Beginning my journey

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by theurbanhippie, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. theurbanhippie

    theurbanhippie New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone. (Points if you read that in the professor Farnsworth voice)

    My name is Nick, and I have an addiction to masturbation and porn.

    I'm 18, and I'm a homosexual.

    I've been masturbating since I was 8. It didn't really become a problem until I was around 13. I can remember first finding my dad's (extensive) porn stash. I was caught a ton of times, but it never stopped me. They even put a padlock on their bedroom door!

    It quieted down for a few years after the padlock came. I was still masturbating, but only once a week, or less.

    Eventually, though, I discovered the internet, and damn did it ever hit me hard. I think at my lowest point I was watching some form of beastiality. That doesn't happen anymore, but I'm still masturbating anywhere from 2-6 times a day (most days it's around 3-4, just after I wake up, once in the afternoon, and once before bed).

    I don't want to live this way anymore. Every time I've been in a real sexual situation, I've been unable to achieve orgasm, and so much masturbation is partially to blame. I'm tired of getting sores on my dick from too much handling. I'm tired of feeling like I have to do it just because I saw a little bit of stomach or a bit of pants bulge. I want out, and I'm ready to get on the train.

    I'm not looking to cut masturbation out completely. I am looking to delete porn from my life entirely, and darastically cut down how much I do fap. I know it will be difficult, and I know I'm going to mess up. I want your support and your friendship. I know we can all do this if we support each other.

    Live strong, my friends!
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    If you want to cut back watch the vids on Especially the adolescent one (it applies to all ages).

    If you want to quit porn, quitting masturbation for a month or two as well might help you make more progress (speeds the return to balance of your brain). Then you can add it back in. Good luck.