Abandoned My Life Long Friends...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Hammond Egger, Nov 13, 2021.

  1. Lol you clearly accept you are a drunk and blame others? haha what are you even trying to mean?
  2. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    It might seem like you made a mistake by ditching your friends of 20 years, but.....you made a fantastic choice, man! Long ovoerdue...

    You cannot be friends with them and expect to continue on the Nofap journey! It's time to make some new friends!!!
    Coak Hakola likes this.
  3. Hammond Egger

    Hammond Egger Fapstronaut

    One of my buddies called me again today and I ignored him.

    Nobody will stop me from creating the best life for myself. I'm putting myself first from now on.
    grasstains and Drambuie like this.
  4. That's exactly how it should always be. Way to go!
    Coak Hakola likes this.
  5. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    Props to you my brother!!! I did the same thing a few years back, for others reasons though.
    Coak Hakola likes this.
  6. Fapping prohibited

    Fapping prohibited Fapstronaut

    Props to you my brother!!! I did the same thing a few years back, for others reasons though.
  7. jay985

    jay985 Fapstronaut

    Have you ever told them you're doing nofap? And what were their response?

    Honestly they are not good friends but fair-weather friends. They kept dragging you down. Good friends should always support you, respect you, even make you feel better and better.

    ICan I ask where you are from? I really like your ariticle!
  8. jay985

    jay985 Fapstronaut

    You're doing nofap, I believe you will have the best life you want in the future. When you become more successful, maybe you can call your "buddies", and let them know how well you become. Maybe your buddies will very surprise and want to do nofap too.
  9. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Get new friends , good friends
  10. I really like the question... How bad do you want to be free. It's an honest and truthful question for all of us.
  11. Hammond Egger

    Hammond Egger Fapstronaut

    Update: I ended up blocking all 4 of these "friends" after one of them texted me to check up on me. It was very difficult but it had to be done. I haven't seen, called, texted or spent time with them for over 4 months now.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2022
  12. Good work. I also had to leave a group of friends I'd known for many, many years. Be warned that toxic people come in many forms! My "friends" weren't always doing obviously unhealthy things, but the toxicity, narcissism, jealousy and so on kept increasing over the years, especially from one guy who seemed to become the leader of the group.

    The more time goes by, the more I know I made the right decision.
    The Evangelist likes this.
  13. DiegoSR

    DiegoSR Fapstronaut

    @The Evangelist
    You are doing the right thing, to me. I went throught a similar situation, 3 or 4 months now that i left some old friends with bad influences (one in particular, i call him "H."). I'm very happy of the choice i made
    Sometimes i think i'm bad, leaving an old friend. But my happiness is something to care about. Bad influences can ruin your (only) life and just because you know somebody for a long time this doesn't mean you have to die with this person still next to you

    H. introduced me to fapping when we were very young (13 years old). Then he showed me the first porn video
    But i'm not angry for that, even if this ruined 10 years of my life.

    I'm a person who want to achieve great things in life. Something we can't say about H.
    He's kind of brain-limited, he's happy with doing the same things over and over again, talk about stupid and pointless topics, drinking, smoking... No meaningful goals for his life.

    I would have become somebody like him under his bad influence. But thanks to my actions, this won't happen
    The Evangelist likes this.
  14. Stelvio

    Stelvio Fapstronaut

    Stop calling them friends, they're clearly not your friends if they behave that way to you.
    A person I consider to be my friend, who is much older and wiser than I am once told me: "you are the average of the five people you hang around with the most".
    My life started getting a lot better when I divorced a bunch of my so-called "friends" about 15 years ago.
    I bump into them now and then, they're still the same people they were 15 years ago. Unemployed and not going anywhere.
    You got this, you're already doing better.
    The Evangelist and DiegoSR like this.
  15. grasstains

    grasstains Fapstronaut

    I recently did the same thing to my long time friends, blocking their numbers and deleting all my social medias. We all just want to be free, some people just do not know that they are shackled, or never realize it at all... it makes me pity friends with toxic habits in that way.
  16. Hammond Egger

    Hammond Egger Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for the encouraging words, I greatly appreciate it. This was a very hard thing for me to do so it's been a pleasure to hear all the support from you all. You all made this much easier for me.

    God bless friends.
    DiegoSR likes this.
  17. You're back!