Addiction: Online Cyber Sex & Roleplay struggles anyone?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Raymondo84, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut


    I hope everyone is doing okay and is coping well. I decided to post as I feel so lost and hopeless and suffering from my addiction. I am not struggling so much with stream sites and porn sites but more with online chat rooms and roleplay where I engage with cybersex and character-based sexual scenarios. I'm desperately trying to stop but feel I need help and support to do so after so many failed attempts at trying to quit on my own. I have tried to find support for my particular issue but have only come across information on sexual addiction & pornography addiction that is more general. While I agree that the issue I am facing is a sexual addiction and springs from intimacy and attachment issues, I think it is quite specific and wondered if anyone was also having trouble with this issue and needed support or someone to hold them accountable just like me. I have seen one other thread about this issue here, which filled me with hope knowing I am not alone but sadly nobody has posted since 2017 so I thought after some deliberation to create my own post. I am going to share my story below to give some sort of timeline of my struggles. I hope it doesn't seem too much like a pity party but I'm hoping by sharing that someone else who might be lost like me will reach out. Hopefully, we can then support each other with our recovery and healing. I know this post is long but I wanted to get everything down in the hope of being of service to others:

    The problem initially began when I broke up with "R" while I was still living in London, so probably around 2015-ish...? The relationship was very intense and quite traumatic and a huge void was left in the aftermath which was filled by this unhealthy behaviour. It recently dawned on me that I have always had issues with intimacy and attachment, having never felt fully confident in myself, attractive and worthy of love. A host of my other issues come into play here and this is where I think things get quite complex because there is a lot to unpack and they all seem interconnected. Struggling with low self-esteem, body dysmorphia and social anxiety (to name a few!) I never really allowed myself the possibility of a meaningful relationship before "R", mainly out of fear and self-doubt and because I was totally afraid. I've always longed for a relationship but always felt like an outsider looking in yet all the time yearning for connection. I think I've always found it difficult to talk with girls/women and doubted whether I could function in a relationship because of my underlying lack of confidence or belief in myself. I think in the past I've mainly fantasized about relationships rather than actively tried to seek them out. I think I've obsessed over the idea of a relationship with her rather than pursuing it as an actuality. There are times I could have asked girls out but been too scared of rejection or felt unworthy. With "R", things were different because I felt the connection instantly and she is really the first person I had let close to me in terms of intimacy and a physical relationship. Before her, I had only ever had one-night stands or "hooked up" with girls when I was totally drunk, relying on these situations to fulfil my need for connection with a fake sense of confidence when I was totally outside of myself and less closed up due to alcohol. So, when the relationship started to break down and eventually ended I kind of turned in on myself and shut myself off again because it was too painful to deal with. I was studying for an Art Foundation at the time with the aim of returning to study art at degree level and so I just threw myself into this and focused on this intensely so that I didn't have to deal with the emotions of the break-up or have to experience the difficult feelings to their full extent. Obviously once the course I wasn't studying finished, I was then faced with the reality of my feelings, which were extremely hard to process.

    Naturally, when a relationship ends there is always the question of what went wrong and why things ended the way they did but at 27-28 I had never really experienced this before and so I sort of spiralled out of control because I didn't have the necessary experience or tools to come to terms with it. I'd put so much energy into the relationship and probably put so much pressure on it too that I was devastated when it didn't last. At the time I thought she was "the one" and I couldn't believe that someone so attractive, talented and interesting could be attracted to me, so when I was left to face my feelings and was alone again, I just couldn't cope. I became very withdrawn and felt let down after finally opening myself up to an experience only to be left hurt when it didn't materialise how I thought it would or could.

    I don't know how or why it started but at some point, during this period of post-breakup depression, I started to engage in online chat rooms to fill the hole when there was no more real intimacy to enjoy. This is where my problem began and I've become heavily involved in this perverse behaviour as a coping mechanism ever since. I've always suffered from social anxiety but in combination with other issues, I find that when things become too intense for me or I feel completely overwhelmed, I turn to this behaviour to escape. It is not just external difficulties that I find difficult to confront but also my internal dialogue, my constant ruminations (which are also a struggle I am working on) as well as any difficult feelings or experiences that come along. To give you an idea of what this looks like, I find myself unable to move or function properly, I spend extended periods of time in bed and start to develop characters and roleplay, acting out scenes online with partners that are of a sexual nature. Obviously, there's a gratifying element at play here but also a fake kind of connection that keeps me attached to the action and behaviour even when I know it's detrimental to my mental and physical wellbeing and cuts me off from my connections in the real world. I create characters and scenarios, behaviours that have developed and evolved over time. I think I am perhaps attracted to this kind of excitement over let's say regular pornography because there is a creative element involved. It isn't so passive, it involves my mind being activated and through this misguided use of my creative energy I can escape myself, and my emotions and move my mind to another place where I can avoid my difficulties, ignore my issues and exist in another world.

