Before ww2

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Jimmy Johnson, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. I was wondering if porn addiction is post ww2 phenomenon. Were there any such addicts before ww2? If so, what kind of support did they get?
  2. Porn, not so much, all they had were softcore pictures. Masturbation, yes, psychologist Sigmund Freud described masturbation addiction as a first or primal addiction; he also linked it to neurasthenia. Treatment for this addiction would have involved psychotherapy.
    From what I've read cornflakes were invented to discourage masturbation, as a dietary intervention. John Harvey Kellogg, I'm sure that name will ring a bell, was a physician who dedicated his life to encouraging sexual abstinence. He believed sex numbed the senses and vitality, rarely or never had sex with his wife for this reason. Cornflakes were part of his diet that was supposed to minimalize what we call urges. In a religious context, you had chastity devices and what not.
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