all this shooting, killing, and hatred all around us... #BlackLivesMatter

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Lazarus Shuttlesworth, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Blame the shooter. Not the gun. Millions of Americans own guns and don't kill people.

    Don't blame the many for the few. Some 250,000,000 Americans own guns and maybe 10,000 are used unlawfully.
    Far more people die by blunt objects, and knives then guns.
    "Gun violence" doesn't exist, only violence exist.
    Gun control is bullshit, stop trying to babysit the world, Brit.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    himmelstoss and Baroque like this.
  2. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    My mistake I meant around 250 million firearms.
    But about 100,000,000 Americans own guns.
    Studies show more guns = less crime
    Less guns = more crime
    An armed population is a protected population,_Less_Crime
    Who are you to tell me what is nessessary for my self defense? You CANNOT tell me if a burglar broke into you house you would want a handgun? You would want an ar15 because that is a better weapon.

    Also the 2nd amendment is not for self defense or hunting. It's for keeping the government in check in case of a tyrannical takeover (which is happening now).

    "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither" -ben Franklin

    Complete bullshit. You think the founding fathers couldn't Invision a gun that fires multiple rounds? Lol. They have multiple barrel weapons back in their time, they knew that technology would advance.

    Guns are not weapons of mass destruction. WMDs are nuclear, biological or chemical weapons get your facts straight.
    You can commit suicide other ways then shooting yourself.

    Your argument is flawed, just like feminism and other libtard crap. You can't tell me that my ar15 isn't for self defense. There are millions of gun owners who have rifles and they don't go on shooting spree s. Idk what you want . There will always be criminals. You can't buy a gun if you are a felon

    You didn't address how more people are killed by knives and blunt objects than by guns.
  3. KingRecover17

    KingRecover17 Fapstronaut


    She is right @4:18, you can't argue with that!
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  4. will2power44

    will2power44 Fapstronaut

    Black Lives Matter is retarded because it is anti white they only care about black people who are murdered by cops and don't care about blacks murdered by blacks which is WAY higher. The ZOG pigs murder whites way more on average but the media never seems to care.
    Some Examples
    Kelly Thomas
    Randy Weaver
    Robert Reedus
    himmelstoss and Baroque like this.
  5. Be Normal

    Be Normal Fapstronaut

    I have been slowly planning and wanting to moving out of America for over 6 months now. Not only because of the killings, but because of how corrupt our government is.
  6. thatoneguy123

    thatoneguy123 Fapstronaut

    Shootings happen everyday but the thing is cops have cameras on their chest and on car and a few videos going viral leave a bad impression thousands die every day without a camera recording some cops are good but some cops are bad and some people just wanna pick on the cops there are a lot of videos where the suspect is obviously reaching for pockets and stuff like that
  7. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    No. It is difficult to hit something with a handgun. Have you ever shot a pistol? Plus pistol rounds don't always incapacitate a human easily. Where as rifle rounds almost always incapacitate in a single shot.
    What if a squad of burglars (2 or more) invade your house? Still want that handgun?
    Bullshit. Look at the insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq. All they had were rifles and they stood their ground against the USA for over a decade. And that's no where near the population of armed Americans.

    Aside from jets, aerial attacks, and naval vessels, the us population could stand a good chance in a ground war. Nukes and other WMDs would not be used on ones own country, except for very low yield warheads maybe.
    No, a gun has to be aimed at a target to cause damage. A nuclear weapon can indiscriminately harm living beings, buildings, and natural structures in a circular blast radius and leave long term radioactive isotopes that with again indiscriminately harm living beings. A gun is no where near that.
    Oh bullshit, a bolt action rifle would not be seen as a magically distant vision to the founding fathers. They're still guns. Not laser weapons.
    Put a toaster in a bathtub, inject yourself with a gram of heroin, etc. Etc. There are many ways to kill yourself. Plus if someone wants to end their own life they should be allowed to do so.
    Then you want to live in a fairy tale. Guns have been around since 1000 AD. They aren't going to disappear. A gun is basically a metal tube.
    Also gun violence has gone down in the past decades. You just hear about it all the time from libtards.
  8. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Well I'm sorry, but I get offended when people say our second amendment is stupid and our property and rights should be taken away.
    himmelstoss likes this.
  9. will2power44