    Through my research into healing, I have found a lot of information on the relationship between the increase in pornography addiction and technology and digital media and the role this plays in depression. While on occasion my behaviour and these scenes can be supplemented by pornography (stream sites, video content, naked imagery) I wouldn't say it is something I regularly seek out or struggle with as I don't compulsively consume it in the same way as the chat sites. That said, the compulsive actions of what I am doing are very similar in nature and the actions I am taking do spell addiction. Instead, I use non-naked images of people as the basis of my characters and share these with a partner to make a scene. TikTok and Google are my placed to source these non-threatening images. I do find myself being unable to balance my daily activities and manage the demands of my life. I'm putting off tasks, avoiding social situations and feeling unable to function like a regular human as a result of the compulsive behaviour I'm involved in. All symptomatic of a serious problem. Furthermore, I know how much time I waste in this engagement when I could be doing more productive things and working hard to bring more joy into my life if I could only apply myself and make more effort. I think the instant gratification attached to this endeavour is obviously the thing that keeps me coming back time and again, even though I know I feel like shit and experience extreme shame and mood swings, after every single session.

    Originally, I didn't see the concern but it has intensified and escalated over time and the frequency has increased. At one point the chats led to skype sessions with individuals, which led to me forming a relationship with a girl in New York who was also into this roleplay and cybersex behaviour. Her sexual tastes which were a lot more extreme than mine made me uncomfortable as I got to know her and I came to realise that she was extremely damaged and this was not behaviour I should be engaging in because it wasn't real or better put, wasn't the reality I wanted for myself. Thankfully I had the sense to withdraw from this "relationship" and avoided exploring areas I wasn't comfortable with but the behaviour has continued and it still feels too intense and perverse for me when what I really want and what I should be seeking is a real connection in a healthy relationship with proper boundaries. The characters I engage with also change and evolve and while I am totally comfortable with my heterosexuality in "real life", online this can ebb and distort, which is obviously confusing and concerning as it also disrupts my sense of self in an unhealthy way. I've read a lot recently about porn's ability to change and shape the neuroplasticity of the brain and I think it is the same in this case with online roleplay; I can feel the behaviour blurring and disrupting my decision making and I worry that If I continue down this path then there could be more serious consequences, which I might be out of my control. Like any addiction, the pattern of behaviour is difficult to break but I know I need to find a way to do so as I already feel so bad about myself, which I am sure will only get worse with more time. I've had to withdraw from group chats with friends on apps like WhatsApp and Telegram because I want to decrease the amount of time I spend online but also because this compulsive nature and chat function of back and forth mirrors the behaviour I have been engaging with in these chatrooms and I want to break the cycle of this behaviour in order to stop. I find that my issues here are so similar to the issues I experience with food and comfort/binge eating. It is a very secretive, compulsive behaviour that I am unable to manage and control. I don't have the strength or discipline to overcome it currently and it keeps me isolated and unhappy. I know I am doing long-term damage to my health and wellbeing by engaging but the instant gratification allows a temporary respite from having to deal with "me". What is of concern is that immediately after engagement with these behaviours I go back to feeling terrible about myself because it creates this unbreakable and heavy shame cycle.

    I did manage to overcome this issue for some time when I moved to Germany in 2017. I think the change of scene and starting a new life with new experiences brought me out of my shell more and made me appreciate life again. Meeting "M" and finding that intimacy and connection again was good for me and for a time I felt happy again. The behaviour disappeared. Unfortunately, this was only a temporary pause rather than a lasting change. The struggles of adapting to my new life here and the conflicting pressures that came with adapting to a new culture, supporting myself and studying caused me to withdraw once again. As I grew to understand "M" I found that her insecure attachment issues made me uncomfortable and I felt under scrutiny constantly. Her possessive and critical nature was concerning and toxic elements in the relationship meant that I began to withdraw and this behaviour began to creep back into my life. Towards the end of our relationship when things became extremely difficult emotionally and when I was struggling personally, I found myself engaging in this behaviour once again. I didn't see this as infidelity at the time but looking back on it, it probably was and obviously, as a secret behaviour, this wasn't something that I could discuss with "M" because I thought she would get even more upset me. I don't think I quite realised I had an addiction or a problem then like I do now. Also, it was extremely hard to talk to her about anything at this point and as she was the reason, I was withdrawing from the relationship because of how wronged I felt by her constant accusations and criticism. As a result, I found myself closing up, unwilling to let her in. In hindsight, I can take responsibility for my actions and I could have handled the situation far better. I have addressed this issue with "M" since and told her everything. To her credit, she has been completely understanding and for that I am grateful but sadly the damage has been done. I will always regret knowing that my actions and my lack of presence in the relationship contributed heavily to its downfall.

    Since my breakup with "M" this behaviour has intensified again, I have never really moved forward and I am terrified that this behaviour will creep into any future relationships I might have, which has prevented me from pursuing new connections and forging new relationships. I've tried dating but I messed up the situation badly and didn't handle it well. Partly because of the trauma of my relationship with "M", partly because of my intimacy issues and partly because a real relationship takes more work than online sexual scenarios. My fear is that I will always be alone and this causes me to feel depressed, which then causes me to act out with the same behaviour, which then makes me feel ashamed and around and around it goes.

