Bad credit. FML

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RobinCoenBrosFan, Oct 4, 2019.

  1. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    My birthday is in two days and I guess I got a present from my credit union. My payment (that I couldn’t afford to pay because my current boss sucks and am looking for a new job in a competitive city) is 30 days past due so my credit score will be lowered, good news is I don’t have any assets so nobody can repossess anything. The bad news is that I’m probably going to have a hard time renting my own apartment and house for the next 7 years. Having a very difficult time handling it, and it’s doing wonders for my anxiety. I’m gonna try my best to enjoy it when it comes, and also be more social, but life can tend to really blow for me nowadays.

    Mom being in poor health, shit job (though I’m thankful that I have income while some have none), forever alone, self esteem issues, PMO problem (thankful that I’ve got 4 days nailed) the list goes on.
  2. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    How old are you? If you’re 18-21, people who look into your credit will be more forgiving if you straighten up, and do it quickly.

    If you’re 21+ and still screwing up your credit, I don’t mean to be rude but grow up. You should guard your credit as if it’s a necessity of life, which means you can’t afford anything except food, water, shelter, and excusable clothing until your credit is straightened out.
  3. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    Update: credit is once again almost in completely good standing. All I had to do was keep making sure I made the payments on time and that improved it. If there is a bad mark on my record because of two years ago, it hasn’t affected my life at all (other than being unable to invest in a Kohl’s Rewards Card and get a discount type of phone service payment plan), but that’s literally it. Also because I only have this one credit card I’m paying off, and haven’t invested in any more (I use a debit card mostly). Oh well. Glad to have score nearly back where it was.