Am i gay or Porn Addicted

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Unbknnt55, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. Unbknnt55

    Unbknnt55 New Fapstronaut

    Hello i habe since some Years the problem that i am addicted to gay Porn. I looked Porn since i was 8 and in the beginning it was normal Porn. And i never had any sexual interest in men. But after time the Porn gets more and more weird. First bbw, then ssbbw then mature the granny then black bbw then granny lesbians then lesbians then transwomen and then gay Porn. And i thinked i was gay. The pressure was so high i never felt anything like that for long. The last time i had this pressure with a bbw women in the time where i was addicted to bbw porn. Now i wanted to experience this because i wanted to know am i gay or not. And in reality it was nothing like in my fantasy. I realised this is not real. But my brain dont understand this when im at home my brain thinks, i want this again. And then i do it again because im not sure again and i feel so disgustinh again. And it goes over and over for 2 Years. There are many people who says that they watched also porn, but never became addicted to gay porn. Why? I dont know if im gay or not maybe we just wont accept it. Ive done a reboot for 30 days and i had sexual desires for women again. But is this the rigth way? Everytime we see something naked maybe in an advertise to close our eyes? I mean this will affect our whole life. We will see naked women and sex everywhere today. In advertisements (outside and inside), movies. What can i do. The people who say im gay maybe it is like this. But why are there people who dont get addicted to this kind of porn after many years. And why do i get addicted to this? And there are sadly still no scientific proof. Is this really the case? What is your Opinion. Please help me. Thank you.
    palindromo likes this.
  2. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    When you do NoFap properly, it means you completely stop porn AND ALL SUBSTITUTES! Instagram, onlyfans, looking at advertising etc. It also means not looking at women in the street and averting your eyes if there is a sex scene in a movie. I even avert my eyes if a woman shows too much flesh. Why? I’m in reboot of course.
    elvagoazul and palindromo like this.
  3. palindromo

    palindromo Fapstronaut

    At the biginning of this addiction you were looking at women , than at degraded women , than at men . I don't think you're gay.
    I think you already know it.
    I think the difference between you and others is that your mind don't have lots of self -care.
    So you have to look to degrading porn to have confirmation of your insecurities. It's a masochistic process.

    Your reboot should include a gaining of self-esteem , and absolutely no PMO for months and months.
    Did you ever have suffered trauma or abuse? What's about your self- esteem?

    About scientific proofs >
    Supination and engelman like this.
  4. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Hey there! It sounds like a classic porn escalation. Vanilla>transwoman>gay.. etc. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. Too many people here are battling with the same case as yours! There are some people who tend to have an addiction pattern, which means they get addicted easily to certain things. those people are in a higher position to suffer from porn and there are people who will never be addicted. It's like taking a drug/medicine which has side effects. Some people might have them and some people will never have them. I'd say porn is the same. It's basically a Russian roulette, No one knows the consequences and if eventually he ends up going down the rabbit hole.

    Check out this amazing thread. I find it as one of the most successful overcoming HOCD stories i've seen here.
    Lots of good information about how to deal with it and to recover!

    Also, Another scientific proofs:

    I’m straight, but attracted to transsexual or gay porn (or gay attracted to straight porn). What’s up?

    Evolution has not prepared your brain for today’s porn

    You have to stop Watching porn and Masturbating! (I'd say avoid masturbation no matter what). They're both addictions. So quit porn FOREVER, FOR GOOD!!! There's no point in coming back to what gave you so many problems. It might take a couple months or even a year or two, But with right discipline, Willpower, Motivation and patience, It's totally healable!
    Good luck!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  5. Troubledteacher

    Troubledteacher New Fapstronaut

    What I have learned is that this constant downgrading may be related to power craving. Do you want to abuse and diminish your partner? Do you like violence? Then you'll begin downgrading to fit your cravings. I have similar issues and it stems from my need to control. My fantasy downgraded to the worse gay porn. Every one is different. Our experiences and cravings are different. This filth affects us differently.
  6. Rusername

    Rusername Fapstronaut

    I would go even further with that. Our sex related activities mirror how we feel about ourselfs.
  7. LifeChanges213

    LifeChanges213 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, just know that you are not alone here.

    Being addicted to gay porn does not necessarily mean that you are gay. Someone addicted to porn can also experience the Coolidge Effect which means that you get less attracted or less dopamine rush to the same girl, or content (porn genre) in this case. Someone who starts out by vanila porn, may not get the same effects and have to search for more extreme content, such as hardcore or gangbang. If that doesn't do it anymore, many venture out to contents that can even go against their morals and sexuality. This is why it is all possible that someone who identifies as heterosexual can be addicted to very extreme content such as Homosexual videos, something that seems alien to those who never have any experience for themselves.

    As you mentioned that once you went 30 days without it, you were able to kind of return to normal.

    It is like drugs, with marijuana, you don't feel the same excitement anymore and you move on to hardcore drugs such as heroin and meth.
    Supination likes this.
  8. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

    Nicely said!