Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by changinguser, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. changinguser

    changinguser Fapstronaut

    Hello, this is kind of important for me and I have no clue of what to do.

    I am an introverted person and it has turned into isolation with porn. In high school, I had just a few friends and I didn’t choose to participate in any types of activities. In my free time sometimes I didn’t like to sit in the cafeteria to socialize because I felt that I had to work on something or I went away to try and work on something else. The thing is, I didn’t feel comfortable in the company of some people and I sank into a single-minded goal of trying to work on my school assignments and investigate how to improve my knowledge and learning things. However, in this goal, I wanted to do it alone with my resources such as books and the internet. But this goal truly failed since I never managed to truly invest the adequate amount of time and willpower to do these things. I ended up distracted at home with my addiction or YouTube.

    Anyway, now I realized that I really didn’t achieve anything during high school, and now college is coming. The thing is, I feel very distant… It’s weird. Unlike other people, I just can’t feel the same types of concerns that they have. Some are being very attentive on what they need to do to enter college and their future. Others are planning what do, where to travel to study. Getting a drivers license, getting a job, etc. As I said, I just don’t feel as worried, and I feel that I should be. I think this two are related because I barely belong to the real outside world.

    So this will sound weird, but do you have any sort of advice or recommendation on what can I do in order to be more involved with people, or the current situation?