    I have attempted several times now to quit for good. At one point having a successful 52-day streak but relapsed during the COVID lockdowns. With the lack of opportunity to form real connections I once again found myself going back to the same behaviours and indulging in these stupid, meaningless fantasies. I have tried putting blocks on my phone, which has been helpful. I have also tried the same with my computer but this has not worked so well as it seems easier to bypass the filters, despite password protection and especially on Google Chrome where it is so easy to uninstall extensions. I also joined a Sexaholics Anonymous meeting once but felt so upset that I didn't return. I didn't feel it was the right place for me. I heard people's stories and it just filled me with sadness and shame. I also don't know if the sexual addiction I am dealing with is quite the same. I am not experiencing issues with excessive stream site pornography or acting out in perverse ways in public or in real life and this kind of scared me when I listened to other people's quite shocking accounts (no judgement of course). However, what I am doing is detrimental, it does feel impossible to quit and it does make me feel desperately unhappy inside so I do need to find a support group of some kind where I can air my concerns. My worry is that I will never be free of this struggle and it scares me that it has such dominance over my life.

    Fast-forwarding to today and the struggle continues. Though I am happy to say I have not engaged in this behaviour for 2 days. This is no mean feat and I take a lot of strength from this. I am exercising and for the time being, limiting any alcohol or weed use so that I can practise self-control and self-discipline, two things that I am clearly not very good at. I am taking every opportunity to try to be around people and forcing myself to be outside, reducing the amount of time I spend alone and online. I used to think I was good in my own company but now I am not so sure and at the current time don't trust myself to act with my best interests in mind. I feel clearer and have noticed a change and difference in the last couple of days but I also know that I have been here before and that any slight biochemical imbalance or external pressure could force a relapse. As mentioned above, I recognise that for me this is a serious issue and something I really need to control. I have some organisations to contact and will do this over the weekend and I am hoping that this will provide some of the necessary support that I need. I also know I need to build a better support network around me, which means discussing these issues with more people so that I can stay accountable. I have spoken with my parents and my sister about these issues but have not gone into full detail as I have here or with other friends because I don't want them to worry. I also have a couple of other friends that know about this but as they are both females, I don't feel as comfortable discussing these issues with women as I do with men so far. One thing I have read about through studying 12-step programmes and addiction literature is the importance of having a sponsor or accountability partner. A trusted person you can call or contact when you feel like you might be spiralling or close to giving in to temptations or feel the need to act out. This is something I know I could definitely benefit from and I know I am a good person and friend who can show up for other people too. I think being of service to others will offer me the right kind of connection and I guide my needs into more positive avenues.

    I hope what I have said above is clear (at times I realise I have jumped around a bit) and I know this is a lot to take in. I have gone into great detail here to try and be as open and transparent with my struggles as I possibly can to let you know the magnitude of what I am dealing with. Just writing this post has been a huge help, as I have never been able to verbalise the problems like this before and have never quite tracked the escalation or chronology in this way. I have tried to work at this alone but it just isn't working and with this in mind, I am looking to share with others experiencing similar issues in an open dialogue with honesty and trust.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to read this account, I hope I haven't been selfish or self-indulgent in doing so because I don't like to burden people with my problems. If any of this does resonate and you feel as alone as I do in your struggle, please feel free to reach out to me and I will do my best to help you so that we can move past this issue and heal together


    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  2. I am struggling with finding strangers to help me jerk off. But I have no problem with roleplay.
  3. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    I am sorry to hear that. I engaged with voiceplay too which became more interactive and more like "Real-life" at one stage. I hope the situation improves for you. D
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  4. I tried voiceplay but it was not intersting so I didn't continue.
  5. YouAren'tAlone

    YouAren'tAlone Fapstronaut

    This is going to be long so I broke it into segments. If you at some point get fed up with me, please skip to the paragraph at the very end.

