Anyway, chicks are cool. I like em. I've been watching Supergirl lately, and I like the girl-power in that show. Sometimes it feels a bit over the top (as @Surfing Poet predicted I might feel) but for the most part I just like it. Kat Grant is pretty badass, I love her.
  15. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Dude, I don't know man. Your excessive friendship with the opposite sex seems awfully suspicious. This may be perceived as "White Knighting" as the saying goes.
  16. Or maybe he's just a nice bloke that likes having female company, there doesn't always have to be a label or reason like that.
  17. [​IMG]
  18. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Very well said.

    Tries eating an apple -> Apple turned out to be rotten and gave a bad stomach ache -> Bitterness -> Google's "apples are bad" -> Finds communities and information dedicated to the belief that apples are bad -> Belief coming from a place of fear is confirmed by other people that had negative experiences -> All apples are bad.

    Reading some of the bitter, toxic, and hateful stuff people post on this forum gives me a headache.

    I'm glad there's people here that try to set things straight and stop the delusional bullshit from spreading to others.
  19. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut
