Beginning of a new journey.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Anon0149, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Anon0149

    Anon0149 Guest

    Hello fapstronauts (old and new),
    I hope you are doing great. I just joined today in this community and for the past three hours I have been browsing this awesome website learning about challenges and success stories which really motivated me. I was addicted to masturbation since 2005. However, I have first encountered pornography in 2006 in my then best friend's place.The experience was pretty intense and being a 11 year old I think I liked it. It aligned perfectly with my dark side, sex addiction. However due to lack of resources, I haven't turned into a porn addict until from 2011 when I had my private internet connection. I have tried to quit many times in between. The highest I have managed to stay "sober" from PMO was about 30 days.
    I really need to get rid of this addiction. Aside from depression, anxiety, procrastination, loss of focis etc., it caused me to lose the girl of my dreams, ruin a perfect relationship, and even cheat on her! I have hurt the people who loved me and above all myself a lot. I hurt some people so much that they felt betrayed and wrote those words that are on my display picture. To this day I am still guilty of being so terrible to them. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, especially myself. That's why I have to quit.
    Aristotle said "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." I don't want my addiction to be a part of me any longer. For the sake of my future goals that will help me turn my dreams into reality. Most importantly, I want to respect myself again. I want to be in control of my mind so that I can no longer slip into self destructive behavior. And I believe quitting porn is the number one thing in my list that will help me achieve that.
    Therefore, I would love your support, advice or any other form of help. I have not associated myself with online communities as such but I believe it would be an experience to cherish.

    Thank you all for reading this long post. I blabber a lot.
    C0))) likes this.
  2. C0)))

    C0))) Fapstronaut

    Good luck on your journey!
  3. Anon0149

    Anon0149 Guest

  4. hi! lets not worry about the past! its done! :):) good people will forgive you. this addiction is so powerful, some people just don't understand but only criticize porn addicts.
    Anon0149 likes this.
  5. Anon0149

    Anon0149 Guest

    Hello Yukon! I agree with you. Hopefully, I will succeed in beating this addiction.