Any musicians here? or just a person who plays an instrument?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BeachDude1992, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Have you noticed any difference in your creativity, memory and rhythm when playing your chosen instrument? For me, I can remember notes, lyrics and melodies better when I play the guitar....which is a sign of progress for me.
  2. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    I play the piano and have noticed a serious boost in vigour, memory and force when playing

    I can play harder songs very easily now, a year ago I was playing tamely now I can emote more
  3. Classical Guitarist here. I can "get into" the music, both playing and hearing, a lot easier and deeper (not always but way more often). Especially subtleties in rhythm and phrasing that I often miss or try to fake just happen naturally. Finally performance anxiety is much more under control. I feel more solid as a person less easily rattled. So I stay more centered automatically while performing.
  4. ChristoX8

    ChristoX8 Fapstronaut

    I'm much more dynamic while playing bass, I make goofy faces, sing lyrics while playing or start dancing during breaks. I'm more immersed in the music, more focused and my bassist skills went through the roof! Here's one example, I used to only get 23.3% of The Spirit of Radio by Rush, right on Rocksmith 2014. First time I played it again after starting NoFap, 84.6. THAT'S OVER A 61% INCREASE!! I have less hesitation, I'm confident in my playing, even when I don't know how this or that song and I see a wave of notes coming my way, I'm confident I can play them right and I enjoy the hell out of my bass sessions. That's about it but as you can see, NoFap made all the difference! :p
  5. Landomike

    Landomike Fapstronaut

    I've been playing guitar for ten years and I'm in a rug and I want to learn something new. I'm in the military, currently working long hours so playing is rare. I mainly play what comes to mind (original stuff) and I post it on instagram. It's fun but it's getting bland. Any tips or band recommendations?
  6. As far as having more fun playing on your own and spicing things up I would suggest looking at rocksmith or maxmsp that will get you out of your run ;)
    My favorite guitarist at the moment is Scott Henderson on the rock / jazz side, Marcus Tardelli on the traditional South American side. And tho I never listen to blue grass you should check out Chris thile with punch brothers.... After all amazing music has nothing to do with genre
  7. Landomike

    Landomike Fapstronaut

    Thanks bud
  8. Lumberjack-off-Man

    Lumberjack-off-Man Fapstronaut

    I've played piano for the past 8 years and I think it's helped my rhythm and creativity significantly. Not only that, but I've also met some of the best people through the music community. It's also a great way to release energy when you're feeling the urge to jack it.