
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Leon892000, Jan 21, 2019.

  1. Leon892000

    Leon892000 Fapstronaut

    Does anyone loves reading books if yes then mention your top books in the comments below!♥
  2. mesopotamian47

    mesopotamian47 New Fapstronaut

  3. Dimmed_haze

    Dimmed_haze Fapstronaut

    1. "The art of war" by Sun Tzu
    2. "The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of. Anxiety" by Alan W. Watt
    Those two are on my future read list. I'm at page 140~ on the wisdom of security. It's a good book if you like philosophy.

    Sun Tzu's book can be applied to a lot of real life situations. Psychology aswell.

    Those two I recommend. But if you want something to learn, I'd read specific books on those topics, ofcourse. Anything you want! Cars, medicine, weapons, self defense, manipulating and reading social clues, survival, propaganda etc. It's out there.

    I'm reading:
    Nutrition and Physical Degeneration BY Weston A. Price.

    It's a book written by a dentist who went around the world and inspected the dental conditions of people that ate native foods. And people that were introduced to the western diet. Let the book speak for itself;

    "I was particularly interested in studying the growing boys and girls at a place called Scalpay in the
    Isle of Harris. This Island is very rocky and has only small patches of soil for available pasturage. For
    nutrition, the children of this community were dependent very largely on oatmeal porridge, oatcake
    and sea foods. An examination of the growing boys and girls disclosed the fact that only one tooth
    out of every hundred examined had ever been attacked by tooth decay. The general physical
    development of these children was excellent, as may be seen in the upper half of Fig. 7. Note their
    broad faces.
    (A pic of the people he's talking about and their teeth conditions. Can't add it here at the moment.)

    This is in striking contrast with the children of the hamlet of Tarbert which is the only shipping port
    on the Isle of Harris, and the place of export of most of the famous Harris tweeds which are
    manufactured on looms in the various crofters' homes. These Tarbert children had an incidence of
    32.4 carious teeth out of every hundred teeth examined. The distance between these two points is not
    over ten miles and both have equal facilities for obtaining sea foods, being on the coast. Only the
    latter, however, has access to modern foods, since it supports a white bread bakery store with modern
    jams, marmalades, and other kinds of canned foods. In studying the tragedy of the rampant tooth
    decay in the mouth of a young man, I asked him regarding his plans and he stated that he was
    expecting to go to Stornoway about sixty miles away in the near future, where there was a dentist,
    and have all his teeth extracted and plates made. He said that it was no use to have any teeth filled,
    that he would have to lose them anyway since that was everybody's experience in Tarbert. The young
    women were in just as poor a condition."

    All in all, keep in mind the guy was a dentist and this book was written more than 50+ years ago. He is no heart surgeon, dermatologist etc. So he didn't look at heart conditions of natives for example.

    Sorry for the damned wall text, I tend to ramble...
  4. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Oooh, so many...
    A lot of Hebrew books are there at the top...
    Besides for those:
    Harry Potter
    Artemis Fowl (in particular, book 2)
    The Last Dragonslayer
    Freddy The Pig series
    Running Out Of Time
    Among others.