Being friendlier...

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Jackbtw, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Jackbtw

    Jackbtw Fapstronaut

    Hey nofappers,

    I'm on day day three of being PM free (for me, orgasm is okay if through sex). I'm hoping to dove tail NoFap with a few other goals:

    - Returning back to morning gym which I've done consistently in the past
    - Eating healthier (I've gotten a little pudgy)
    - SLEEPING on time (fapping is a HUGE drain on my bedtime)
    - Meditating
    - Stop being a workaholic

    AND.... I want to work on being friendlier. I've been just snappy and aggressive recently, and I want to use my nofap journey to start improving myself in this respect too. I'm not sure what my triggers are, but I know that with more confidence, meditation, exercise, and eating right I'll generally be happier and healthier.

    Has anyone else done the same or felt their NoFap journey helped them with this goal? Anyone have good book recommendations? Or other ideas on just smiling more, being happier, friendly, patient, and centered mentally?
  2. LetsGo!

    LetsGo! Fapstronaut

    Hey man,

    I think it's all about creating a new habit: the habit of being friendlier. Try to remind yourself daily that your goal is to smile at strangers, and say hi to the strangers you pass by. As for your interpersonal relationships, just remind yourself that it is pointless to be angry, argumentative and impatient. We don't know what someone else is going through, and we should try understand what it's like to be in their shoes.

    And in general, if you have the goal of being someone who others want to be around (you want to be someone that others love being around), and constantly remind yourself of this goal, I think you'll find you'll start behaving in a friendlier way, precisely because you're constantly reminding yourself of that goal.

    Soon, it will become a habit. By habit, you'll be a friendly person. And soon enough, that'll become your nature.
    Transcendent likes this.
  3. Jackbtw

    Jackbtw Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I think you're right. It's wild. My natural face state is kind of upset. I have resting bitch face lol.

    I think the meditation will really help too.
  4. One thing you can do is try to take a little more interest in other people's daily lives. I know for me I get wrapped up in my own problems, stresses, etc. But if I take a minute to ask someone else about their day, it gets me out of myself and makes me more connected to those around me. If I can make them feel I understand them a little in that moment, or maybe even make them laugh, it's positive for both of us.
    LetsGo! and Transcendent like this.
  5. LetsGo!

    LetsGo! Fapstronaut

    This is so true. Taking interest in others helps to forget one's own worries.

    I believe that most people love talking about themselves. But the added bonus of getting people to talk about themselves is that they tend to like you better as a result. They have positive and favourable view of you, because they remember how good a listener you are, how interesting your conversations are (even though it's often them talking about themselves).
  6. goten24

    goten24 Fapstronaut

    I was about to open a thread about this, might as well just reply to you.

    Last time I had PMO was last saturday, so since sunday till this day I haven't had any of that. Been feeling great.

    Last night I went bed early and today when I woke up, I went for a run at 5:40AM till 7AM. Had a shower, cleaned the entire house and now been thinking about buying some gifts to my mother, she's been working hard and I think she deserves. I'm all about positivity today.

    I'm not sure if it is a placebo affect this NoFap thing, but the matter of fact is that I been feeling more motivated lately than ever.