Anger Be Gone

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. !mkj!

    !mkj! Fapstronaut

    One area of my life that needs correction is my anger. Having had traumatic experiences as a kid from mother, friends and girls it became a natural reaction in my life to anything that seemed unjust in my eyes, especially if something was directed at me. I have responded to some posts on this site with anger in some form or fashion and I apologize to anyone who has been the victim of that. I will be editing and/or deleting some of my posts to better reflect a proper Christian attitude. Now that the manifestations of lust are being subjected to the healing grace of God I'm going to turn more attention to subduing my anger. I know any success in that endeavor will be due to the grace of our loving God. All glory and honor be to Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have had anger issues for my entire life. I can explain it with some sad stories about my life but that feels like an excuse. Last night, I verbally lashed out at my wife over something she did a couple of weeks back which has since been festering in me. Although it occurred to me in my tirade that I should drop the matter and walk away my determination to vent my rage could not be overruled by logical thought. I am not going to give up my PMO reboot as an excuse to quell my anger but I am tempted to conclude that depriving my brain of this "comfort" is exacerbating my temper. I also believe that the devil wants to keep his grip on me and he is trying to manipulate me to give up my quest to come closer to God. Does any of this ring a bell with you?
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  3. !mkj!

    !mkj! Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the delay in responding.
    Been busy with stuff.
    Yes, I believe the devil is out to get us and our fallen nature is a welcome environment for him to do his thing.
    I don't think giving up attempts to quell PMO would help an anger problem. We addicts (if we are sincerely making an effort to quit) are not pleased with ourselves when we relapse and it's easy for that to amplify other faults such as anger. Giving up the quest to be free from PMO would only make us feel worse and add even more fuel to the anger fire.
    I believe that generosity in serving others is a counter measure against the devil's work. It was the only thing I could do to while suffering through the addiction for years that made me feel like I was living partially like God wanted me to. It didn't reduce the temptations or strengthen me in my attempt to be pure, but I felt like God told me that He would take care of the addiction in his time and for me to focus on being the love I am called to be.
    I pray that I might impart the gift of peace and joy recently granted me by the Lord to you, brother.
    God bless
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Thank you! Immediately upon reading your prayer for me, I felt something pure and comforting wash over me. May God continue to bless you! Merry Christmas to your heart, your soul and your family.
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