    will2power44 Fapstronaut

    I live in Canada and we are not even allowed to ward off home invaders without going to jail. NEVER give up your guns, no matter what certain individuals tell you or try to tell you. They want you weak and defenseless.
    Baroque, TrueHuman and himmelstoss like this.
  10. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    And my uncle said Canada was "civilized." How is allowing Deandre and Mohammed to take what they want from a helpless population civilized? Is this the "racial justice" that gun ownership is preventing?
    TrueHuman likes this.
  11. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    They just don't get it. No sense wasting time trying to explain logic to libtards
  12. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    If they don't get it then why do they live in white neighborhoods?
  13. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    Relax I'm on your side buddy
  14. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    i know
  15. will2power44

    will2power44 Fapstronaut

    Civilized means mean a nation of weak and neutered who allow parasites of all kinds to rule over them and people who actively participate in their own destruction
  16. will2power44

    will2power44 Fapstronaut

    Because they have a inborn disdain for the white working class. They force non whites down poor and middle class neighborhoods but they are safe in their tiny little gated communities and high upper class suburbia's . I know this because I live all around these cunts
    himmelstoss likes this.
  17. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    The problem is people have loss touch with reality. They think life is like the movies. And they see all guns as scary instant kill weapons. They don't realize people like pol pot in Cambodia disarmed his population before killing millions, and that was recently. They believe America is immune to that kinda stuff.

    I guess we have to accept that some people just don't get it...
  18. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I don't think the gun issue is so black and white. If you live in a rural area if you don't have many neighbours and are isolated I think a gun is a fine thing to have, and it's good to be able to protect yourself. That being said in a heavily overpopulated city guns can be a big problem.

    I'm kind of on the fence on this issue. I've been in states where there is open carry and a lot of people acted like total yahoos, talking like it's for self-defense meanwhile they are bullying people feeling empowered by their guns. On the flip side if only the criminals have guns they will push their weight around and pretty much do as they please with everyone who can't defend themselves, as well this gives a lot of power to the police. But again with an armed public we see a more aggressive police in the USA that is constantly getting more and more heavily armed.

    One thing I feel pretty certain about is the "defend" against tyrannical government reason. This is just bullshit, and or delusional fantasy. People were not able to do shit in WW2 when an army rolled in, what the fuck do you think people are gonna do now? America is populated by blowhards and cowards, not Afganistanian fanatics . You think all these greedy sellouts are gonna lay down their lives? Take away their HBO, porn, and computer games and they will get pretty upset, but they won't be fighting any wars.

    I was watching a documentary not to long ago called "united states of hate", and I'm sure they didn't try to paint a favorable picture, that being said. They followed around this group of anti-Muslim activists, these guys had a compound where they trained with weapons for a potential civil war/ terrorist attacks armed with fully automatic weapons 50bmgs, etc. They showed up at protests armed with guns! They video showed them harassing a disabled lady threatening her and telling her she didn't have the right to protest their protest since she didn't serve in the military.

    Armed black power militants showed up to guard a black Muslim church, guess who didn't show up to do their protests. They claimed it was a communication error or that the cops bamboozled em, but the documentary made it seem pretty clear that these guys were chickenshits when opposed by any kind of potential threat.

    People talk big with bluster, but when it comes down to it the majority run. That is why militaries are run they way they are. They have to break you down and make you into someone who follows orders. The few people who would fight probably have families and whatever it is they are fighting against would go after their families.
  19. TrueHuman

    TrueHuman Fapstronaut

    sources? I didnt know you knew how a war senoria would play out. It would be one thing if there were no guns, then there would be a near 100% probablility of defeat. But since the country is armed there would be a chance.

    Imagine if you were a tyrannical government trying to control your countries population by force. Would you rather that population be armed or not armed?
    100,000,000 armed civilians is no laughing matter when it comes to a tyrannical government trying to take over.
  20. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    See? Gun ownership works.