Any good reason to get out of bed?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BrighterFuture, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    Hi, I'm almost 20 and have been struggling with p for 6 years. in short. everything around me seems to dissolve and become meaningless. I told some close relatives about my addiction, they said it's common and that you shouldn't worry, they didn't care to ask again. I avoid looking at mirrors because a hypocrite is gonna stare back at me. I feel unstable and disgusting, I've done hardly anything to improve any aspect of my life. I've stopped trying basically. waking up is 10 times worst than sleeping. at least I can worry less about life when I'm sleeping. back to the main question:

    What are the reasons that motivate you to wake up from bed? I've got none.
    Roady likes this.
  2. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    It’s pretty simple. If I don’t wake up and get out of bed every day, I won’t have a bed to sleep in, or a roof over my head for that matter. Sometimes life is shit. You just have to push through it to get to the better days. You are still young. If you get motivated now, you will set yourself up for much brighter future.
  3. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    to do a good break fast !
  4. Now that's an interesting question, huh?
    The best reason that motivates me to get out of bed at the time being is the fact that what I want to accomplish will not simply fulfill itself; I will have to work toward the accomplishment to achieve it, and I can not do the same by sleeping more.
    Although, do not forget to have a good seven hours of sleep/three hours of meditation to keep your body processes functioning well. I usually make up for sleep by meditating; thirty minutes of meditation makes me feel like I've slept four hours.
    Roady and BrighterFuture like this.
  5. Because I'm hungry and I have to study.
    CArT_Vader, BrighterFuture and intso like this.
  6. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    Need to pee
  7. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    Fast! Thats the first thing one would think :)
  8. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    none but then you have to pee.
  9. OctoberSober

    OctoberSober New Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't listen to what your, I presume, 'older' relatives think. There are many people in that generation that do not believe in psychology and do not understand neuroscience as well.
    josedelamuerte likes this.
  10. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    and chores, for me:/
  11. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    the future belongs to the early risers, as a french saying goes
    get up to make ur future brighter my friend!
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  12. A simple reason: NoFap is much easier if you get up quickly after you wake up. Don't lie there fantasising. Don't keep your phone in your bedroom.

    Get up, have breakfast, chill out a little.
    Ahiphena, BrighterFuture and intso like this.
  13. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I think the real question is what motivates one to live or what gives one's life meaning. Of course, getting up to pee or to eat or to whatever has very little to do with it - we are still "in bed" in the existential sense. Until we give ourselves to something meaningful and transcendent beyond our own self-centered world of petty pleasures and vices, life will always feel meaningless - our hearts and lives turn into stone until we choose otherwise.

    Roady and BrighterFuture like this.
  14. Caerulea

    Caerulea Fapstronaut

    What are the reasons that motivate you to wake up from bed?

    (1) I have a dog, which requires me to get up and take care of his basic needs.
    (2) It would be devastating to my family if I didn't continue to choose to stay alive and keep trying. It would also be upsetting for friends/acquaintances, too.

    On good days, I have other reasons to want to get up and strive to improve. I have goals I work towards everyday. But on bad days, the above is still true. I don't want to be the cause of my loved ones' suffering (inasmuch as I can prevent it).

    I'm sorry that your close relatives did not show much concern about your addiction, especially given that it is such a personal and brave thing to share. However, that is why you are here on this forum - to feel less alone in your addiction, and to receive encouragement and support.

    One thing I do urge you to do is be more gentle and compassionate with yourself. It is good to set standards for yourself and to hold yourself accountable - but negative self-talk is only going to make you miserable. It is good for you to strive to overcome your addiction, but having it does not in itself make you a bad or disgusting person. You are more than just your addiction.

    Clearly you have at least a little motivation to change your life or you would not be here reaching out. It may help to reflect on what things in your life do bring you happiness, however small or seemingly mundane. Try to figure out how to make more time for those things, and focus more on what you do have going for you than what you don't. Setting very small, achievable, measurable goals may help you build some confidence, too. Keep trying. You don't know what might change if you do.
    Roady likes this.
  15. Little Prince

    Little Prince Fapstronaut

    A job. During lockdown I didn't care about sleeping or waking up, days/months just passed by...
    If you quit things that overstimulate your brain (anything on an electronic device except reading) for just a few days so you can see the difference it might help a lot. Wild guess because there does need to be a balance in hormones and you do need to do something that makes you happy or at least gives you dopamine but I have no idea what you normally do.
    What I did about 2 weeks ago is give up the idea that I could ever do noPMO and only gave up porn. A few months ago I also gave up memes, video compilations, video games, movies, tv series and recently I reduced the amount of music I listen to. Life is insanely different. My mind used to be so full of garbage running constantly I couldn't see how people look like. No joke. I still couldn't describe anyone but I can sometimes see their face and how they look like. Amazing.
  16. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I look at myself as a success most of the time, I really do. but when dopamine levels get low so does myself value. how does meditation exactly help you? (I know it feels good but It's seems like a big commitment for me to do everyday)
    Roady likes this.
  17. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    I too dislike how technology is using us today, I would happily leave it for a whole year if I can. but you see I'm in college, and leaving my phone 2 days is near impossible. technology was and still is necessity in my life, it's not an accessory that I can simply take off. I do prefer to do most things the hard usual way, rather than the easy boring take and picture and find the answer kind of way.
    Roady likes this.
  18. Caerulea

    Caerulea Fapstronaut

    With consistent meditation (even just 10-20 minutes a day), I've noticed improvements in my ability to focus on tasks and in my ability to be patient and compassionate towards people in tense situations that would otherwise be pretty trying. I used to have much more of an overactive mind than I do now, as well. Although anxiety is still a problem for me, it's better. Sometimes it helps with sleep (but not always). I hope that I will continue to see further improvements.

    I don't always want to meditate, but I consider it worthwhile nevertheless. I think you have to practice it regularly before you can see any benefits, so if you try it, don't give it up too quickly. It's easier if you make it a part of your daily routine. (It's the first thing I do in the morning everyday.)
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  19. exito

    exito Fapstronaut

    i can relate but we need to get out to live this life
  20. Well, of course it’s to work and save up money in order to purchase an even nicer bed in the future ! Kidding. There’s no reason for doing anything really. Ask yourself what the point of getting out of bed is on Christmas day?