    I have ADHD and am 29 and since I was 14 I have been addicted to online erp. How it started was when I was on a site watching normal anime, I believe it was the original dragonball since that was harder to find access to than dragonball z. These sites ALWAYS have a little window on the right with a chat box. That got me. Almost immediately I was hooked.
    The instant access to people who want to talk to you was like a drug. I actually had an online girlfriend pretty soon from this who was my age and we would cam together. Then her mother found out and called the police assuming I was an older pedophile so I had to immediately call my dad, explain to him EVERYTHING and give him the moms number to talk to her which was mentally scaring. He said its fine but never go on that site again and im forbidden... Honestly if that was that and I quit then? No big deal lesson learned. I would give years off my life to go back in time and have listened.
    I eventually started making girl accounts just to have easier access to people to rp with. The attention is intoxicating. I would make account after account based on different characters, scenarios, basically all ending up with sex etc just to catch that buzz. It is the ULTIMATE escapism but it is also empty... I genuinely think I would cry if I saw the total hours I have ever spent on that website. The fetish chasing would lead to forming emotional attatchments with these people who would fufil my buzz and it got to where I would come home from school and immedietly go online until it was too late to stay up. I still made sure to watch my shows and I never turned down an invitation to do something but the damage was still being done. I would tell myself "it's okay you aren't addicted, you still can easily put it down when people ask you to hang or if there is a movie, restaurant I want to go to etc. Honestly? at this stage it probably was still more of a habit than an addiction.
    College years
    Now to college. One good sign to tell that you have a problem is if you run to online when confronted with stress. I would do that habitually during college and well... college can be very stressful. I would find myself more often than not going to a library or common room to study and end up fucking online for hours and getting little studying done. So yes due to this addiction I had masturbated many times in college library bathrooms. I was also a member of the college lacrosse team for a year (had to stop because injury, this had nothing to do with my exit) but it took me until the spring semester to know the names of all the teammates... in high school I was the captain of lacrosse and football so yeah, not remembering the names in college was weird. All through this time I have still never had a girlfriend in my life... Oh I liked girls, some I was head over heels for and would hook up with and go on dates with but to commit was always scary... especially when online partners are easy and no real commitment involved. And as I am sure you could guess, I had erectile dysfunction (To be honest, to this day I am not sure if it is because the chats or my spine damage / adhd meds).
    Where it went from bad to severe, most people around my age could guess... was when I got a smart phone. Instantly I had INSTANT access to all of this online sex digging deeper and deeper into fucked up fetishes just so I can get the buzz and feel miserable after. I would be doing all of this online sex as a man, woman, anything, all the time, in class, at work, at family gatherings, at the gym... it immediately became all consuming and my excuse of "as long as I never hesitate to socialize when the opportunity presents itself" stopped being valid... (especially when as an adult, socializing doesnt come to you, you have to chase it).
    Early 20's I didnt necessarily "quit" but I absolutely had it under better control. I had said I was going to quit when graduating and while I didn't "quit" I cut back seveeeeerely. I spoke to my mom about it and while I refused to tell her the "details" I explained the gist and she helped, even got me a therapist (who I never had the balls to fully open up about this to) I was coaching youth sports, I was dating, and just I kinda did that instead of porn when I needed my kick. Then unfortunately in about the span of 3 years I had to have multiple spine surgeries, leg surgery, and the icing on the cake of despair, my mom passed away... It broke me... she IS my everything. We were as close as possible without it being pathetic. And the destructive escapism I needed was right there.

    Time for one big big positive

    If you stuck along this far that's awesome I hope something I have said you can use to help better yourself or someone you care about. Now I will throw a curve ball at you and show you the one good thing that can happen online. I made a true, authentic, genuine friend I was then living home with just my Grandmother I did not want to abandon as she just lost her daughter/my mom and it was easier to stay home while getting my masters (I did say I have a career ;) ). If I am being honest? this was prooooobably when I had it the best under control. I wanted to make my mom proud ya know? My friend and I both had accounts for the same anime we both liked and met that way. And well... yeah, it did start with erp. HOWEVER it became a great friendship and we wouldnt just erp, we would watch shows together and vent eachother's problems and the second I told her about my problem, like a friend should, she said she is never doing that again with me period, and to this day a few years after I told her that, we haven't done anything like that once. Having an online friend can be very very very positive you just have to find the right people and I was lucky to find one in a bad place. I value her friendship and honest truth, had I quit entirely when she said to stop, I wouldn't regret the years on there because I met a good person who helped me at my darkest point in life and I am in a way thankful to the hell hole of a website that I met her there. I would definetly run to her to vent rather than deal with my problems in the non online world but that is a me problem not her.

    Where it went off the rails

    So... it is the early spring and I kinda think I got this handled, I even got my masters! Can you guess what happened next? I'll give you a hint, March 2019 ring any bells *cough cough*. I was instantly locked inside like everyone with nothing but my vices and an over bearing grandmother I would try to avoid. So I would spend hours and hours and hours doing one on one, group stuff, anything all the time. I even became part of groups on discord where we would have full families, some people would be owned by others, the list goes on. Honestly almost all of my women accounts I would use (literally dozens) all had multiple sexual partners who I had long term erps going with where I would be a husband, a wife, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, etc. I would have my head burried in my phone all the time. I told myself "Ya know what? How about this, you have it on your phone right? You can be on there as long as you are out exercising while you do it!" guess what... I lost 37 pounds in about 3 months lol. And no... I did not keep to my word, I got back on there when I got home. I try to cut myself a little slack since it was the pandemic and all of us needed escapism.

    Tipping Point

    Around April 2021 I was in a movie I was looking forward to but could barely focus on it. I felt like a drug addict needing his fix. It ruined it for me. I spent the whole way home crying hard and telling my friend im thinking about leaving forever but I dont want to hurt her or lose my buddy but Im trying to save myself. What I ended up doing was deleting the discord and making a new one then typing in her info to get her so I have discord only to contact her. There is still a part of me that believes full detatchment from online might do the trick but I had a good friend who I had not ERP'd with in at least a good chunk of months so felt if I have a good friend who completely understands what I am going through that it would be foolish to let my sickness kill that. I then deleted the chatango accounts I was most glued to as well feeling like it was an accomplishment. Guess what? I went clean for a long time. I believe nearly the rest of the year. Or I would tell myself that... after a couple weeks I was back on chatango talking to people, flirting, just gettiing the attention but not doing the sex. It felt like an alcoholic hanging out at the bar.

    The Relapse

    Some good things do last forever but not all of them, and eventually I cracked. My new career involved a very long commute and the train rides got me. I was stressed out of my mind all the time and needed an escape and again, all of the other poor suffering people were right there waiting to fuck and if some werent there? Others would be just a click away. That website even lets you search fetishes for people who have the same... And yeah, like most vices... I relapsed hard. I would be at my job on my phone having online sex with other people in the room. It became the norm... If I got stressed at work? BOOM I can instantly be a beautiful woman at a beach resort getting pampered like a queen or I could be a conquerer who just ravaged a village and found a woman he wants.

