A Week of Dopamine Fasting! || Self Isolation.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Mr.Tony, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. I discovered that in order to be successful and enjoy small productive activities that give minimum to zero pleasure, you need to cut off all sorts of Dopamine in your environment!

    I was born into an Ignorant Environment, I was maybe a Failure ( To many i might seem successful but in my eyes, I'm not really at my full potential ) back than before the Internet boost, I refuse to remain that way.

    In my country standards, I'm successful than 70-80% Men in my country, maybe even more...

    I feel that i have that competitive spirit, i just got screwed getting addicted to PMO and the past, and it was completely normal that everybody does, at least in my environment!

    Now, I'm planning on going a Week off, No Dopamine Activities, I'll stay off the forums starting from Tomorrow.

    I'll also Isolate myself in my room and avoid all social interactions with anyone, just me and my thoughts and my Journal.

    I must do this, in order to be Addicted to Productivity in the level of Obsession.

    Anyways, It was really a great time i've spent here, I'll keep on doing activities that i usually do from Meditation to Feeding Birds and Animals, I feel Humanity increasing doing so... :p

    Anyways, I'll see you guys jn a week from now, I'm going to do " Isolation for myself ".

    I always study myself and my progress, I spend too much time thinking on Strategic ways to success, I used to play Chess before - I think in a similar way.

    A quote i like:

    Abraham Lincoln once said: "Give me sixhours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
  2. Far from Average, I don't want to be an Average person, I'll try to do it the proper way, by staying away from all sorts of Communication and Devices, let my dopamine receptors starve, until reading a piece of paper gives them dopamine.

    It's just a simple Math Science, This + This = That!

    Wish me luck, I'll reply to this thread in a week from now.
    GotCaught and FlorianStayStrong like this.
  3. Atticus

    Atticus Fapstronaut

    Best of luck, friend. Isolation can be very...interesting.
    GotCaught and Mr.Tony like this.
  4. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Interesting idea and I believe asceticism is very important, but wouldn't you agree communication is equally as important when pursuing success?

    Everyone in history who has ever been successful has been a great communicator. Many charismatics. I don't believe self-isolation will develop these skills.

    As a mentor once told me, "It's not about what you know, it's about who you know," and with that advice, I have been very successful.

    Good on you though for taking on this challenge. I have done things in my life to make myself more ascetic.