about time

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by meatbeater, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. meatbeater

    meatbeater New Fapstronaut

    What's up guys. Been watching porn since a young age, 4, to be exact. Well seen my first one anyways, started watching it religiously around 7 or 8 when I got my found my pops stash and got a Packard Bell for Christmas Lol. I have stopped beatin it for a couple weeks at a time. I probably do it every few days now. I'm 27 and ready to stop for good. Let's go team!
  2. FrustratedDumbBunny

    FrustratedDumbBunny Fapstronaut

    I guess we don't have to guess your ad-dic-tion. Your name says it all!

    Glad you found this forum. You will find a lot of us guys in a very similar boat with you. We are all here to help you reach your goals and become the person that is really inside of you trying to get out.

    How the heck did you start the evil "PMO" when you were only eight? Unless you hit puberty while the rest of us were playing with HotWheels I don't follow?

    Once your kick playing with the jewels you will feel stronger, smarter, happier, and a greater amount of self-worth.

    Good luck and ready to help where I can
  3. meatbeater

    meatbeater New Fapstronaut

    I started watching daily when I was 8, or nightly more specifically. I didn't start beatin til middle school.

    Thanks for the welcome and support.

    What's your story?
  4. FrustratedDumbBunny

    FrustratedDumbBunny Fapstronaut

    Was was introduced to the nasty "M" when in seventh grade in gym class. I was so naïve I had no idea what some kid was doing in the shower so I asked a friend. After laughing, he told me. Boy was I embarrassed! So I next time I showered at home I tried it out and not much. Then one day I had an "O" and thought kewl! No idea that "Christians didn't do such a thing" nor did I know there were health, physical, or mental ramifications of it.

    I never really go into the "P" part of the PMO. Yea I saw friends Playboys and Penthouse and thought is was more interesting than stimulating. I enjoyed looking at it and I was one of the few that really enjoyed the articles more! Being so naïve this was my source of information on the birds and the bees. Parents never brought it up and I heard so many conflicting things in the locker room, I didn't know what was real and not. I was afraid to ask questions since the first big embarrassment.. Strangle enough however, most of the neighbor boys always came to me with their related questions. I guess they assumed that since I was the only one with older brothers that I must know everything. Could not have been farther from the truth. I would answer friends questions based on the articles I read in the magazines. The magazines were, oddly enough, my reference material.

    Back in elementary school, there was a high school aged boy that lived across the street "took advantage" of me and that only caused more confusion and new questions I had no one to go to for answers. Or so I thought.

    Well I have written much more than what I assume you were asking for so I'll stop here. I would like to hear more about your story especially starting at four and then daily at eight. What all has happened since then that brought you to the reasoning to quit and to this forum.

    Good luck on your journey and I'm hear if I can assist in any way.