    My Final Opportunity

    Fast forward to now... I am almost 30 and I feel if I get my shit together before then... Than all of this is... well not okay, but it had a purpose. I try not to focus on it but if you read this far you would know I have been through some traumatic shit. From death to being crippled to loss... but those are parts of life. A coping method I use is telling myself there are much more dangerous vices I could have chosen like hard drugs. So here is what I did, I deleted every single chatango account I could remember from over the years. I was able to remember about 20-30 and of those about 70% of them were as women. The key to any healing is to truly want it... and I do.

    Wrapping it up

    I am sorry I kept you this long... I did say I have ADHD didn't I? I promised you analysis too so in the famous words of Heath Ledger "and here...we...go!"

    Why we get hooked

    I am a believer that the initial trap is not by any means the hentai/pervy nature of it. We are social creatures and when we see an opportunity to connect with other peoople, we are very drawn to it. In 2007 when I got hooked there was no real knowledge of this stuff and I got sucked in not even knowing the sexual aspect part of it, people just started hitting on me!
    Ever had a life chaning traumatic experience? Like that travel ad says "wanna get away?". Well there was a way to completely detatch from reality rather than deal with your trauma properly.
    Another reason we get hooked... Raise your hand if you get nervous meeting new people? How about asking a boy or girl out? ..... no nothing? Well how about chasing your dreams? Thought so... The online chat space gives a world for people to be whatever they want at the snap of a finger, think like "Ready Player One" but a lot less cool and way more fucked up.
    Sometimes it is because we have something repressed we use the fantasy land we create to express it. Ive encountered several trans women who were addicted until they transitioned because they used it to outlet their repressed femininity and unfortunately to get that validation from others got hooked. Honestly? I have those feelings sometimes and wonder if that is my case.

    What can you do?

    I can't ... I cannot... I can not... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO STRESS THIS ANY MORE THAN I WILL NOW... FIND SOMEONE, EVEN ONE PERSON IN YOUR NON ONLINE LIFE YOU CAN TELL. It doesnt have to be family or a friend it can be a psychologist but they can only help you based off what you share. For myself, when I came clean it felt like a *SNAP* and it was like a massive reality check. All of the disgusting things I dedicated my life to hit me like a strike from the incredible hulk, All-Might, A pissed off Goku, Aaron Judges bat, getting blitz'd by Lawrence Taylor drugged up or whatever is going to make you get my point. This did not fix everything but popping that mental barrier that keeps your real life and this life separate, it will make it become real and you will realize you have a problem. I do reccommend therapy.
    I also believe while socializing online doesn't have to stop... GO FULL SCORCHED EARTH COLD TURKEY ON THE SEX AND THE WEBSITES YOU DID IT ON. Trust me on this one... go cold turkey. Delete the accounts. Friends you wish to keep you can add on websites that you DO NOT ASSOCIATE WITH YOUR ADDICTION. This could be facebook, twitter, etc but if they really are your friends they will be happy to talk to you on a different site.
    hint: The last great thing you can do is in my next section

    Why Did I Get Hooked?

    Well... I was a 14 year old boy with ADHD whose brain needs stimulation do the math. Guess what? That math is crap. I CHOSE to be there. As soon as you realize that you choose to be there every time you go on it will make a difference. Everytime that stimulating log-in screen you associate with sex is there I want you to say this "By logging in I am choosing to go on this website where I will do ___________________________. Do I want to choose to do this with my free time". Will it magically cure you? Maybe! But if it doesn't I promise you that you will go on less. Now back to your loving author.
    I believe I got hooked because I have massive anxiety. Almost all of my choices in life are dictated by what others think. In high school I was afraid to date because what if people tease me! (dumb right?). I also have a family of almost entirely women so I would have this nightmare of them all sitting around sipping wine and showing their dissapproval (for what it's worth, that wouldn't happen, most of them are saints). And here came this option to do anything I wanted with no judgement... It was a lot easier than maturing into an adult and yeah, I am suffering some of the consequences of my choice now.
    I did mention before that I have dealt with some ideas of femininity. Prior to this site there were times... a lot of them... where if I was home alone I would crossdress. I assumed it was either a fetish or I ignored it. Having the online outlet kind of repressed that.
    I've been through crap in my life, some more traumatic than others and I believe I abused the escapism... but while I was extremely vulnerable... yeah I chose to do it.

    In Conclusion / Why the hell did I type this long

    My hands are getting tired so lets get to the end shall we? I wrote this because I want to close the door on that chapter of my life. This essay is my closure... I am laying it on the table and IF EVEN ONE PERSON GET'S ON TRACK BECAUSE OF THIS than my struggle had purpose. Cut yourself some slack my friend. Part of what makes it so scary is the isolation, you keep a whole half of your life seperate from everyone you love and it hurts those bonds. But if you are trying to better yourself and actively seeking help? You probably have more people in your life who will support you than you think. I support you and I don't even know you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE... AND I AM GOING TO PROVE IT RIGHT NOW


    - gangbang
    - sex change
    - race play
    - rape
    - loli
    - pregnancy
    - cheating
    - femboy
    - dominant women
    - submissive women
    - ntr
    - bully
    - public
    - master/slave
    - bdsm
    - anthro
    - being canonical fictional characters
    - making my own characters
    - cuckolding
    - more I cant think of
    Why Is this guy telling all of this? It's simple, I need you to know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It is okay to be open. Basically I was willing to rp almost anything wether I was into it or not, I just loved and needed that stimulation.

