Allen Carr’s EASYWAY

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by tawwab1, Jul 24, 2022.

  1. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut


    I recently found out about the easy way to stop smoking by Allen car. Some people are using this to stop porn addiction as well. Has anyone on this forum tried this, and have you been successful? I feel like his method is the right outlook and the right approach to this problem. Of course, everyone’s situation is different and everyone responds to different techniques. But for me, I think this is the right path. Can anyone offer some tips or guidance?
    Thank you
  2. There's actually a PMO version of this book called the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION method (google it.) It's still a work in progress.

    As for me, it got me to a certain point in terms of a streak, but honestly once I relapsed, fifty iterations of "I get nothing from this" or "I'm just wearing uncomfortable shoes" couldn't get me back out of addiction hell.

    Regardless, I don't feel worse for having read it. It's just another milestone in the recovery journey.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  3. Fishinbuddee

    Fishinbuddee Fapstronaut

    I did Allen Carr's Easy Way when I quit tobacco years ago. I listened to the CDs in a binge session and read the book cover to cover. I think the binge session kind of hypnotized me into giving it my all. I didnt touch another smoke for over a year. Of course, I slipped up one time and boom, full on smoke for the next several years. I eventually weaned myself off again a couple of years ago, and almost never think about it now.
    I'm sure the same method can be used by just as many addicts of P
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  4. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I read this community version of the book, which is designed for porn addiction, that's been going around a few years back. I couldn't understand why everybody seemed to enjoy it so much. I found it just an utter waste of time. Didn't help me at all.
  5. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    The reason why I think it’s the right approach is because it reminds me of my attitude the one time I actually did successfully quit PMO years ago.

    I succeeded in going cold turkey for almost 7 years.

    My mindset at that time was similar to Allen Carr’s: that I don’t need porn anymore, that I’m already free from the addiction, that it doesn’t bother me, and that I’m happy to quit and having fun doing it.

    Even though I had a personal crisis that drove me back into it after 7 years, I got so much accomplished during those 7 years, it’s hard to believe I was the same person. I would much rather be that person than the one I am now. So I consider it a success.

    All the other unsuccessful times I’ve tried to kick the addiction, it was through what Carr calls the Willpower method and i was pitifully weak about it. The most I remained free was 90 days, and that was through purging all internet devices from my home (!)

    All I was doing those times was going from being a hardcore user to a casual user of porn, which according to Carr, would be even worse. The casual user is not only still addicted, but torturing himself through deprivation of his precious fake love life. I totally agree with this because the times when I stooped the lowest and did the riskiest things was when I was CASUALLY using porn (!)

    That is because I had not killed the “Big monster” of irrational beliefs, as Carr would put it. The Big monster here is the idea that a person could derive any pleasure at all from stroking his dick under a blanket to an iPhone while hoping his wife doesn’t pop in the room suddenly. No sane person would think this is a fun use of 10 minutes, let alone 100 or 1000 hours.
    glaze likes this.
  6. Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan Fapstronaut

    I wasn't impressed either. I am now going to read Carr's book instead of the weird adaptation.

    Are we not allowed to talk about that book on this forum? It looks like all of the posts that talk about it get censored.
  7. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    I've wondered the same thing myself. I don't think they'd have issue with us discussing it, but sharing the books files definitely gets moderated. I don't know the particular reasoning, but I've had it happen to me when I wanted to share it as well. I started to skim the book, but I didn't finish it. My life was filled with other things. Could maybe be that I didn't want to give PMO up like the book was saying heh!

    I have heard of one success story with it here, that was how I found the book. Other than that I don't know much on how well it works for people overall.
    Ferdinand Magellan likes this.