Approached A Girl With Confidence

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. Finally, on my last day of school I approached this really cute girl. I did most of the talking and I could tell she was shy. I had never seen or met her before but I just went for it. I got her name and we had small talk and a goodbye. The entire time I wasn't even nervous but I was happy and she was smiling too. This is a big improvement from the last time I approached a girl because I used to freeze up. It was a great experience and I look forward to flirting with more girls lol.
    Jclear99, Cockyau, JMS and 9 others like this.
  2. Freedomfighter23

    Freedomfighter23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, it's true. As for me, my old self before I discovered pmo was a very optimistic and cheerful guy and I would be able to talk to any girl instantly. But over time, after 1 year + of pmo.. It really drained me of all energy, outgoingness and filled me with shyness and I really struggled to become my old self. Now that I have discovered this site, I realized all that I needed to do is reboot and stop pmo for good if I wanted to be my old self, and even though it's been only 6 days.. I feel my energy getting into me once more. So keep up the good fight bro
  3. FlamesOfInfinity

    FlamesOfInfinity Fapstronaut

    I'm ready lol, 12 days for me I feel great
  4. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    I need to start approaching. I've only approached in school environment. What do or could I say as my opener?
  5. "Hey, I saw you and I just really want to talk to you because you look cute and I want to know if you're cool"
    jay2020 and silenteagle like this.
  6. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    Have you used this before? and have/do you approach girls?
  7. yeah, a bunch of times because it felt authentic to me.
    And yes, every weekend and every monday with my running group
  8. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    How was it approaching a girl for the first time?
  9. Law

    Law Fapstronaut

    Please like this post so I can make a signature
    MrCharacter likes this.
  10. Oh dude, was so scary I felt like I was about to die. But that was a few years ago, now it's not scary, it's just the matter of motivating myself to do it.
    jay2020 likes this.
  11. Law

    Law Fapstronaut

    It's all in your head talking to a girl is as special as talking to your dad.
    nofapper94 likes this.
  12. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    I'm at that stage guys. That first step.
  13. It's gonna be tough at first but once you get enough practice in, you can approach with confidence. You should have seen me 2 years ago, I'm like a different person now lol.
    jay2020 likes this.
  14. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    Is there any right way about it?
  15. The number one rule is to NEVER think about what you're gonna say. This leads to over thinking and making predicted situations in your head. Women like it when you approach them, they might not say it but they do. This is because, just like men, some of us prefer to be approached rather than to do the approaching. So when you do the approaching it shows confidence. And finally, NEVER say "I could've". Don't miss opportunities and if you're feeling it then go for it!

    If you need an example, this is what I used the last time I attempted to flirt.

    (takes her awhile to notice me)
    Me:You're really cute, what's your name?
    (Not gonna use her real name lol)
    Me: I'm (your name of course)

    Make sure you have a topic in mind, I chose school and asked her about sports too. Just basic stuff.

    Then you basically pick up the convo from there. If either of you don't have the time to chat very long, try and get her phone number so you can talk more. Talking is a way of connection so the more you talk to her the better chance you have of either being a mutual friend or a boyfriend.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2016
    jay2020 likes this.
  16. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    Your first approach, how did you start it off? Any other tips?
  17. My first approach was awful. I could barely raise my voice, plus she eventually just ignored me lol.

    I forgot the most important tip: ALWAYS SMILE

    Smiles are attractive.
    jay2020 likes this.
  18. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    Alright cheers man! Just thinking about it makes me throw up but also curious at the same time.