Achieving post-ejaculation clarity without ejaculating?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by shogun-fighter, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. shogun-fighter

    shogun-fighter Fapstronaut

    I think this might be the final key to end the relapses. You know about how our mind becomes clear after ejaculation and we feel like we were a different person just a few seconds ago. Imagine if we could achieve this state of mental clarity at will, ending all the urges easily or not even allowing them to manifest?

    So I was listening to a monk on youtube and he said that this state of mind "before ejaculation" or while we're having urges is basically like the mind being poisoned, but he didn't elaborated on how to get rid of this poison.
    Well, we know that ejaculating makes us temporarily free of this poison, but it usually returns after a while, and if you're binging on porn it can return just a few minutes after the last ejaculation. So this is not the correct answer, and binging means you're getting worse, you're destroying your brain's dopamine receptors and causing all sorts of problems.

    I've been doing very cold showers and I think it helps, but what it does is making the body less able to respond to the pornographic thoughs, thus making them weaker. But it's still not quite the same as post-ejaculation clarity. I'm going to try breath focused meditation, I got some positive results from it a few days ago, but I need to be more consistent.

    Do you guys have more ideas, thoughts and suggestions about it? Have you found a way to regain mental clarity that you could share here?
    rp007 and jcl1990 like this.
  2. Donut Worry Be Happy

    Donut Worry Be Happy New Fapstronaut

    I would not fantasize about a feeling you get from the thing you want to avoid.
    fisherman9009 likes this.
  3. The reason for that "clarity" is Prolactin. This is a very complex topic and beyond my current understanding of the condition.

    From personal experience, things that have helped me most in the past have included a change of scenery (moving) and a busy, dynamic schedule. You can't just teach your brain not to do or desire certain things, you have to replace habits and cravings.
  4. fisherman9009

    fisherman9009 Fapstronaut

    I'm about 80 days into no porn or masturbation and every day I feel like my mental clarity is amazing. I look back at the days I used and remember constantly feeling in like a haze.. the post nut clarity to me is like a gambler who just blew all his kids college funds on blackjack. he pitys himself and says wtf have I done