Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. higor pereira araujo

    higor pereira araujo Fapstronaut

  2. JonnyApples

    JonnyApples Fapstronaut

    Day 49 and I’m one day away from the big 5 0 and I’m excited for my progress has been harder just due to temptations arising due to situations and mistakes I’ve made for far too long but using that as motivation because it’s the universe showing me what I need to work on! Hope you guys are doing well and I will keep going strong baby
    corylife, CONTRAS, AD amazing and 4 others like this.

    First time here.

    I really hope that i can be free from this addiction some day. It hurts, and it is disgusting. Of course, we all have the need of been in a relantionship and make sex, something natural to everyone (a good thing that never will vanish away, for our good sake)... but im talking about getting away from this PMO shit step by step, because the PMO industry is disgusting by itself, and never will ends. I want to be free from this, maybe not now, but someday.

    Thx guys, i really hope you all have success.
  4. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    In the past 91 days I have:

    * PMO'd 5 times but not fully relapsed
    * MO'd 1 time but not fully relapsed
    * Averaging 15.2 days on strict PMO nofap
    * 31 days straight nofap streak so far
    corylife, Da Victi, keplerb and 3 others like this.
  5. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut


    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

  7. keplerb

    keplerb Fapstronaut

  8. On_The_Way

    On_The_Way Fapstronaut

    Day 34

    #total_new_habits = 8
    #days_of_new_habits = 5/40

    I took notes of the ideas I want to talk about .. The first one is "You can not get enough of what does not satisfy you" .. maybe some of you knows this sentence .. I read it in this book named "Breaking the cycle" about "Six" and "p" addiction .. I guess this is the sentence that moved him to recover .. and it is very strong actually .. I thought someone may find it helpful to take mental note of it .. it may help in hard times .. I will repeat it here to my self as well

    You can NOT get enough of what does NOT satisfy you

    You can NOT get enough of what does NOT satisfy you

    You can NOT get enough of what does NOT satisfy you

    You know it .. it just asks for more .. more extreme .. more violent .. more base .. more animalistic .. you will never get fulfilled by it .. NEVER .. this hole inside me are much bigger that it can be filled by such things .. I need deepness .. I need meaning .. I need truth (with T and t) .. I need purpose .. I need progress ... I need many things .. and this addiction just increases your list .. and makes you more sensitive to the ones that you do not have .. and makes you appreciate less and less what you have ..

    Second note I took is for "mindsets" .. I was reading that book by that name by Carol Dweck .. but perhaps I write about it tomorrow hopefully .. I want to dig deep into this because this is one of my main problems .. also I have a problem with the definition of progress .. I like fast progress .. I do not like it slow .. and I stress myself out to reach large goals in short time .. this is good and bad .. I learn a lot in quite a short time .. but every field of knowledge or field of professionals needs a lifetime on its own to understand .. to dig deeper in it .. and I need to choose .. and I need to dig deeper in few and leave the rest be .. as it takes a lot of my thinking .. it is the greed .. anyhow .. I will talk about it tomorrow .. as I see this pondering by writing will let me explore a new creed about these problems which I need to combine feeling gratitude of what I already collected and what I am pursuing and to accept that the progress is slow and that breakthroughs take their time .. I need to write about this more to pin it down .. and I will ..

    "Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair"

  9. higor pereira araujo

    higor pereira araujo Fapstronaut

  10. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

  11. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    In the past 92 days I have:

    * PMO'd 5 times but not fully relapsed
    * MO'd 1 time but not fully relapsed
    * Averaging 15.33 days on strict PMO nofap
    * 32 days straight nofap streak so far
  12. WalktheLine

    WalktheLine Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the comments ON the wAy above about Greed....
    I have faults but I had not really thought about Greed exactly because I think of Greed as for money....
    But in truth this PMO for me is about Greed....
    Greed for more Pleasure
    Greed for more Sex
    Greed for more Partners
    Greed for more Experiences....
    ....and there is no end to Greed....form this we get the Addiction to more and more PMO...

    So watching myself about Greed, and wanting more....etc....What if in this moment I was completely satisfied having exactly what I have...which is a basic sex no partner and satisfied if I was Satisfied with having a life with PMO Addiction?
    That is weird because one just wants to get the fuck rid of PMO Addiction including me....
    What if I was totally patiently satisfied with a life with PMO Addiction....I was accepting it instead of fighting it.....Just working it, instead of hating it and myself and being all upset complaining etc....???....ok interesting....I think I have a little more Peace thanks
    It is a shitty life, but what If I was a little more relaxed and patient working with the one shitty little life that I have....
  13. Spreadlove

    Spreadlove Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you're referring to gratitude.

    Being grateful for the little things.

    Something I've been doing for years is writing down 3 things I'm grateful for every day.

    Over the course of years it adds up to massive change.

    Silly things like I am grateful for the weather in the UK, I'm grateful for the clothes on my back, I'm grateful for the water in the sink.

    What happens over time is youre mind changes into an abundant state and you attract more and more wealth, health, happiness. Rather than focusing on what we don't have weve shifted to what we do have. And therefore give back more, and receive more in return.

    Just my 2 cence worth!
  14. blacktea

    blacktea Fapstronaut

  15. Fortitude42

    Fortitude42 Fapstronaut

    I haven't posted for 3 days, been busy

    Day 1 : Like usual, the first day is usually full of motivation, so it was easy

    Day 2 : More or less the same as the first day

    Day 3 : Busy day with relatives, easy day to pass. No urges, gotta prepare for tommorow...
    corylife, TheBluePrint and keplerb like this.
  16. Zombie95

    Zombie95 Fapstronaut

    hi .
    sorry form my grammar .english is not my first language
    i started using this nofap form 3 month ago. it was good at at first .i abstained from fapping for 5 days maximum at start .and after that it was 4 and 3 and so on until i failed .
    and here i am ,feeling like shit and angry myself for not having the will power to do anything.

    26 year old ,unemployed, just eating fapping sleeping .
    and I recently found out i have ADD(attention deficit disorder).
    I am a computer science and engineering was hard for me to study and graduate .first I thought I was lazy or I did'nt study hard enough like other students. at that time I don't know that there is something wrong with me or the need to seek proffessional help.
    i prepare very hard for the interviews and when the interviewer ask a question my mind go blank for one second and I blew up the total interview.

    so for the last two months all the stress and anxiety are building up. and masturbating a lot to coping with my problems .

    please help me out here guys. i need something to hang on for now .or otherwise i afraid that i will fall in a pit.

    OMINI MAN Fapstronaut

  18. AD amazing

    AD amazing Fapstronaut

    Day 0 again I was unable to overcome my chaser effect and binged again, this is the problem I am facing again and again. After a good streak I am relapsing at 4th week and then binging. Need to move on because I had infitesimally more important goals and ambitious than this addiction in my life. GIVE ME SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR OVERCOMING BINGING?
  19. On_The_Way

    On_The_Way Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reflections! I totally agree with you regarding the invasion of greed in our "sixual" life through PMO.

    Your last few lines touching on the paradox of accepting/fighting the addiction .. and the peace afterwards .. although it sounds very right, I never saw it coming ..

    real acceptance of one's situation and moving on with it patiently is paradoxically transformative more than fighting and being frustrated more and more ..

    Jordan Peterson summarised it nicely: you work with what you have, not what you hope for

    Good for you @WalktheLine !