    Thank you... You can do this.
    If you stayed this far to the end... or even read any of it... I sincerely want nothing but the best for you. I am not fully recovered but for the first time in my life I truthfully can say I believe I am going in the right direction. If even one thing I said you can relate to im happy to help you realize you aren't alone. If even one thing I said helped you step in the right direction I am so happy that I can help you on your recovery. Because even if you do not fully believe in yourself yet. You now have a new friend who believes in you and will never stop believing in you... :)


  6. Dude. Aside from all of this it seems like you've had a pretty full time at college and with Woman. I've never had a girlfriend in high school but as you mentioned I had flings with about one that was oddly attracted to me. Didn't have a real girlfriend until after and in collage. At least 3 major online relationships after that prior to the real. One even lasted two years. I had a scrawny physique until I started weight lifting and cross training... Surprisingly I felt more attractive and this vibration..

    But I can't say I ever tried "cybering". I'm not sure but I think it was a teenage phase for me.. I was heavily bullied, bad acne and I got made fun of and even had to go on a antibiotic to clear it up.. I'm not sure if it was fapping in my teenage years but I had a huge hunch. My awkwardness lasted until senior year surprisingly until I stopped. But in all ends I wanted a huge escape, I read allot of Manga as well, heavily addicted. I was more interested in the stories then reality.

    But as far as everything me and my friend did Cybering so I can relate some what to how you feel. First time is like a hard dopamine rush. I guess this is why we stay so close to it. I could say I did it about a dozen good times. At the time of course I didn't feel much shame from it as of now I don't really. I feel like I wasted my time indoors when I could of been out side enjoying sun.

    One thing I can say to do is always pray to god.

    This helped me brake free my Junior year into paradise after Senior.. At least 30 minutes a day if you don't know how to pray I suggest just holding your hands together, believing, and spilling all your thoughts to him. He will listen whenever your ready.
  7. YouAren'tAlone

    YouAren'tAlone Fapstronaut

    I can tell you from my own experience. It is a real addiction. And yes the dopamine is likely the primary cause. I have ADHD and once I got hooked. Cybering and Porn borderline consumed me until very... very recently
    Mr. Monk likes this.
  8. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the above reply, it fills me with a lot of strength. My apologies for not responding sooner, I have been experiencing further struggles and as there is a lot to unpack in your message I wanted to come back to you at a time when I felt more clear and ready as you obviously put a lot into your message and wanted to show you the same respect.

    I couldn't agree more with you, the amount of time I have wasted engaging in this type of behaviour frightens me and it makes me wonder what my life would be like, had I not begun to engage in this behaviour. I feel as though I have wasted a lot of potential and opportunities by continuing with these compulsions and letting a lot of my energy sleep away, which could have been used for greater and more exciting things,

    I also agree that it is the first thing I turn to when things become overwhelming and stressful as it provides escapism from myself and the situation and offers instant gratification. Like you, I feel alone with this behaviour though and while it doesn't offer real connection it seems easier than having to deal with the stresses and frictions that can occur in real-life relationships, situations and encounters. I've been reading a lot about attachment styles in relationships recently and I have come to understand that I have an avoidant attachment style, which needs work on. Perhaps doing your own research might help you too?

    Access to readily available material through technology is a real problem for me and with devices at my fingertips and with the luxury of working from home, I can find myself online easily engaging when I should be prioritising other important responsibilities. Thankfully I have password protected my iPhone so that I can't access adult content or chat sites there but there are workarounds. For example, I have used Snapchat, grinder (even though I am heterosexual,), and whatsapp, engaging with with numbers from escort sites even though this goes against my moral compass. I find that this is usually a supplement for the engagement I am having on my laptop with chat sites. I have tried multiple websites blocking software all with little success, as here there also always seems to be a workaround too. I have also recently discovered Onlyfans and also used material here to enhance my chats as I take on different female personas to continue my rp explorations (something I can't really afford but am able to justify at the moment with my urges). I am not proud of these actions and my behaviours but what it shows is that I am desperately in need of connection and these actions provide something like this in the form of a quick fix but offer nothing as fulfilling as real-life engagement. I know that the work I really need to do is to understand why I am acting out online in this way, which calls for further self-care work, including therapy and some form of spiritual practice. This is something I must now pursue and investigate.

    I think it's great you were able to discuss your issues with your mother, I think this is very brave even if you didn't divulge the full extent of the information. Talking always helps! I have also opened up with friends and my family members in various degrees of detail. It does feel powerful to share and I know when I have done this in the past it has made me feel stronger and so I know I need to do this more often. I also have a very strong bond with my own mother, so I am so sorry to hear about her passing that can't be easy.

