A nofap survey and some of its results

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by borborygmos, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. borborygmos

    borborygmos Fapstronaut

    I sent this survey out a while ago, but apparently the links didn't work. Sorry about that. I'm not sure what the problem was, but I figured I'd try again, with google's alternate link as well:




    Like I said though, there are some results. 20 people must have gotten to the survey. These aren't good numbers for this reason, and I don't want past numbers to influence new ones, so I won't give many, but here are the most common "strategies" in nofap:
    1. spending time on nofap.
    2. porn blocker/exercise (tie)
    3. ^
    4. cold showers
    5. meditation

    The goal of the survey is to find the effectiveness of these strategies, but at this point there is so little data that more effective strategies are almost definitely caused by outliers, so if you all fill out the survey we can have good numbers, and if the links still don't work I'm gonna have a lot of figuring out to do.

    Thanks in advance for your contribution!
  2. PornNevermore

    PornNevermore Fapstronaut

    Very cool. Hope you get a few more participants!