
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by dungeon, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. dungeon

    dungeon Fapstronaut

    i'm a nineteen year old guy looking to immerse myself into a community that understands/experiences what is going on in my head.

    i suppose it is redundant to say that i think i masturbate too much. i've 'tried' to knock it off three or four times, but i never lasted more than two weeks each time, which is probably due to a lack of discipline or willpower. i just feel like masturbating sends me into this weird state of apathy, like a deadened half-existence which is stopping me from getting up and experiencing life (and sex) in more wholesome, spiritually fulfilling ways.

    i am aware that this will be a gargantuan exercise in self-discipline, but i have faith that my unshakeable desire to find peace within myself will overcome the urge to spank the monkey. i aim to quit masturbating indefinitely in order to rebuild a fresh, active perspective on life, one that will ultimately lend itself to a more controlled lifestyle for myself.

    so have at me, over-active male sex drive.
  2. Hootja

    Hootja Guest

    I think this is one of the best sentences I've read in a while! Haha, excellent! I'm really glad you're here! I recommend starting a journal, or at least posting and interacting with others regularly. Let people know what's going on in your life and you'll really feel like a part of the community. Best of luck to you! Feel free to contact me any time and I will try to respond in a timely manner.
  3. Heneman

    Heneman Fapstronaut

    Hey there. Another new guy here. 30 myself, and let me tell you youre on the right track. This kinda thing just makes life harder the older you get, so breaking it off early is without a doubt the best thing you can do for yourself. Good luck to the both of us.
  4. dungeon

    dungeon Fapstronaut

    thanks to the both of you for your words of support. just knowing there are others fighting the same good fight is really useful, and i'm grateful for that.