
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 24, 2020.

  1. Hello, apologies for an incoherent post, this is just something I thought I might share.A year or two ago I was on Nofap, seeking some comfort or answers. I was on the verge of suicide and porn was my escape from depression. On the forums I was called a pussy and selfish and accused of not doing enough to change my life by complete strangers (thanks mods), but I feel like I can go a week or two at most without watch in porn. I have cut myself a couple of times now (on my shoulder since it's easy to hide) and I did some research and read that your brain releases endorphins when you do that. I have felt like this is an adequate alternative. People smoke, slowly killing themselves so I don't see why cutting is so frowned upon, just my opinion. I have a job that I love yet I'm still depressed and so even if I want to greet something I really want (like failing miserably to get a girlfriend) or just be happy for a few days straight I'll always feel like this and cutting makes me feel less guilty and dirty than porn. I'm not trying to encourage anyone to do this, I just felt like telling whoever will listen how I might beat porn.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  2. Hakaishin

    Hakaishin Fapstronaut

    What I feel is that it is not just about losing PORN as a habit but also how we change ourselves during this journey. If self maiming is giving you pleasure then I think that's another bad habit what you're substituting to watching PORN. If punishing yourself makes you feel better as in releasing endorphins, the whole point of NOFAP was to be better and be happy in life by not looking for PORN as a source of happiness and not causing pain to the body but doing what your body really loves and what keeps your body as holy as it is. Some of these activities are fitness, if you are fit you are confident; after exercising starts being a habit, you'll automatically be conscious about you're health...this will lead to you eating healthy foods, this will further lead to a positive change in your life. With this positivity no woman will ever ignore you because this will automatically reflect in your daily life. Of course, I'm still really young to comment on this but this is what I learnt and summarized based on many self help books that I read. Books by Robin Sharma are really, really great...Just being positive can go a long way in life...
  3. I

    I hear you, t's just difficult to commit to exercising for instance when you don't even feel like get to g out of the bed every morning. Cutting is just a lot easier and some of the psychological issues associated with porn addiction (loneliness, objectifying women) are not associated with cutting, in my experience.
  4. Hakaishin

    Hakaishin Fapstronaut

    I know it's really hard at the starting to commit to any good habit but that's where ATOMIC HABITS come in place. Even a slight development each day can count up to amazing results. Like 10 days back I could do only 1 proper pushup but every consecutive day I increased the count so now I can do 20 pushups. It's not much but if you look at the bigger picture it's a massive improvement.
    And if a particular thing is easy it's not the right thing for here cutting. Why unnecessarily harm your precious body, if it's for something easy you say. We humans were designed to gain happiness by accomplishing hard things, if in our ancestors just sat and did what they found easy they wouldn't have braved the hardships, they wouldn't have thought of solutions to make our life better and if they had started cutting themselves just for the sake that it is helping them cope with hardships we would have now been a disaster. These hard times will test us, for example take it as a 1 hour test of constant hard questions which you haven't studied for...If you don't think and leave it blank the test will not end in 1 hour because this is the test of life it will just keep going endlessly...until and unless you think and write something on the paper it will be an improvement which will provide is with hope that no matter what hard questions life throws at me I have the power to think and do something good out of it.
    The whole point is that just find a healthier substitute than cutting something productive even if you don't feel like doing it. The successful always endured through the tough times even if they knew that there was certain failure but they endured only because they had hope that if tough times come so will the good times and life will reward only those who will persist with determination to live a better life.
  5. King Tut 23

    King Tut 23 Fapstronaut

    I'm not in your situation and it's easy to talk when you're not going through it, but I'd tell you to stop watching Porn and cutting yourself. If you need something to release stress, sadness, depression... Do something that can be good for you. I went through a depression two years ago and I used to write songs to express what I was feeling and, even though those songs were not really good, they helped me a lot.
    However, what made me change to a better lifestyle and a better mood was daily habits. Wake up earlier, go to bed earlier, don't spend too much time on phone, read more, take care of how you look, work out, walk, learn as much as possible about whatever you want. I think these little habits on the whole is what make people happier.
    Finally, I have to say that you gotta be motivated about changing. Possibly this is the hardest part but I swear that you won't change if you do those things by obligation, instead it has to come from yourself, you gotta be motivated about it.
    Good luck bro, I hope everything gets better, Peace king!!!
    Hakaishin likes this.
  6. I understand where you guys are coming from, but it is incredibly difficult for me to do something productive to make me feel better. Porn and cutting is just so easy. I fail a lot when I try to do something I care about or that might be "good" so I just give up and move on, I've gotten really sick of people romanticizing failure and trying to give inspirational speeches. I have found a way can fill the hole porn did, and the high I get from cutting myself makes me forgot about most of my problems and helps me get through the day or get things done.
  7. Hakaishin

    Hakaishin Fapstronaut

    That's the main issue we all have isn't it. PORN creates a perfect impression that it makes us feel better, it fills this void when we get sad or depressed but that is the main problem...If any particular thing is easy to do it's not the right thing, if it's easy your not developing. Hypothetically, No one will respect you if you defeat a cat, when you defeat a Lion...that's when the respect is going to come.
    PORN is supposed to be of pleasure...fake pleasure, less in magnitude and short lived. If we work hard for something with our own might and mind, the pleasure we receive at that time is far greater in magnitude and long lived. It's up to you if you want to settle for less or you want to settle for more.
  8. Again I hear you but also undeand where I am coming from. And I have trouble with words so I know I probably didn't explain myself that well.

    I have a job and responsibilities and people to take care of. I have been watching porn on and off almost everyday for a decade. When I stop the withdrawals kick in and combined with my depression makes going through abstaining difficult. I get anxiety, panic attacks, I can't breathe, sleep, I lose my appetite and I become suicidal king up every morning thinking of a reason not to kill myself.

    After I cut myself I have clarity and I can think things through. I admire you mettle and discipline but (this doesn't just apply to quitting porn) I don't have that and there is a difference between your 5th failure and 50th failure. Years back I had to write an essay on where I see myself in 10 years and I was honest and straight said I don't think I'll be alive in 10 years. Not to sound melodramatic but this to me is a life and death issue, and if I cant watch porn to ease my anxieties and so on, then I'll cut myself. I know it's not ideal but it works for me.
  9. Hakaishin

    Hakaishin Fapstronaut

    I guess you're really in a messed up and serious situation...Did you try taking therapy before? because you need to be in talks with someone really experienced...I'm just a rookie. I'm sorry I didn't understand it was this serious for you...