Anyone else have this Issues?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JakeBear, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    Does anyone else have this problem or advice for it, Whatever I fapped to it could be anime like dragonball or naruto for example, if i fapped to a character from them i feel like im not allowed to watch them shows anymore or even listen to music from them shows and if I do it is not as enjoyable anymore and feels wrong.

    This can apply to pretty much everything ive fapped to like music artist, actors, real life people, videogames, movies, animes.

    It gets pretty annoying cause I enjoy all these but now i feel like my mind wont let me do any of them and like i said if i do watch or do any of them its not as enjoyable, like playing videogames , watching anime/shows, listening to music or even continuing and researching my passion for nature, wildlife and creatures because of things ive fapped to in the past.

    Sorry if this was hard to understand but if anyone has a similar issue like this or any advice i would appreciate it very much, thank you.
  2. Hey it wasn't hard to understand at all. I think I can comment on this. I will try to express the examples in a way that isn't too triggering.

    I used to watch a lot of soft core stuff like stripteases/dances... and most of these were done to rap music. That's not really my personal taste in music to just listen to in the car or whatever... so whenever I did hear it in public or on the radio when my phone was dead or something... I would be easily dragged back into the memory of the dancing hottie in the video with that song, and it's pretty obvious what I would do as soon as I got home.

    This is good timing because that actually recently happened and I finally figured out what to do. You just have to rewrite the script in your head. Instead of 1. hear the song / experience whatever trigger, 2. find some privacy and stroke the meatstick...

    Try instead, 1. hear the song / experience the trigger, and 2. start thinking about your masculinity. By abstaining from PMO, we aren't trying to become asexual, we are just trying to control ourselves. So when you're triggered by something like you mentioned, just think to yourself that it's one of your turn ons, and it's pretty cool that it's personally yours... this thing that can morph you into a sexual animal ready to go for it and get a girl. If you don't envision yourself going to your bedroom and fapping, start to feel helpless, and then actually do it... you can instead envision yourself using how turned on it makes you for whatever else... to get a nearby girl, to just feel more energetic and masculine for your next task of the day, whtaever...

    Triggers can be morphed into performance enhancers. Hope that helps.
    JakeBear likes this.
  3. JakeBear

    JakeBear Fapstronaut

    Okay thank you : )