    I am also sorry to hear about your relapses and struggles. My past therapist told me that recovery is not a linear process and that there are setbacks and moments of turmoil and so I understand your frustrations and anger. I have tried quitting many times too, only to re-engage when times get tough even though I know it is against my best interests. With regards to your friend who you have met online. Is it worth discussing with her whether you can take the relationship out of the digital context? I know for me that, this would be too much of a temptation and too similar in activity to the problem you are trying to withdraw from.

    I agree with you, I think pornography and this very particular online chat strain taps into some kind of genetic need we have for connection. I find I suffer from very bad social anxiety and now living in a country where there has been a language barrier to overcome, this has served as a quick fix that caters for my social needs. Obviously, this is misguided and misdirected and it requires effort to push past it when all I want to do is climb into bed and not face the world, to escape. As I type this, I have cancelled with a friend who I am due to meet tonight, only to then message her again to say we should do it and so I know also my behaviours are placing a strain on my real life relationships. I think it's important to be patient with ourselves in the healing process and not to get too down on ourselves when we don't get it right every time. I understand that this is easier said than done, however, like you I have moments where I feel close to tears and feel so low that I wonder if it will ever end. Currently, in my engagement, I can even feel how my physical and mental condition changes throughout the day and recognize that porn really does affect all aspects of the body and is so detrimental to one's personal health.

    In light of what I just said, I think it is important to remember that we are the first generations dealing with the effects of these powerful technologies and platforms. We are not equipt to deal with the emotional and physical fallouts. I think we need to find real-life connection to overcome these issues and fellowships to me seem a good starting place, a safe realm to discuss the issues and work on healing. It has taken a while but I am going to be trying to attend some zoom meetings through SCA Unfortunately there are no face-to-face meetings in my area but I am keen to start one. Perhaps you will find some benefits in it too. I will update you on my progress. I did attend an SA meeting once in the hope of moving past my issue and have also heard about SAA and while I believe these are very important organisations I don't think they speak directly to the online behaviours we seem to be involved in.

    I am with you in that speaking about this and sharing honestly and openly makes the addictions and compulsions lose their power and significance and I think you're super brave for taking the steps to do so. If you're anything like me, this has been scary because I worry what other people's reactions will be but I think it is important to remember that sexuality is a healthy thing and that we are not disgusting or perverted, it is just that our sexual urges and need for connection have been hijacked by the behaviours we have developed through these platforms and as a result, we have been looking for these valuable things in unhealthy places.

    I am not going to lie, I am still experiencing my struggle, I have just binged the last weeks due to the stresses of current personal issues and financial struggles but I know that laying in bed all day and engaging in this behaviour is not helping and is not going to solve my issues and so it takes work to make recovery from this illness work.

    You've done a very admirable thing in reaching out and sharing your story and I appreciate it very much. It takes a lot of strength to do so and so like you, it's important to know you are not alone in the struggle.

    If you ever need to talk about it, please share more here. I will be happy to hear about your experiences, particularly in the last months since your post.

    I am going to try to stay sober from this behaviour going forward and hope to share more regularly here too. The last few days have been extremely difficult but I know this is not making me happy and needs to end and I DO want it to end. I know there is a healthier more joyful life available to me. I am going to try some different strategies to overcome and I will further share my experience. We are dealing with a unique and overwhelming issue that isn't talked about a lot here in other posts so I am hoping to raise awareness of it and like you, hope to help others and show support by sharing my account.

    All the best!

  9. MichelTern

    MichelTern New Fapstronaut

  10. RayanJAY

    RayanJAY New Fapstronaut

    It's brave of you to open up about your struggles with online cyber sex and roleplay. Addiction can be a challenging journey, but remember that you're not alone. Seeking support from communities or professional help can make a real difference in overcoming these challenges. While I don't have specific advice, there are resources available online where you can find guidance from experts and individuals who have faced similar struggles. On another note, if you're looking for a platform to explore your interests in a safe and consensual way, you can check out for a variety of adult content options.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  11. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    Thanks RayanJAY

    I appreciate your message. I posted this thread almost a year ago now and still battling with my issues and feel alone sometimes. Today has been particularly hard but I know that tomorrow is another day to begin again and try to stop this once and for all.

  12. qbert

    qbert Fapstronaut

    I've been going to RP sites for 20 years and I'm sick of it. I can leave for months and when I come back I see the same people. The same names looking for the same things. People spend their whole lives on those sites. I'm not as bad as that but I don't want to be around those people anymore or waste another minute there.
  13. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    You should tell yourself: "WTF im getting aroused by words". sometimes the worst trait of a man is his pride. if you yourself attack your pride, you are attacking the foundation of the castle of (unhealthy habits\PMO). And sometimes making fun of a problem helps us figure out how absurd "all of this" is...find power in the absurdity and thrive trough all contradictions!
    they're just words...and most people in that stuff are terrible writers!
  14. qbert

    qbert Fapstronaut

    It really is all absurd. I think if you are doing something that would embarrass you if your kids knew, then don't do it. If you don't have kids then think about your parents. Don't do something that would be so embarrassing for people to know. Do things that would make people say "That's pretty smart. I wish I did that."
  15. Angelo94

