Brainstorming on starting a men's group, locally

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by HooEmAi, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    I have had this idea for some time. I believe that now more than ever, some men may be wanting for a place to go where they can experience brotherhood, mentorship, accountability, and empathy. I believe the issue will be that there needs to be an "anchor" or a "brand" put to the group, if you will. Otherwise, men-as-humans may fear being adrift with others in a room without a compass. We seem to have a need to know where it is we're going, as humans.

    My first thoughts come to mind, thinking of the disparities and wrongs we, as men face, in the 21st century. Unfair media depictions of us as callous buffoons, false narratives of pay gaps, skewed numbers making us all out to be sexual predators, divorce/custody outcome disparities, criminal justice disparities among the genders, dating scrutiny, lack of merit to kinesthetic learning with boys/abundance of ritalin and pathologizing. On and on. That's problem-focus.

    I'd like there to be a focus on solutions and betterment within the group. So, I cancelled the thinking that I'd want to anchor or brand us into being an MRA group. What can the brand/anchor be, then? What is the best way to get such a group off and running? Here are resources I now have at my disposal:

    -a home PC with access to any social media/online classified of my choice (not familiar with the most up-to-date, most frequented ones, though, besides FB and CL, obviously)
    -access to meeting rooms in the local public library
    -ability to set up a website on said PC, with some tutorials downloaded from and a willingness to pay for the domain/get started on doing so
    -willingness to post ads brick-and-mortar once a purpose, anchor, brand, whathaveyou is established

    This is all I know thus far. If any of you guys and gals have any contributions, just shoot them off the top, let it all come on out however it may. I need brains on this! Thank you, fellow fapstronauts!
  2. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

  3. Well, you can also create ads on youtube, and sign up for a youtube partnership. From there, just spread(not spam) your info to all social media sites you can possibly think of, including youtube. Also have a catchy name, and tell friends/family about it.
  4. I have tried doing this locally but have not gotten very far. I don't really want to be the sole organizer pushing it and taking responsibility for it. There are a lot of flavors of this already out there that you can plug into or imitate or learn from.
    I first came across this general theme via the Wild at Heart books from John Eldredge.
    There are whole bunches of religious groups that do something like this...
    I personally like the Universal man video series of Mark Queppet

    But yes what is really lacking for so many of us is some sort of local group where we can bond in a more direct way than on these forums... it seems like a bottom line requirement would be, rather than some religious affiliation, at least a commitment to nofap...

    Perhaps you could start a group here to pool our resources and ideas...