Basic skills every man should know

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by don'tlookbackinanger, Feb 27, 2020.

  1. don'tlookbackinanger

    don'tlookbackinanger Fapstronaut

    had thought of this before as well, want to dive deeper into what are some basic things that a man should know as a standard.

    i'm not really feeling like i lag behind others but gotta make sure i'm not missing out on anything

    what i'm looking for are skills, qualities, features on the basis of practicality. the non conventional stuff that i feel my dad didn't teach me in my teenage ( almost 20 now)

    gotta see what you people put up
  2. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Ability to hold basic conversation
  3. Using reason over emotion to understand the world. And knowing how to use emotion to connect to people.
  4. I'll list some shit:

    - has at least a basic idea of how to fix things (cars, house damage, tools, machines, etc)
    - exercises
    - has a well balanced diet
    - knows how to fight (not necessarily a martial artist but at least knows the absolute basics) and avoid a fight by controlling a situation
    - good communication skills with both men and women
    - knows how to flirt
    - knows their limitations (personal alcohol limit, their level of fitness, general capabilities, etc)
    - has and follows their own morals
    - knows when to apologise and when to stand up for themselves
    - has a hobby/hobbies (golf, football, martial arts, programming, drawing, singing, etc)
    - is courteous and fair
    - has a good sense of style
    - has great willpower, self-discipline, confidence and courage
    - studies frequently to sustain and improve their intelligence

    Note: I'm only 17 years old and don't harness some of the skills that I've listed. These are just some skills and characteristics that the ideal version of myself would have.