A Unique Relationship Situation

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by spike1899, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. spike1899

    spike1899 Fapstronaut

    Fellow NoFappers,

    I have gotten myself into a very unique situation concerning a girl that I've known for about 3 months. She and I had met through a friend that I was pining for at the time. She had given me a great deal of counsel when I was trying to get over the feelings that I've had for the mutual friend, and was there for me a great deal of time. She was also seeking out my counsel for her current relationship that she's in right now. She had told me numerous times that she has been trying to change the behavior patterns of her boyfriend, as he has a tendency to say something that will cut her deep. This was ongoing through the holidays, and it got to the point where she was just about ready to break up with him (something about him saying she should've waxed on Christmas or something...). However, they made amends after a month of talks and were able to get back together. During that time, we've begun hanging out and going out to lunch every so often. We've always had very deep conversations and liked to crack dirty jokes at each other to try and crack the other up from Day 1. I opened up to her a few weeks ago with some more problems that I've been facing, which led me to take 3 weeks away from her to really find myself. She was nothing short of extremely supportive, and she has always said overly kind things about me, and flattering me (this was ongoing since we've met). The problem was that I was developing strong emotions towards her, albeit the fact that she is seeing someone already. Fast forward to what happened yesterday. I was able to share my findings with her during the 3 weeks I spent away from her, and they were pretty profound thoughts. She had told me some things that related a great deal to my findings, and shared some of her own insecurities with her current relationship, like her boyfriends brother being a jack ass and saying that he's just "settling" for what he has.
    But here's where things get extremely tricky. We had gone to lunch and I just couldn't help but notice that she had been looking into my eyes a LOT. During a silent moment, I caught her, but I'd turn away and smile like a goof(I have Asburgers Syndrome so it's normal for me to avoid even simple eye contact). Yesterday I wanted to tell her that I had these strong feelings for her, but I kicked myself until I got to the car as I just couldn't get the words out.
    After that, I sent her a quick message on FB to see if she'd be available for 5 minutes after work was finished (like an idiot). She was fine with that. Then I decided to call her and tell her to forget about it (to which she did not answer and I left a message asking her to call back...like an idiot). At this point, I've got so many mixed signals with her that I really don't know if I should really open up that can of worms with her or not.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Open up. Tell her how you feel. Your intuition is usually correct. If she's looking into your eyes a lot, then that is probably a sign she likes you. Anyways, even if she doesn't you will have told her, and she will know how you feel, and you'll get hat burden off your chest. Good luck!
  3. Yeah, I'd tell her. If she is not married to this other guy, and they are not in a committed relationship (which it doesn't sound like they are) then everything is still in free game.

    Now, if the other guy gets jealous he might come after you to hurt you, there's always that.

    If she wants to quit being with him to be with you, she can do that. And that is not cheating. Now, if she starts dating you without him knowing it, while still dating him, that would of course be cheating.
  4. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Oh boy, a damsel in distress.
    Slow down and ask yourself this: Best case scenario, you get the girl... will she talk to you when you annoy her, or is she more likely to lean on the next guy for support in a crisis?
    Don't you settle either. Not everyone who flatters you is your friend.
  5. spike1899

    spike1899 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the input all. I did forget to mention that she has been considering moving in with him as well. They haven't settled on a place yet, but they're actively looking. I had forgotten to mention that part of the problem. But in the back of my mind, I just don't know if she's truly committed to him because she does complain about him, and the hardships she's had to endure. In the back of my head, I feel that there will be another instance that will tear the two of them apart again. Maybe she's been dropping these hints to me because she's tired of the struggles she's facing? I can't say for sure. Either way, I think I'm going to tell her albeit all of these doubts that have been filling my mind. Whatever happens happens, and if I get the boot, so be it.