
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    It's funny how people who have read 1984 and BNW and every other dystopian warning of Government control, toss aside those lessons learned from the book and willingly accept an authoritarian state.

    The moment you stop holding your government accountable is the moment you lose your freedoms.

    Australia will never be free again. You have entered a sterile hypochondriac nanny state. That'll keep you home at the slightest whim.

    The people who support this are the real fascists. As fascists were obsessed with hygiene.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  2. No one of us can go in Australia because your governament like to mantain his border closed and don't allow anyone to enter and this is mere hypocrisy because your glorious anchestors just scammed the aborigenes. If we remember Australia was the jail of the British Empire, it have sense thar your governament is formed by criminals.

    For me the only thing that worked in Australia is the movie Kangaroo Jack.
    Taylor25 and FirefromAbove like this.
  3. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    I’m Australian, which apparently means nothing as anybody is free to make value judgements on a country they’ve never visited, based on limited information, taken out of context.

    Our country started as a penal colony, true. But do you know that one in eight Australians are born overseas? Per capita that is a massive influx every generation.

    The protests you see are the result of a polarised society, but even with this reaction by police, no one is disappeared, and no one is killed. To liken Australia to North Korea is incorrect.

    No country is perfect, but Australia is actually a pretty good place to live. We DO care for our citizens and disadvantaged. I work with a lot of marginalised people and know the supports they can access.

    Yes, we are in lockdown, which is pretty tough for many. Lots of countries have had to endure different hardships at different times.

    I feel lucky to live here.
    onceaking, Beekind and LSTHX like this.
  4. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    I can go to work, school, and have the freedom of movement without the worry of persecution by law enforcement in my country.

    Very fucked up.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  5. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Are the videos you posted of people going to work, or school, or just moving in the community? No, they are of organised protests.
    Beekind and LSTHX like this.
  6. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Children are getting ripped from their mothers hands and old women are getting pepper spray dumped on them and beaten.

    The Auzzie PM coming out and saying that he doesn't care about freedom.

    Idk man, doesn't seem like a good country to me.
    TakingTheSteps and Taylor25 like this.
  7. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Believe what you like. Visit someday when this is all over, you’ll be surprised.

    What you are seeing is NOT reflective of our country. Sensationalism sells, and you are buying it.
    Beekind, LSTHX and AspiringHuman like this.
  8. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    I'm not buying into sensationalism this world is getting crazy.

    My family is from South Africa and it's equally as bad there. The current situation is almost identical or was (all my family pretty much emigrates now). It's authoritarian and invasive to control the movements of the citizen of your country and to deny them work if they refuse a vaccine.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  9. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    No one is entitled to the work they want. All industries have standards of entry and conditions of employment. If you don’t meet the requirements, look elsewhere.

    I’m a nurse, I probably know a little more than you about what’s going on here. We are due to open up next week, in NSW. Because Victorians continue to protest and resist vaccination and lockdown measures, their numbers are climbing.

    This IS a good country. Some temporary measures are in place to protect the public health system. I think they are necessary. I have been nursing Covid patients, and worked in emergency and ICU. People who don’t understand the issues are not really qualified to make judgement. Comment, yes, anyone can comment. But it’s not an informed opinion.
    onceaking and Ubermen like this.
  10. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    I work in Healthcare too, bub. What your country is doing is horrible. Like the democrats here creating a nursing shortage, now we don't have enough Nursing aides to take care of the patients and everyone in every department has to pull double duty, because of these laws. Now the national guard is getting called into assist, so this takes the work out of the working man's hand

    You'll never be completely free again. Your country has sodomized and stolen freedoms virginity. You'll be a dog to these power-hungry fascists until the end of time. These people protesting, are doing God's work in holding their government accountable and the reaction of your government is enough to tell me your country is "not a good country"

    A country designed for criminals now ran by criminals.

    And the funny part is it would be an "informed" opinion if I agreed with you.

    No, I understand these issues and I'm qualified to give my take.

    And it would be an "informed" opinion if I agreed with you. Lol.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  11. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Well I can see that respectful discussion is not your forte, and that’s ok. You are conflating different issues entirely, as our healthcare models are vastly different. Lots of people work in healthcare. I’ve defined my role, are you a clinician? You don’t talk like one, that’s for sure..

    My country will be free again. Obviously you have your own domestic issues to agitate for.

    You are welcome to your opinion.
    Beekind likes this.
  12. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    How am I not being respectful? Lmao

    And you're not a clinician either, you're an allied professional.
  13. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Well, let’s see, calling me “Bub” in an attempt to infantilise me? Refusing to engage with the points I’ve actually raised, and instead referring to your own reference, which is remote and out of context? Implying that agreeing with me is being uninformed?

    I’m really happy to discuss things. I just like other people to follow the norms for discussion, too.
  14. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Bub isn't an insult. It's a form of address, very common here. That's cultural differences. But in a typical nurse fashion, you're quick to be defensive.

    I've addressed every one of your points.

    But here's an insult:

    You're a typical nurse. You cannot stand when people challenge you. It's a slight against your honor because you think you know everything when you just hand out meds all day and do charts.

    It's cool though.

    Have a good evening : )
  15. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Actually you seem incapable of being challenged, yourself, and for someone who “works in healthcare” your knowledge of nursing is lacking.

    I really don’t mind that you’ve insulted me.

    Have a good evening, as well.
  16. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Also, at no time did I say I know everything. Only that I might know more about what’s going on here in Australia, than you. You’ve stated that isn’t the case. Ok…
  17. LSTHX

    LSTHX Fapstronaut

    So many haters in this thread. I find forming an opinion on any country is difficult at best, there are so many complicated factors involved especially if you don't live in it or haven't even been there.

    But hey, take what I have to say with a grain of salt.

    I live in Australia, it's a big country, so without making a full blown book on the pros and cons it would be bloody hard to summarize. Where I am, it's a good place to live and holiday... Especially when there's no pandemic, but I guess we're stuck with that for a while.

    Basing your beliefs about a country on what someone says (or news articles for that matter) on the internet is hit and miss at best. It's hard to find unbiased opinions, including from the people inside the country, let-alone from people who are clueless, never been here, and stabbing in the dark.

    Completely agree..
  18. Let's kill patients with ventilators and burn their lungs. They will call us heroes on newspapers. This in new-speak is something we call "Heal people".

    This is what happen here. Please can we return to Enchantments and alchemy? Is more effective.
  19. Anyway you are right, isn 't correct to protest against the governament, for A simple reason: If yoi protest you are justifying the governament to do what they are doing, we give them the noble position amd they have authority to release guard dogs. If instead we pratice civil disobedience all togheter they will just start crying and ask you to return to work and remove all the limits, their shitty society collapse, because the machine stop. So, stop, no more money accumulation for them.
  20. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    I don't think OP wants to be an activist or something there. So...