Anger ..

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Golden-Rose, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Is it normal to feel angry for no apparent reason, or to sometimes just hate the world for its "triggers", to feel angry at every attractive person, angry at that uneccessary nudity on that perfume advertisement, angry at how tight people's clothing has become, angry that I didn't grow up in a country where I'd be married as soon as the biological urges began
    I know it's unfair, and I hate to be filled with hate, but ..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2015
  2. KeenEye

    KeenEye Fapstronaut

    I'd prefer anger to being in a PMO-inclined mood. You are angry because PMO is a part of you thanks to the brainwashing of the "experts", popular culture and porn industry that we are meant to masturbate and meant to watch other people desecrate acts of intimacy by lifelessly performing acts that are supposed to be sexual.
    To be on a journey of abstinence means not all the great political and social investments to the spread of masturbation and porn combined can stop you from recovering your depth of being.
  3. Musta

    Musta Fapstronaut

    Yes, we are frustrated by PMO and everything related to it. So we start hating on media that spreads nudity, the sexualized world we're living in and even the people that go with this flow. But don't let that depress you, positiveness and happiness are always your best friends in this journey :)
    Golden-Rose likes this.
  4. Steve Smith

    Steve Smith Fapstronaut

    Anger is a subject I know all too well about having experienced anger issues myself and attended an Anger Management course to try and better manage my anger problems. I can provide you with some tips on this if you need them? Let me know if you would like any help and I would be happy to assist where I can.

    Anger is a symptom of porn use and it can escalate to uncontrollable risky and dangerous outbursts and unfortunatly for me, this has led to some serious problems with my relationship. It is important to be aware that anger is a normal human emotion and there are healthy ways you can manage it and get it under control. It is ok to be angry, it is how you deal with it that matters. So for example, take yourself away from the environment that your in that got you angry, take a walk or do some breathing exercises.

    Give these a go and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you out buddy.

    Take it steady,

    Golden-Rose likes this.
  5. It is normal and part of addiction...

    In my case, it was dissatisfaction with my life, with my job, with my social life.

    I realized that it can even be useful because it will force you to make changes to fix it.

    The Changes were not easy but they were worth...
    Kurapika 2 likes this.