    Angelo94 Fapstronaut

    This is my Achilles heel.
    I'm not really interested in porn, although I watched it occasionally. But I have problems with online cyber sex, webcams etc.
    I'm on my second day and I think about fap all the time while the cam girl is watching me. I know it's humiliating for me, but the urge to do it is very strong.
  16. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    webcams are such a huge money drain! thats the almost becomes an extortion relationship o_O
  17. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your frustration and your struggles and completely sympathize. Though I also appreciate the input from loneloan and qbert, it isn't always as easy as just telling yourself "no" or rationalizing the detriments of these behaviours because it has developed into an addiction. An addiction is sadly a case of engaging in behaviours even when you know they are harmful and destructive to yourself. I know that the negative behaviours that I engage in aren't good for me and stunt my potential but I get overwhelmed in the moment with other external pressures and anxieties and engagement in online chat and roleplay allows me to escape myself and find instant gratification, which fades soon thereafter leaving depression and frustration behind with the sense of failing once again. It is a misguided need for connection and channelling of creative energy misguided in the wrong direction. I too have no issues with viewing or watching online pornography via tube sites (this happens extremely rarely) but I view my behaviour as engagement in another form of pornography. I think there is a way past this though, including recognizing triggers, putting up safeguards, engaging in healthy behaviours that give the same kind of satisfaction (i.e real-life connection, positive artistic/creative pursuits), counselling/therapy, 12-step groups and accountability partners and group/individual support.

    I am really grateful for the recent replies here after so much quiet for so long. It keeps me accountable and gives me hope and strength. I hope it does the same for you. I'd also like to try and start an online group that focuses on healing regarding this matter and will try to post here more regularly. It has taken me so long to come to terms with my issues and to figure out what it is I am actually struggling with and now I have this focus, I would like to concentrate helping myself and others steer clear of this behaviour each day and to find ways to heal and recover. I have visited SA and SAA 12-step groups in the past and the closest support I have found that touches on my issues has been with SCA. Sadly I am not in the States and so there are no physical meetings available to help me, which I can visit, which means I rely on online meetings which tend to be short albeit sweet. In addition to the limited time available to share accounts and support in these meetings, I think even this group has some problems because a lot of sexually compulsive behaviour tends to revolve around acting out in public and engaging in promiscuous encounters with real-life partners. This seems counter to my issues and I assume this is the case for others too. My struggles have evolved from my fear of real-life connections and social anxiety, body issues and a sense of shyness which prevents me from seeking real-life connections and physical intimacy. Clicking online, via chatrooms, webcams and dating apps, offers a sense of connection, without the overwhelming sensation of engaging with real-life partners and the anxiety this can bring. So in this sense, while SCA recovery is hugely beneficial, it is slightly different to the struggles I and I am sure others are facing. Personally, I find my behaviours to be very secretive in nature and while the above groups can all be very beneficial safe spaces to talk about struggles, perhaps there is a need for a group support scenario that focuses primarily on roleplay, sexting and online chat...

    I am more than willing to devote time to helping myself and others overcome these challenges because I am confident we all can and I know that with the advent of the internet and smartphones, the disorder I and others are facing represents a new phenomenon and perhaps there aren't answers available yet of how to overcome the issues we are dealing with.... But I do want to find ways to cope and to recover and I know from personal experience that overcoming this will lead to a great sense of happiness. I want to be there for others too and to help with healing. So if you are having struggles and don't feel confident to share in this public space, feel free to dm me in private as I am happy to talk and be there for you. Otherwise, let's try keeping this dialogue open, sharing information, tips and solutions that can help us all to overcome our struggles. I am interested to hear people's thoughts on what a group support dynamic might look like if others are interested and the logistics of how we can make this happen moving forward as we look to grow and heal...

    Find Real Connection!
  18. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    Day 1:
    I am starting again form scratch. I've had multiple relapses and binge sessions regarding my issue but I want to recover from this so I will be writing here every day to keep myself accountable. This morning was my last session. Now I want to live a happier and more joyful live with real connection. I really don't want to do this anymore.
  19. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    I can definitely relate. My P addiction manifested itself in to video chat M sessions which manifested itself in massage parlors and eventually escorts. This addiction is certainly progressive when left untreated. I've been struggling for 30+ years and the only thing that works for me is incorporating a program of recovery in my life. This includes a 12 step program as you mentioned. I personally believe it is critical for me as this community is just one piece to the puzzle.

    I wish you the best on your journey. I realize this post is from last year, but feel free to reach out anytime to chat if you see this. I also look forward to reading more of your posts as you trudge the road to happy destiny. Thank you for your transparency and keep us updated.
  20. Raymondo84

    Raymondo84 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the heartfelt message and also for your transparency. I appreciate the support and I am sorry that you have been struggling for so long with your challenges. I have never engaged in these types of real-life scenarios but I have at times messaged escorts but never with the intention of actually meeting. I think this in some ways is a heightened form of roleplay or connection as it has this element of reality in that sadly I have found exciting. However, I am glad you have a 12-step program in place to help you and this is my next step as I try to overcome my challenges. I appreciate being able to share and the same offer applies. If you ever need to talk, feel free to message me here. I am trying to stay connected to help, share and support where I can.

    GeorgeJetson likes this.