Big List of Scientific Papers / Experience / Tools to block Addiction - Share with us

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Leonidas_de_Sparte, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. Leonidas_de_Sparte

    Leonidas_de_Sparte Fapstronaut


    It could be amazing if you could share
    - website
    - researchers name
    - Professional (doctor, specialist) of addiciton recovery in your city/country
    - companies names
    - research papers
    - experience
    - tools related to the process of stopping an addiction - and of course P-addiction of possible, but still if a method worked for another addiction, we can try it for P.

    We can't put links so if you could share the keywords, or titles, or names of authors, or numbers of ID for papers or a link without the w w w and . c o m.

    List of topics / methods / study areas :

    - Neuroplasticity
    - Neurofeedback
    - EEG
    - Brain Waves
    - Meditation and Brain waves.
    - ...

    What do you want to add ?

    Examples for the list :

    - Exposure Response Prevention Therapy (extinction)
    - Dr Valerie Voon - Cambridge Neuroscience - P-Addi
    - Brain Wave Therapy to Remedy Disorders : biocybernaut
    - businessinsider tony robbins-neurofeedback-for-efficiency-creativity-2017-3

    What about your ressources ?

    Please help us build the best list of tools and ressources and let us find the killer method to stop P-ADDI.